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  • Game Id: 0100a6301214e000
  • Genre: RPG
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

Fire Emblem Engage

Fire Emblem Engage v0 TID=0100A6301214E000 BID=E7E1382D5EB931B0

Restore Code (Use after unchecking any cheats below)
040E0000 025AF638 0B010129
040E0000 023AB180 39000001
040E0000 028CE2F8 2A0103E0
040E0000 028CE4B4 1A9F1100
040E0000 028CE714 1A9F1100
040E0000 028CE974 1A9F1100
080E0000 028CEBA4 B9006E75 B9007260
040E0000 027E0438 4B090101
040E0000 025AF6BC 943B38E1

move.l $0B010129, #$0025AF638(r14)
move.l $39000001, #$0023AB180(r14)
move.l $2A0103E0, #$0028CE2F8(r14)
move.l $1A9F1100, #$0028CE4B4(r14)
move.l $1A9F1100, #$0028CE714(r14)
move.l $1A9F1100, #$0028CE974(r14)
move.q $B9006E75B9007260, #$0028CEBA4(r14)
move.l $4B090101, #$0027E0438(r14)
move.l $943B38E1, #$0025AF6BC(r14)
#01a 60 FPS ★
580F0000 065AD9F0
780F0000 00000F14
640F0000 00000000 00000001

move.q #$00065AD9F0, r15
add.q $00000F14, r15
move.l $0000000000000001, (r15)
#01b 30 FPS
580F0000 065AD9F0
780F0000 00000F14
640F0000 00000000 00000002

move.q #$00065AD9F0, r15
add.q $00000F14, r15
move.l $0000000000000002, (r15)
#02. 8x EXP
040E0000 025AF638 0B010D29

move.l $0B010D29, #$0025AF638(r14)
#03. Invincible for Players and Allies
080E0000 03F0DFF8 D65F03C0 39000401
080E0000 03F0DFF0 39000001 F84087E8
080E0000 03F0DFE8 1A88A021 6B08003F
080E0000 03F0DFE0 39400008 5400008A
080E0000 03F0DFD8 71000D1F 370000C8
080E0000 03F0DFD0 B9402108 B4000108
080E0000 03F0DFC8 F85C5008 F81F8FE8
040E0000 023AB180 146D8B92

move.q $D65F03C039000401, #$003F0DFF8(r14)
move.q $39000001F84087E8, #$003F0DFF0(r14)
move.q $1A88A0216B08003F, #$003F0DFE8(r14)
move.q $394000085400008A, #$003F0DFE0(r14)
move.q $71000D1F370000C8, #$003F0DFD8(r14)
move.q $B9402108B4000108, #$003F0DFD0(r14)
move.q $F85C5008F81F8FE8, #$003F0DFC8(r14)
move.l $146D8B92, #$0023AB180(r14)
#04. Gold does not decrease
080E0000 03F0DFC0 D65F03C0 1A81A000
080E0000 03F0DFB8 6B01001F B9405A60
040E0000 028CE2F8 9458FF30

move.q $D65F03C01A81A000, #$003F0DFC0(r14)
move.q $6B01001FB9405A60, #$003F0DFB8(r14)
move.l $9458FF30, #$0028CE2F8(r14)
#05. Inf. Refine Iron
040E0000 028CE4B4 5284E1E0
040E0000 028CE714 5284E1E0
040E0000 028CE974 5284E1E0

move.l $5284E1E0, #$0028CE4B4(r14)
move.l $5284E1E0, #$0028CE714(r14)
move.l $5284E1E0, #$0028CE974(r14)
#06. Inf. Piece of Bond
080E0000 028CEBA4 B9006E74 B9007274

move.q $B9006E74B9007274, #$0028CEBA4(r14)
#07. Inf. Skill Points
040E0000 027E0438 5284E1E1
040E0000 025AF6BC 2A0103E0

move.l $5284E1E1, #$0027E0438(r14)
move.l $2A0103E0, #$0025AF6BC(r14)
#08. All Status +1 when Levelup
040E0000 025AFCAC 14000062
040E0000 025AFFCC D503201F

move.l $14000062, #$0025AFCAC(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$0025AFFCC(r14)

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