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  • Game Id: 0100EBE002B3E000
  • Genres: Action Arcade
  • Publisher: HAMSTER
  • Publisher: HAMSTER


hitanywhere - pad on
021f0000 0166c5fc 00004ef9
021f0000 0166c5fe 00000000
021f0000 0166c600 00000200
021f0000 01644200 0000B3FC
021f0000 01644202 00000010
021f0000 01644204 00000440
021f0000 01644206 0000670C
021f0000 01644208 0000D1FC
021f0000 0164420A 00000000
021f0000 0164420C 0000000A
021f0000 0164420E 00004EF9
021f0000 01644210 00000002
021f0000 01644212 00008618
021f0000 01644214 0000D1FC
021f0000 01644216 00000000
021f0000 01644218 0000000A
021f0000 0164421A 00004EF9
021f0000 0164421C 00000002
021f0000 0164421E 00008602
if Minus
move.w $00004EF9, #$00166C5FC(r15)
move.w $00000000, #$00166C5FE(r15)
move.w $00000200, #$00166C600(r15)
move.w $0000B3FC, #$001644200(r15)
move.w $00000010, #$001644202(r15)
move.w $00000440, #$001644204(r15)
move.w $0000670C, #$001644206(r15)
move.w $0000D1FC, #$001644208(r15)
move.w $00000000, #$00164420A(r15)
move.w $0000000A, #$00164420C(r15)
move.w $00004EF9, #$00164420E(r15)
move.w $00000002, #$001644210(r15)
move.w $00008618, #$001644212(r15)
move.w $0000D1FC, #$001644214(r15)
move.w $00000000, #$001644216(r15)
move.w $0000000A, #$001644218(r15)
move.w $00004EF9, #$00164421A(r15)
move.w $00000002, #$00164421C(r15)
move.w $00008602, #$00164421E(r15)

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