Restore Code
040A0000 02A59B18 97FD3E7A
040A0000 02A6D2C4 B9407C08
040A0000 02A2FC08 1E2E1008
040A0000 0287FA80 D63F0120
move.l $97FD3E7A, #$002A59B18(r10)
move.l $B9407C08, #$002A6D2C4(r10)
move.l $1E2E1008, #$002A2FC08(r10)
move.l $D63F0120, #$00287FA80(r10)
1hit kill(Solo and coop)
040A0000 02A6D2C4 2A1F03E8
move.l $2A1F03E8, #$002A6D2C4(r10)
Infinite Health Player(Solo and coop)
040A0000 02A59B18 D503201F
040A0000 0287FA80 D503201F
move.l $D503201F, #$002A59B18(r10)
move.l $D503201F, #$00287FA80(r10)
No Skill cooldowns(Solo)
040A0000 02A2FC08 1E3E1008
move.l $1E3E1008, #$002A2FC08(r10)
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