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  • Game Id: 01009f8017f48000
  • Genres: Action Platformer
  • Publisher: BILIBILI HK
  • Publisher: BILIBILI HK

F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch

Restore Code (Use after unchecking any cheats below)
040E0000 02F6AAA0 A9BE7BFD
040E0000 02F2EB18 1E203820
040E0000 0302658C B900EE69
040E0000 0302CFC0 B901EEA8
040E0000 0302694C B901EE68
040E0000 0302D934 B901EEC8
040E0000 0302DA04 B901EEC8
040E0000 0302AAB0 6B010108
040E0000 0302A890 0B010108
040E0000 0302AF54 6B010108
040E0000 0302AF3C 1A9FB7E0
040E0000 02F8040C BD4C3E60
040E0000 04D4D120 BD434000
040E0000 02F5C04C B9034A68
040E0000 04D4D070 B9034A68
080E0000 04D913E4 D63F0100 F9421D08

move.l $A9BE7BFD, #$002F6AAA0(r14)
move.l $1E203820, #$002F2EB18(r14)
move.l $B900EE69, #$00302658C(r14)
move.l $B901EEA8, #$00302CFC0(r14)
move.l $B901EE68, #$00302694C(r14)
move.l $B901EEC8, #$00302D934(r14)
move.l $B901EEC8, #$00302DA04(r14)
move.l $6B010108, #$00302AAB0(r14)
move.l $0B010108, #$00302A890(r14)
move.l $6B010108, #$00302AF54(r14)
move.l $1A9FB7E0, #$00302AF3C(r14)
move.l $BD4C3E60, #$002F8040C(r14)
move.l $BD434000, #$004D4D120(r14)
move.l $B9034A68, #$002F5C04C(r14)
move.l $B9034A68, #$004D4D070(r14)
move.q $D63F0100F9421D08, #$004D913E4(r14)
№ 1. Invincible
040E0000 02F6AAA0 D65F03C0

move.l $D65F03C0, #$002F6AAA0(r14)
№ 2. One Hit Kill
040E0000 02F2EB18 1E213820

move.l $1E213820, #$002F2EB18(r14)
№ 3. Inf Stamina (UP/DOWN+X)
040E0000 0302658C D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$00302658C(r14)
№ 4. Inf Drinks
040E0000 0302CFC0 D503201F
040E0000 0302694C
D503201F 040E0000 0302D934 D503201F
040E0000 0302DA04 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$00302CFC0(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$00302694C(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$00302D934(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$00302DA04(r14)
№ 5. Inf Money
040E0000 0302AAB0 6B1F0108

move.l $6B1F0108, #$00302AAB0(r14)
№ 6. Money Multiplier (4x)
040E0000 0302A890 0B010908

move.l $0B010908, #$00302A890(r14)
№ 7. Inf Data Disk
040E0000 0302AF54 6B1F0108
040E0000 0302AF3C 52800020

move.l $6B1F0108, #$00302AF54(r14)
move.l $52800020, #$00302AF3C(r14)
№ 8. Stay on Wall
040E0000 02F8040C 1E2703E0
040E0000 02F8040C BD4C3E60

move.l $1E2703E0, #$002F8040C(r14)
if LeftStickDown
move.l $BD4C3E60, #$002F8040C(r14)
№ 9. Non-stop Dash (Hold R)
040E0000 02F7FB00 BD4BA802
040E0000 02F7FE2C BD4BAA61
040E0000 02F7FB00 1E27F002
040E0000 02F7FE2C 1 E27F001

№10. Moon Jump
040E0000 04D4D120 1E27F000

move.l $1E27F000, #$004D4D120(r14)
№11. Inf Jump
040E0000 02F5C04C B9034A7F
040E0000 04D4D070 B9034A7F

move.l $B9034A7F, #$002F5C04C(r14)
move.l $B9034A7F, #$004D4D070(r14)
№12. Accelerate Movement/Swimming
080E0000 04D913E4 1E200800 1E27D000
move.q $1E2008001E27D000, #$004D913E4(r14)

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