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01# Infinite VP
040A0000 04559C30 1C000061
040A0000 04559C34 BD01BE81
040A0000 04559C38 D65F03C0
040A0000 04559C3C 461C3C00
040A0000 00530770 9500A530

move.l $1C000061, #$004559C30(r10)
move.l $BD01BE81, #$004559C34(r10)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$004559C38(r10)
move.l $461C3C00, #$004559C3C(r10)
move.l $9500A530, #$000530770(r10)
Infinite VP (off)
040A0000 00530770 BD41BE81

move.l $BD41BE81, #$000530770(r10)
02# Infinite FEMTO
040A0000 005B6110 1E204020

move.l $1E204020, #$0005B6110(r10)
Infinite FEMTO (off)
040A0000 005B6110 1E214C00

move.l $1E214C00, #$0005B6110(r10)
03# Infinite Stamina
040A0000 005B6734 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$0005B6734(r10)
Infinite Stamina (off)
040A0000 005B6734 1E233828

move.l $1E233828, #$0005B6734(r10)
04# Infinite Money
040A0000 04559C10 52A77356
040A0000 04559C14 72993FF6
040A0000 04559C18 B9009116
040A0000 04559C1C B9409116
040A0000 04559C20 D65F03C0
040A0000 00BC4AE0 94E6544C

move.l $52A77356, #$004559C10(r10)
move.l $72993FF6, #$004559C14(r10)
move.l $B9009116, #$004559C18(r10)
move.l $B9409116, #$004559C1C(r10)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$004559C20(r10)
move.l $94E6544C, #$000BC4AE0(r10)
05# Infinite Shoulder Weapon Ammo
040A0000 0074B64C 52807CE8

move.l $52807CE8, #$00074B64C(r10)
Infinite Shoulder Weapon Ammo (off)
040A0000 0074B64C 51000508

move.l $51000508, #$00074B64C(r10)
06# Infinite Ammo
040A0000 0072CAC4 52800C68
040A0000 04559C00 52807088
040A0000 04559C04 B90D0A68
040A0000 04559C08 D65F03C0
040A0000 0072CAF0 94F8B444

move.l $52800C68, #$00072CAC4(r10)
move.l $52807088, #$004559C00(r10)
move.l $B90D0A68, #$004559C04(r10)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$004559C08(r10)
move.l $94F8B444, #$00072CAF0(r10)
Infinite Ammo (off)
040A0000 0072CAC4 1A88C148
040A0000 0072CAF0 B90D0A68
move.l $1A88C148, #$00072CAC4(r10)
move.l $B90D0A68, #$00072CAF0(r10)

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