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  • Game Id: 01001B300B9BE000
  • Genres: Action Adventure RPG
  • Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
  • Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo III: Eternal Collection

Storage Space 650
04000000 00474BA0 52805140
04000000 004823F0 710A241F
04000000 004824E0 52805148
04000000 004824F8 7109D93F
04000000 00482584 710A241F
move.l $52805140, #$000474BA0(r0)
move.l $710A241F, #$0004823F0(r0)
move.l $52805148, #$0004824E0(r0)
move.l $7109D93F, #$0004824F8(r0)
move.l $710A241F, #$000482584(r0)
Primal Ancient 100%
04000000 00861FE8 1E2A2140
04000000 008620D4 1E202000
04000000 008620B8 D503201F
move.l $1E2A2140, #$000861FE8(r0)
move.l $1E202000, #$0008620D4(r0)
move.l $D503201F, #$0008620B8(r0)
Primal Ancient 10%
04000000 008620D4 1E202000
04000000 008620B8 D503201F
move.l $1E202000, #$0008620D4(r0)
move.l $D503201F, #$0008620B8(r0)
Primal Ancient OFF
04000000 00861FE8 1E292140
04000000 008620D4 1E292000
04000000 008620B8 6B09001F
move.l $1E292140, #$000861FE8(r0)
move.l $1E292000, #$0008620D4(r0)
move.l $6B09001F, #$0008620B8(r0)
Pass Greater Rift Once open Level 150
04000000 004706C4 2A0003F5
move.l $2A0003F5, #$0004706C4(r0)
04000000 00776FB0 8B0107F4
move.l $8B0107F4, #$000776FB0(r0)
04000000 00776FB0 8B010BF4
move.l $8B010BF4, #$000776FB0(r0)
04000000 00776FB0 8B010FF4
move.l $8B010FF4, #$000776FB0(r0)
04000000 00776FB0 8B0113F4
move.l $8B0113F4, #$000776FB0(r0)
04000000 00776FB0 8B0117F4
move.l $8B0117F4, #$000776FB0(r0)
04000000 00776FB0 8B011BF4
move.l $8B011BF4, #$000776FB0(r0)
04000000 00776FB0 8B0133F4
move.l $8B0133F4, #$000776FB0(r0)
04000000 00776FB0 8B014BF4
move.l $8B014BF4, #$000776FB0(r0)
04000000 00776FB0 8B0163F4
move.l $8B0163F4, #$000776FB0(r0)
04000000 00776FB0 AA0103F4
move.l $AA0103F4, #$000776FB0(r0)
Greater Rift upgrade 20 times
04000000 00752F8C 52800299
04000000 007531EC 52800299
move.l $52800299, #$000752F8C(r0)
move.l $52800299, #$0007531EC(r0)
Greater Rift upgrade 200 times
04000000 00752F8C 52801919
04000000 007531EC 52801919
move.l $52801919, #$000752F8C(r0)
move.l $52801919, #$0007531EC(r0)
Greater Rift upgrade OFF
04000000 00752F8C 2A1F03F9
04000000 007531EC 2A1F03F9
move.l $2A1F03F9, #$000752F8C(r0)
move.l $2A1F03F9, #$0007531EC(r0)
Greater Rift upgrade 100%
04000000 0067243C 1E2E1008
move.l $1E2E1008, #$00067243C(r0)
Greater Rift upgrade 100% OFF
04000000 0067243C BC685928
move.l $BC685928, #$00067243C(r0)
Energy MAX
04000000 0046429C D503201F
move.l $D503201F, #$00046429C(r0)
Energy MAX OFF
04000000 0046429C 1E283800
move.l $1E283800, #$00046429C(r0)
04000000 00712AA0 1E2703E0
04000000 007CCA10 2A0003E0
04000000 0098BCFC 1E2703E8
04000000 0098BFE8 1E2703E8
move.l $1E2703E0, #$000712AA0(r0)
move.l $2A0003E0, #$0007CCA10(r0)
move.l $1E2703E8, #$00098BCFC(r0)
move.l $1E2703E8, #$00098BFE8(r0)
04000000 00712AA0 1E28CD20
04000000 007CCA10 14000002
04000000 0098BCFC 1E20CD08
04000000 0098BFE8 1E20CD08
move.l $1E28CD20, #$000712AA0(r0)
move.l $14000002, #$0007CCA10(r0)
move.l $1E20CD08, #$00098BCFC(r0)
move.l $1E20CD08, #$00098BFE8(r0)
04000000 00C1F340
7100027F 04000000
00C1F344 54000081
04000000 00C1F348
D2A00EC0 04000000
00C1F34C F295BE20
04000000 00C1F350
F8296900 04000000
00C1F354 F8696900
04000000 00C1F358
D65F03C0 04000000
0046B778 941ECEF2
move.l $7100027F, #$000C1F340(r0)
move.l $54000081, #$000C1F344(r0)
move.l $D2A00EC0, #$000C1F348(r0)
move.l $F295BE20, #$000C1F34C(r0)
move.l $F8296900, #$000C1F350(r0)
move.l $F8696900, #$000C1F354(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000C1F358(r0)
move.l $941ECEF2, #$00046B778(r0)
Blood Fragment 500
04000000 00C1E180
5293A509 04000000
00C1E184 7100067F
04000000 00C1E188
54000061 04000000
00C1E18C D2803E80
04000000 00C1E190
F8296900 04000000
00C1E194 D65F03C0
04000000 0046AFF4
move.l $5293A509, #$000C1E180(r0)
move.l $7100067F, #$000C1E184(r0)
move.l $54000061, #$000C1E188(r0)
move.l $D2803E80, #$000C1E18C(r0)
move.l $F8296900, #$000C1E190(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000C1E194(r0)
move.l $941ECC63, #$00046AFF4(r0)
All Material 777
04000000 00C1E1A0
9B280268 04000000
00C1E1A4 5293A509
04000000 00C1E1A8
7100027F 04000000
00C1E1AC 540000A0
04000000 00C1E1B0
7100067F 04000000
00C1E1B4 54000060
04000000 00C1E1B8
D2806120 04000000
00C1E1BC F8296900
04000000 00C1E1C0
D65F03C0 04000000
0046AFF0 941ECC6C
move.l $9B280268, #$000C1E1A0(r0)
move.l $5293A509, #$000C1E1A4(r0)
move.l $7100027F, #$000C1E1A8(r0)
move.l $540000A0, #$000C1E1AC(r0)
move.l $7100067F, #$000C1E1B0(r0)
move.l $54000060, #$000C1E1B4(r0)
move.l $D2806120, #$000C1E1B8(r0)
move.l $F8296900, #$000C1E1BC(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000C1E1C0(r0)
move.l $941ECC6C, #$00046AFF0(r0)
Inf HP
04000000 00C1E100
B9403801 04000000
00C1E104 12800002
04000000 00C1E108
6B02003F 04000000
00C1E10C 54000040
04000000 00C1E110
B900071F 04000000
00C1E114 BD400701
04000000 00C1E118
D65F03C0 04000000
008C0800 940D7640
move.l $B9403801, #$000C1E100(r0)
move.l $12800002, #$000C1E104(r0)
move.l $6B02003F, #$000C1E108(r0)
move.l $54000040, #$000C1E10C(r0)
move.l $B900071F, #$000C1E110(r0)
move.l $BD400701, #$000C1E114(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000C1E118(r0)
move.l $940D7640, #$0008C0800(r0)
Inf Skill Guage
04000000 003F6A70
move.l $1E283908, #$0003F6A70(r0)

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