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  • Game Id: 0100646009FBE000
  • Genres: Action Platformer
  • Publisher: Motion Twin
  • Publisher: Motion Twin

Dead Cells

Money/Cell 4 times
04000000 002D5398 0B140929
04000000 002D5628 0B140901

move.l $0B140929, #$0002D5398(r0)
move.l $0B140901, #$0002D5628(r0)
Money/Cell 8 times
04000000 002D5398 0B140D29
04000000 002D5628 0B140D01

move.l $0B140D29, #$0002D5398(r0)
move.l $0B140D01, #$0002D5628(r0)
Money/Cell 16 times
04000000 002D5398 0B141129
04000000 002D5628 0B141101

move.l $0B141129, #$0002D5398(r0)
move.l $0B141101, #$0002D5628(r0)
Money is not reduced
04000000 002D54E0 6B1F0129

move.l $6B1F0129, #$0002D54E0(r0)
Cells are not reduced open
04000000 002D574C 4B1F0101

move.l $4B1F0101, #$0002D574C(r0)
Cells are not reduced Close
04000000 002D574C 4B150101

move.l $4B150101, #$0002D574C(r0)
HP is not reduced
04000000 00FD5900 B9404261
04000000 00FD5904 7100203F
04000000 00FD5908 54000041
04000000 00FD590C 5280001C
04000000 00FD5910 4B1C0108
04000000 00FD5914 D65F03C0
04000000 000BD954 943C5FEB

move.l $B9404261, #$000FD5900(r0)
move.l $7100203F, #$000FD5904(r0)
move.l $54000041, #$000FD5908(r0)
move.l $5280001C, #$000FD590C(r0)
move.l $4B1C0108, #$000FD5910(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000FD5914(r0)
move.l $943C5FEB, #$0000BD954(r0)
Maximum HP recovery
04000000 000BCC40 1A89B128
04000000 00341084 1A89B12B

move.l $1A89B128, #$0000BCC40(r0)
move.l $1A89B12B, #$000341084(r0)
Attacks with blood-sucking effect
04000000 0037AA14 4B1F0108
04000000 0037AA48 4B1F0137

move.l $4B1F0108, #$00037AA14(r0)
move.l $4B1F0137, #$00037AA48(r0)
Scill on
04000000 00FD5920 B9404261
04000000 00FD5924 7100203F
04000000 00FD5928 54000040
04000000 00FD592C 52800008
04000000 00FD5930 B9013268
04000000 00FD5934 D65F03C0
04000000 000BD958 943C5FF2

move.l $B9404261, #$000FD5920(r0)
move.l $7100203F, #$000FD5924(r0)
move.l $54000040, #$000FD5928(r0)
move.l $52800008, #$000FD592C(r0)
move.l $B9013268, #$000FD5930(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000FD5934(r0)
move.l $943C5FF2, #$0000BD958(r0)
Second Kill Close
04000000 000BCF68 B9013268

move.l $B9013268, #$0000BCF68(r0)
Full Ability Max
580F0000 01A40310
580F1000 00000030
580F1000 00000090
780F0000 00000160
300E0000 00000003
640F0000 00000000 00000032
780F0000 00000004
310E0000 20000000

move.q #$0001A40310, r15
move.q #$0000000030(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000090(r15), r15
add.q $00000160, r15
loop r14, $00000003
move.l $0000000000000032, (r15)
add.q $00000004, r15
endloop r14
Items have no cooling time
580F0000 01A40310
580F1000 00000030
580F1000 00000090
580F1000 00000448
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000018
580F1000 00000020
780F0000 000000A4
640F0000 00000000 00000000
580F0000 01A40310
580F1000 00000030
580F1000 00000090
580F1000 00000448
580F1000 00000010
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000020
780F0000 000000A4
640F0000 00000000 00000000

move.q #$0001A40310, r15
move.q #$0000000030(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000090(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000448(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000010(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000018(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000020(r15), r15
add.q $000000A4, r15
move.l $0000000000000000, (r15)
move.q #$0001A40310, r15
move.q #$0000000030(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000090(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000448(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000010(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000020(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000020(r15), r15
add.q $000000A4, r15
move.l $0000000000000000, (r15)
R+B unlimited jump
580F0000 01A40310
580F1000 00000030
580F1000 00000090
780F0000 000000B4
640F0000 00000000 BFE00000
if B, R
move.q #$0001A40310, r15
move.q #$0000000030(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000090(r15), r15
add.q $000000B4, r15
move.l $00000000BFE00000, (r15)

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