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  • Game Id: 010078D000F88000
  • Genres: Action Adventure Fighting RPG
  • Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
  • Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment

DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 for Nintendo Switch

01# Inf Ki
080E0000 011CEE18 35000068 B9404268
080E0000 011CEE20 BD010660 1E216800
080E0000 011CEE28 D65F03C0 1E217801
040E0000 0007C054 94454B71

move.q $35000068B9404268, #$0011CEE18(r14)
move.q $BD0106601E216800, #$0011CEE20(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E217801, #$0011CEE28(r14)
move.l $94454B71, #$00007C054(r14)
02# Inf Health
080E0000 011CEE00 B940426A 1E211800
080E0000 011CEE08 1E204020 3500006A
080E0000 011CEE10 D65F03C0 BD00FA60
040E0000 00079E70 944553E4

move.q $B940426A1E211800, #$0011CEE00(r14)
move.q $1E2040203500006A, #$0011CEE08(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD00FA60, #$0011CEE10(r14)
move.l $944553E4, #$000079E70(r14)
03# Inf Stamina
080E0000 011CEE30 B9404288 BD416A88
080E0000 011CEE38 1E204109 35000068
080E0000 011CEE40 D65F03C0 BD016689
040E0000 00024E54 9446A7F7

move.q $B9404288BD416A88, #$0011CEE30(r14)
move.q $1E20410935000068, #$0011CEE38(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD016689, #$0011CEE40(r14)
move.l $9446A7F7, #$000024E54(r14)
04# Damage multiplier (5x)
080E0000 011CEE48 B9404288 1E2D0903
080E0000 011CEE50 1E229001 34000068
080E0000 011CEE58 D65F03C0 1E210863
040E0000 0008D234 94450705

move.q $B94042881E2D0903, #$0011CEE48(r14)
move.q $1E22900134000068, #$0011CEE50(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E210863, #$0011CEE58(r14)
move.l $94450705, #$00008D234(r14)
05# Preset 1
081E0000 01671108 0000013C 0000013C
081E0000 01671110 0000013C 0000013C
081E0000 01671118 00000098 0000007E
041E0000 01671120 0FFFFFFF

move.q $0000013C0000013C, #$001671108(r14)
move.q $0000013C0000013C, #$001671110(r14)
move.q $000000980000007E, #$001671118(r14)
move.l $0FFFFFFF, #$001671120(r14)
06# Preset 2
081E0000 01671170 00000132 00000132
081E0000 01671178 00000132 00000132
081E0000 01671180 00000098 00000081
041E0000 01671188 0FFFFFFF

move.q $0000013200000132, #$001671170(r14)
move.q $0000013200000132, #$001671178(r14)
move.q $0000009800000081, #$001671180(r14)
move.l $0FFFFFFF, #$001671188(r14)
07# Preset 3
081E0000 016711D8 00000131 00000131
081E0000 016711E0 00000131 00000131
081E0000 016711E8 00000098 00000082
041E0000 016711F0 0FFFFFFF

move.q $0000013100000131, #$0016711D8(r14)
move.q $0000013100000131, #$0016711E0(r14)
move.q $0000009800000082, #$0016711E8(r14)
move.l $0FFFFFFF, #$0016711F0(r14)
08a# Max Zeni
080E0000 00733BBC 72A77340 52993FE0

move.q $72A7734052993FE0, #$000733BBC(r14)
08b# Max TP
080E0000 00733D2C 72A77340 52993FE0

move.q $72A7734052993FE0, #$000733D2C(r14)
09# Level 99
040E0000 007320A0 52800C60

move.l $52800C60, #$0007320A0(r14)
10# 100,000,000 Total EXP
080E0000 0073210C 72A0BEA0 529C2000

move.q $72A0BEA0529C2000, #$00073210C(r14)
11# 9,999 Attribute Points
040E0000 00732160 5284E1E0

move.l $5284E1E0, #$000732160(r14)
12# 100 Max All Attributes
040E0000 007321B0 52800C60
040E0000 00732200 52800C80
040E0000 00732250 52800C80
040E0000 007322A0 52800C80
040E0000 007322F0 52800C80
040E0000 00732340 52800C80

move.l $52800C60, #$0007321B0(r14)
move.l $52800C80, #$000732200(r14)
move.l $52800C80, #$000732250(r14)
move.l $52800C80, #$0007322A0(r14)
move.l $52800C80, #$0007322F0(r14)
move.l $52800C80, #$000732340(r14)
13#-45# Instructors' Friendship Max after talk
040E0000 0074CAA8 2A0903E8
move.l $2A0903E8, #$00074CAA8(r14)

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