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- Game Id: 0100726014352000
- Genres: Action Adventure Party RPG
- Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
- Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Diablo® II: Resurrected™
Upgrade points 30 | |
580E0000 029D5688 580E1000 00000168 580E1000 00000088 30550000 00000002 989FE030 580F1000 00000080 780F0000 00000024 30000000 00000010 9811F100 00000000 00000004 54011000 00000000 C0451400 00040000 640F0000 00000000 0000001E 94900100 00000001 20000000 780F0000 00000008 31000000 780E1000 00000050 31550000 |
Skill points 30 | |
580E0000 029D5688 580E1000 00000168 580E1000 00000088 30550000 00000002 989FE030 580F1000 00000080 780F0000 00000024 30000000 00000010 9811F100 00000000 00000004 54011000 00000000 C0451400 00050000 640F0000 00000000 0000001E 94900100 00000001 20000000 780F0000 00000008 31000000 780E1000 00000050 31550000 |
XP 200000 | |
580E0000 029D5688 580E1000 00000168 580E1000 00000088 30550000 00000002 989FE030 580F1000 00000080 780F0000 00000024 30000000 00000010 9811F100 00000000 00000004 54011000 00000000 C0451400 000D0000 640F0000 00000000 00030D40 94900100 00000001 20000000 780F0000 00000008 31000000 780E1000 00000050 31550000 |
Money 10000 | |
580E0000 029D5688 580E1000 00000168 580E1000 00000088 30550000 00000002 989FE030 580F1000 00000080 780F0000 00000024 30000000 00000010 9811F100 00000000 00000004 54011000 00000000 C0451400 000E0000 640F0000 00000000 00002710 94900100 00000001 20000000 780F0000 00000008 31000000 780E1000 00000050 31550000 |
Magic Find +100000000% | |
04000000 00C462BC 49742400 04000000 00C462A0 1281F7C2 04000000 00C462A4 6B02003F 04000000 00C462A8 54000040 04000000 00C462AC 17E8B0B1 04000000 00C462B0 1000000A 04000000 00C462B4 BD400D40 04000000 00C462B8 D65F03C0 04000000 00459648 141FB316 |
move.l $49742400, #$000C462BC(r0)
Movement Speed x2 | |
04000000 00C461E4 40000000 04000000 00C461D0 10000014 04000000 00C461D4 BD401680 04000000 00C461D8 1E290949 04000000 00C461DC 1E200929 04000000 00C461E0 D65F03C0 04000000 000C7A44 942DF9E3 |
move.l $40000000, #$000C461E4(r0)
Attack Speed x2 | |
04000000 00C46334 40000000 04000000 00C463D0 1281E6C2 04000000 00C463D4 6B02003F 04000000 00C463D8 BD4002A0 04000000 00C463DC 540000A1 04000000 00C463E0 1000000A 04000000 00C463E4 BC554141 04000000 00C463E8 1E210800 04000000 00C463EC D65F03C0 04000000 00C463F0 D65F03C0 04000000 00672648 94174F62 04000000 00C462F4 52810C02 04000000 00C462F8 72A000A2 04000000 00C462FC 6B02029F 04000000 00C46300 54000163 04000000 00C46304 11000C42 04000000 00C46308 6B14005F 04000000 00C4630C 54000103 04000000 00C46310 12800002 04000000 00C46314 B9403AA1 04000000 00C46318 6B02003F 04000000 00C4631C 54000080 04000000 00C46320 1000000A 04000000 00C46324 BD401541 04000000 00C46328 1E210800 04000000 00C4632C 4EA01C08 04000000 00C46330 D65F03C0 04000000 0070D404 9414E3BC |
move.l $40000000, #$000C46334(r0)
Inf Health | |
04000000 00C46100 B9403801 04000000 00C46104 12800002 04000000 00C46108 6B02003F 04000000 00C4610C 54000040 04000000 00C46110 B900071F 04000000 00C46114 BD400701 04000000 00C46118 D65F03C0 04000000 0094FB04 940BD97F |
move.l $B9403801, #$000C46100(r0)
INF Energy | |
04000000 0046479C D503201F |
move.l $D503201F, #$00046479C(r0)
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