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No Man's Sky

♯ 1. OHK
040E0000 003590C0 1A8AC116

move.l $1A8AC116, #$0003590C0(r14)
♯ 2. Tons of Units, Nanites, Quicksilver
080E0000 020F6FF8 D65F03C0 B941C419
080E0000 020F6FF0 B901CC19 B901C819
080E0000 020F6FE8 B901C419 F2993FF9
040E0000 020F6FE4 D2A77359
040E0000 004B2FA0 94711011

move.q $D65F03C0B941C419, #$0020F6FF8(r14)
move.q $B901CC19B901C819, #$0020F6FF0(r14)
move.q $B901C419F2993FF9, #$0020F6FE8(r14)
move.l $D2A77359, #$0020F6FE4(r14)
move.l $94711011, #$0004B2FA0(r14)
♯ 3. Inf. Shields
040E0000 00D3AC28 B901BAE0

move.l $B901BAE0, #$000D3AC28(r14)
♯ 4. Inf. Health Cores
040E0000 00277D30 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$000277D30(r14)
♯ 5. Inf. Jetpack
040E0000 00D36944 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$000D36944(r14)
♯ 6. Inf. Hazard Protection
040E0000 00DB2C00 1E2703E0

move.l $1E2703E0, #$000DB2C00(r14)
♯ 7. Inf. Life Support
040E0000 00D26AAC B9001809

move.l $B9001809, #$000D26AAC(r14)
♯ 8. Inf. Stamina
040E0000 00D37174 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$000D37174(r14)
♯ 9. Inf. Ship Shields
040E0000 00D3ABB4 B9001B00

move.l $B9001B00, #$000D3ABB4(r14)
♯10. Inf. Ship Life
040E0000 00277D58 B901A269

move.l $B901A269, #$000277D58(r14)
♯11. No Ship Weapon Overheat
040E0000 0001E05C 1E2703E0

move.l $1E2703E0, #$00001E05C(r14)
♯12. Instant Analysis Scan
080E0000 00BF1C90 F2800008 D2A7F008

move.q $F2800008D2A7F008, #$000BF1C90(r14)
♯13. Instant Scanner Recharge
040E0000 00C3F780 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$000C3F780(r14)
♯14. No Tool Overheat
040E0000 00CF08A0 140000EB

move.l $140000EB, #$000CF08A0(r14)
♯15. Inf. Items (Max All Stacks + Recharge All Equipment)
080E0000 020F6FDC D65F03C0 B9401A68
080E0000 020F6FD4 B9001A6A 54000040
080E0000 020F6FCC 6B0F017F F29FFFEF
080E0000 020F6FC4 D2BFFFEF 340000CB
080E0000 020F6FBC B9401A6B 5400010D
080E0000 020F6FB4 7100155F F841C26A
040E0000 014AC0B4 94312BC0

move.q $D65F03C0B9401A68, #$0020F6FDC(r14)
move.q $B9001A6A54000040, #$0020F6FD4(r14)
move.q $6B0F017FF29FFFEF, #$0020F6FCC(r14)
move.q $D2BFFFEF340000CB, #$0020F6FC4(r14)
move.q $B9401A6B5400010D, #$0020F6FBC(r14)
move.q $7100155FF841C26A, #$0020F6FB4(r14)
move.l $94312BC0, #$0014AC0B4(r14)
♯16. Crafting Does Not Consume Items
040E0000 002721E0 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$0002721E0(r14)
♯17. Money Multiplier (2x)
040E0000 00285B80 2B010508

move.l $2B010508, #$000285B80(r14)
♯18. Money Multiplier (4x)
040E0000 00285B80 2B010908

move.l $2B010908, #$000285B80(r14)
♯19. Money Multiplier (8x)
040E0000 00285B80 2B010D08

move.l $2B010D08, #$000285B80(r14)
♯20. Item Multiplier (2x)
040E0000 00273FAC 0B150508

move.l $0B150508, #$000273FAC(r14)
♯21. Item Multiplier (4x)
040E0000 00273FAC 0B150908

move.l $0B150908, #$000273FAC(r14)
♯22. Item Multiplier (8x)
040E0000 00273FAC 0B150D08

move.l $0B150D08, #$000273FAC(r14)
♯23. Faster Walk/Sprint Speed
040E0000 00D37360 1E201001

move.l $1E201001, #$000D37360(r14)
♯24. Normal Walk/Sprint Speed
040E0000 00D37360 1E2E1001

move.l $1E2E1001, #$000D37360(r14)
♯25. Faster Jetpack Movement Speed
040E0000 00D35DE8 1E269003

move.l $1E269003, #$000D35DE8(r14)
♯26. Fast and Furious Jetpack
080E0000 020F6FAC D65F03C0 F2800002
040E0000 020F6FA8 D2A85902
040E0000 00D35DE8 944F0470

move.q $D65F03C0F2800002, #$0020F6FAC(r14)
move.l $D2A85902, #$0020F6FA8(r14)
move.l $944F0470, #$000D35DE8(r14)
♯27. Normal Jetpack
040E0000 00D35DE8 BC6A6B23
move.l $BC6A6B23, #$000D35DE8(r14)

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