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  • Game Id: 0100152000022000
  • Genres: Party Racing
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Title Id: 0100152000022000
Build Id: 937e57ff64d21ecd

uploaded by Elias MNA 93
Credits to Created by Elias (mister nintendo addict)
uploaded: 30 Mar 2022

  • 99999 VR/BR
  • 1 VR/BR
  • 1000 VR/BR
  • 99 Coins
  • 99 Ballons Points
  • Sun infinite time

768 download(s)

Title Id: 0100152000022000
Build Id: 937e57ff64d21ecd

uploaded by bubbaonaim
Credits to Marioking99 "Bubba" (Legendary MKDS hacker)
uploaded: 31 May 2022

  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 2.0.0
  • Press Minus+L for N64 Yoshi Valley online vote slot 1
  • Press Minus+R for Big Blue online vote slot 1 (Personal Favorite)
  • Press Minus+ZL for Sweet Sweet Canyon on vote slot 1
  • Press Minus+ZR for GCN Sherbet Land on vote slot 1
  • P1 Invincible
  • Press D-UP P1 Star Power
  • Press D-RIGHT P1 Controlled Bullet Bill
  • Press D-LEFT P1 Normal Status
  • Press D-DOWN P1 Lakitu Pickup
  • Press L-STICK P1 Shocked
  • Press R-STICK P1 Squished

694 download(s)