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  • Game Id: None
  • Genre: Action
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

Bayonetta 3

Bayonetta 3 (US) v1.0.0 TID=01004A4010FEA000 BID=4104F9C7041985F4

Restore Code (Use after unchecking any cheats below)
040E0000 0045CD68 2A0103F7
040E0000 00B3B3F0 2A0103F4
040E0000 004465AC 5400008B
040E0000 00518528 1E20CD00

move.l $2A0103F7, #$00045CD68(r14)
move.l $2A0103F4, #$000B3B3F0(r14)
move.l $5400008B, #$0004465AC(r14)
move.l $1E20CD00, #$000518528(r14)
#01. Invincible
080E0000 0133CFF8 D65F03C0 2A0103F7
040E0000 0133CFF4 2A1F03E1
040E0000 0045CD68 943B80A3

move.q $D65F03C02A0103F7, #$00133CFF8(r14)
move.l $2A1F03E1, #$00133CFF4(r14)
move.l $943B80A3, #$00045CD68(r14)
#02. Death Count 0
040E0000 04E7CE3C 00000000

move.l $00000000, #$004E7CE3C(r14)
#03. 5x Coins and Orbs
080E0000 0133CFEC D65F03C0 2A0103F4
040E0000 0133CFE8 0B010821
040E0000 00B3B3F0 942006FE

move.q $D65F03C02A0103F4, #$00133CFEC(r14)
move.l $0B010821, #$00133CFE8(r14)
move.l $942006FE, #$000B3B3F0(r14)
#04. Coins 99999999
040E0000 04E7B094 05F5E0FF

move.l $05F5E0FF, #$004E7B094(r14)
#05. Orbs 9999999
040E0000 04E7B098 0098967F

move.l $0098967F, #$004E7B098(r14)
#06. Summon Gauge Max
040E0000 004465AC D503201F
040E0000 00518528 BD413500
move.l $D503201F, #$0004465AC(r14)
move.l $BD413500, #$000518528(r14)

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