- Game Id: 0100F7E00C70E000
- Genre: RPG
- Publisher: WB Games
- Publisher: WB Games
Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy
Title Id: 0100F7E00C70E000
Build Id: 550F2E8B387B4520
Title Id: 0100F7E00C70E000
Build Id: 550F2E8B387B4520
uploaded by kaitoKid23
Credits to wilsi
uploaded: 14 Nov 2023
- Restoration code (use after unchecking the cheat below)
- ♯ 1. infinite health
- ♯ 2. Player Speed (x1)
- ♯ 3. Player speed (x2)
- ♯ 4. AI slower (half speed)
- ♯ 5. Invisibility (L3 = On | R3 = (Off))
- Exp multiplier 2x
- Exp multiplier 4x
- Exp multiplier 8x
Title Id: 0100F7E00C70E000
Build Id: 550F2E8B387B4520
uploaded by mageusin
Credits to khuong & Deadqool & kindren
uploaded: 16 Nov 2023
- Master Code (Includes Sharing Features)
- Deactivate (Use affer unchecking cheat)
- Infinite Health
- Speed x2
- Stealth (L3 on, R3 off)
- Experience x2
- Experience x4
- Experience x8
- Ancient Magic
- Ancient Magic Off
- Maximum Broom Boost (for normal use only, does not work in race mode)
- Maximum Broom Boost Off
Title Id: 0100F7E00C70E000
Build Id: 550F2E8B387B4520
uploaded by udomdev
Credits to Ratchanont Hemmawong
uploaded: 25 Nov 2023
- Restore Code (Use after unchecking any cheats below)
- Inf Health
- ancient spell
- ancient spell off
- Hold R god mode
- max broom boost
- max broom boost off
- Exp multiplier 2x
- Exp multiplier 4x
- Exp multiplier 8x
- Player Speed (x1)
- Player Speed (x2)
- Slow AI (Half Speed)
- Be Invisible (L3 = On | R3 = (Off))
- Full Resolution DRS OFF
- Ambient Occlusion Radius Scale - Off
- Ambient Occlusion Radius Scale - Larger
- Scene Color Fringe Quality - Off (Default)
- Anti Aliasing - Off
- Anti Aliasing - Max
- Depth of field Quality - Off
- Depth of field Quality - Extremely High Quality
- Sky Lighting - On (Default)
- Sky Lighting - Off
- Motion Blur Quality - Off (Default)
- Motion Blur Quality - Very High
- Shadow Quality - Medium (Default)
- Shadow Quality - Max
- Scene Color Fringe Quality - On
- Bloom Quality - Best Quality
- Disable DRS - Required for custom resolutions
- 1080p Resolution
Title Id: 0100F7E00C70E000
Build Id: 550F2E8B387B4520
uploaded by udomdev
Credits to udomdev
uploaded: 29 Nov 2023
- Clear Cheat must have to use
- Restoration code (use after unchecking the cheat below)
- Inf Health
- Hold R god mode
- Bloom Quality
- 1080p Resolution
- Player speed
- OFF Player speed
- AI slower (half speed)
- Invisibility (L3 = On | R3 = (Off))
- Ancient Spell
- OFF Ancient Spell
- Broom boost
- Ambient Occlusion Radius Scale
- Scene Color Fringe Quality
- SCFq - Off (Default)
- Anti Aliasing
- Depth of field Quality
- Sky Lighting
- OFF Sky Lighting(Default)
- Motion Blur Quality
- OFF MBQ(Default)
- Shadow Quality
- OFF SQ(Default)