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Feral Fury

Feral Fury

Feral Fury

May the soil we conquer nurture the holy seeds of the great bamboo.

Long after humankind perished in the flames of the oil wars, the great panda empire is expanding throughout the galaxy as the new dominant power. With the old world in ashes and an endless need for bamboo, entire planets are turned into plantations, and the flames of war are lit once again.

*15 Procedurally-generated stages split into 5 chapters

*Tons of items including helmets, weapons, drones, power ups, scrolls and more

*Collect orbs to unlock permanent upgrades

* Find secret stages and hidden keys to unlock special shops and merchants

* Unlockable characters

* 28 Challenges

* Keep track of loot with in an game Compendium

More details on the official game page of Feral Fury ...

Feral Fury Feral Fury Feral Fury Feral Fury Feral Fury Feral Fury

Latest cheats

Title Id: 010097E00ADC2000
Build Id: E3D0BA009ED53707

uploaded by Iliak
Credits to Jericoss
uploaded: 18 Aug 2020

  • Inf Hp Jericoss

18 download(s)

Game releases

Build ID Available cheats Latest cheats
E3D0BA009ED53707 1 18 Aug 2020