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  • Game Id: 0100a6301214e000
  • Genre: RPG
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

Fire Emblem Engage

Fire Emblem Engage V1.3.0 by- Kaito B BID B98244D9F41763D6
040B0000 03F395F8 F9400F88
040B0000 03F395FC F9402AA1
040B0000 03F39600 B9402021
040B0000 03F39604 35000081
040B0000 03F39608 10000002
040B0000 03F3960C B85EC041
040B0000 03F39610 0B01035A
040B0000 03F39614 D65F03C0
040B0000 03F396B8 F9401280
040B0000 03F396BC F9402800
040B0000 03F396C0 B9402001
040B0000 03F396C4 7100043F
040B0000 03F396C8 54000080
040B0000 03F396CC 100000A2
040B0000 03F396D0 B9400042
040B0000 03F396D4 0B020339
040B0000 03F396D8 7100073F
040B0000 03F396DC D65F03C0

move.l $F9400F88, #$003F395F8(r11)
move.l $F9402AA1, #$003F395FC(r11)
move.l $B9402021, #$003F39600(r11)
move.l $35000081, #$003F39604(r11)
move.l $10000002, #$003F39608(r11)
move.l $B85EC041, #$003F3960C(r11)
move.l $0B01035A, #$003F39610(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F39614(r11)
move.l $F9401280, #$003F396B8(r11)
move.l $F9402800, #$003F396BC(r11)
move.l $B9402001, #$003F396C0(r11)
move.l $7100043F, #$003F396C4(r11)
move.l $54000080, #$003F396C8(r11)
move.l $100000A2, #$003F396CC(r11)
move.l $B9400042, #$003F396D0(r11)
move.l $0B020339, #$003F396D4(r11)
move.l $7100073F, #$003F396D8(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F396DC(r11)
Money does not decrease
040B0000 03F39564 2A0103E0
040B0000 03F39568 B9405A63
040B0000 03F3956C 6B03001F
040B0000 03F39570 1A80B060
040B0000 03F39574 D65F03C0
040B0000 0284B5C8 945BB7E7

move.l $2A0103E0, #$003F39564(r11)
move.l $B9405A63, #$003F39568(r11)
move.l $6B03001F, #$003F3956C(r11)
move.l $1A80B060, #$003F39570(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F39574(r11)
move.l $945BB7E7, #$00284B5C8(r11)
props not reduced
040B0000 03F39618 36F80054
040B0000 03F3961C 2A1F03F4
040B0000 03F39620 0B140100
040B0000 03F39624 D65F03C0
040B0000 02B62E08 944F5A04

move.l $36F80054, #$003F39618(r11)
move.l $2A1F03F4, #$003F3961C(r11)
move.l $0B140100, #$003F39620(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F39624(r11)
move.l $944F5A04, #$002B62E08(r11)
SP x2
040B0000 01E1C844 0B0107E0

move.l $0B0107E0, #$001E1C844(r11)
SP x4
040B0000 01E1C844 0B010BE0

move.l $0B010BE0, #$001E1C844(r11)
SP x8
040B0000 01E1C844 0B010FE0

move.l $0B010FE0, #$001E1C844(r11)
SP no consumption
040B0000 0289967C 52800009
040B0000 02899754 4B090128

move.l $52800009, #$00289967C(r11)
move.l $4B090128, #$002899754(r11)
Unlimited actions
040B0000 03F396A0 2A1F03E0
040B0000 03F396A4 F9402A68
040B0000 03F396A8 B9402109
040B0000 03F396AC 35000049
040B0000 03F396B0 52800020
040B0000 03F396B4 D65F03C0
040B0000 01E0C45C 9484B491

move.l $2A1F03E0, #$003F396A0(r11)
move.l $F9402A68, #$003F396A4(r11)
move.l $B9402109, #$003F396A8(r11)
move.l $35000049, #$003F396AC(r11)
move.l $52800020, #$003F396B0(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F396B4(r11)
move.l $9484B491, #$001E0C45C(r11)
must upgrade ???
040B0000 01E1C794 2A1303E0

move.l $2A1303E0, #$001E1C794(r11)
Experience x2
040B0000 01E1C794 0B0107E0

move.l $0B0107E0, #$001E1C794(r11)
Experience x4
040B0000 01E1C794 0B010BE0

move.l $0B010BE0, #$001E1C794(r11)
Experience x8
040B0000 01E1C794 0B010FE0

move.l $0B010FE0, #$001E1C794(r11)
The number of fishing times does not decrease
040B0000 02C1E204 51000108

move.l $51000108, #$002C1E204(r11)
Unlimited number of dishes
040B0000 0309291C 52800001

move.l $52800001, #$00309291C(r11)
Certificate is not required for job transfer
040B0000 01D86A20 1A9FB7EB

move.l $1A9FB7EB, #$001D86A20(r11)
Cooking without ingredients
040B0000 02207184 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$002207184(r11)
unlimited gift presentable
040B0000 02860CB8 D503201F
040B0000 0286157C D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$002860CB8(r11)
move.l $D503201F, #$00286157C(r11)
Three kinds of crystals not reduced
040B0000 02555E90 B9008EBF
040B0000 02555E94 F9004ABF
040B0000 02559470 0B1F0294
040B0000 02559590 0B1F0294
040B0000 025596B0 0B1F0294
040B0000 02559BD8 4B1F0015
040B0000 02559C3C 4B1F0015
040B0000 02559C80 4B1F0015

move.l $B9008EBF, #$002555E90(r11)
move.l $F9004ABF, #$002555E94(r11)
move.l $0B1F0294, #$002559470(r11)
move.l $0B1F0294, #$002559590(r11)
move.l $0B1F0294, #$0025596B0(r11)
move.l $4B1F0015, #$002559BD8(r11)
move.l $4B1F0015, #$002559C3C(r11)
move.l $4B1F0015, #$002559C80(r11)
Bond fragments remain unchanged
040B0000 0284BE5C 5400010B

move.l $5400010B, #$00284BE5C(r11)
Unlimited Replay Tickets
040B0000 023D4D74 4B1F03F5

move.l $4B1F03F5, #$0023D4D74(r11)
Engage energy not decrease
040B0000 01DFBBE8 D503201F
040B0000 01E086F8 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$001DFBBE8(r11)
move.l $D503201F, #$001E086F8(r11)
Engaged Form remains ON
040B0000 01DFC43C 11000116

move.l $11000116, #$001DFC43C(r11)
Engaged Form remains OFF
040B0000 01DFC43C 11000516

move.l $11000516, #$001DFC43C(r11)
100% critical hits
040B0000 03F39578 F9401289
040B0000 03F3957C F9402929
040B0000 03F39580 B9402121
040B0000 03F39584 7100043F
040B0000 03F39588 54000040
040B0000 03F3958C 52800020
040B0000 03F39590 7200001F
040B0000 03F39594 D65F03C0
040B0000 028BBD34 9459F611

move.l $F9401289, #$003F39578(r11)
move.l $F9402929, #$003F3957C(r11)
move.l $B9402121, #$003F39580(r11)
move.l $7100043F, #$003F39584(r11)
move.l $54000040, #$003F39588(r11)
move.l $52800020, #$003F3958C(r11)
move.l $7200001F, #$003F39590(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F39594(r11)
move.l $9459F611, #$0028BBD34(r11)
100% critical hits OFF
040B0000 028BBD34 7200001F

move.l $7200001F, #$0028BBD34(r11)
100% hit rates
040B0000 03F39598 F94012A9
040B0000 03F3959C F9402929
040B0000 03F395A0 B9402121
040B0000 03F395A4 7100043F
040B0000 03F395A8 54000040
040B0000 03F395AC 52800C88
040B0000 03F395B0 B90003E8
040B0000 03F395B4 D65F03C0
040B0000 028BAD24 9459FA1D

move.l $F94012A9, #$003F39598(r11)
move.l $F9402929, #$003F3959C(r11)
move.l $B9402121, #$003F395A0(r11)
move.l $7100043F, #$003F395A4(r11)
move.l $54000040, #$003F395A8(r11)
move.l $52800C88, #$003F395AC(r11)
move.l $B90003E8, #$003F395B0(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F395B4(r11)
move.l $9459FA1D, #$0028BAD24(r11)
100% avoidance rates
040B0000 03F395D4 1E780108
040B0000 03F395D8 F94012A9
040B0000 03F395DC F9402929
040B0000 03F395E0 B9402121
040B0000 03F395E4 7100043F
040B0000 03F395E8 54000041
040B0000 03F395EC 52800008
040B0000 03F395F0 D65F03C0
040B0000 028BAD20 9459FA2D

move.l $1E780108, #$003F395D4(r11)
move.l $F94012A9, #$003F395D8(r11)
move.l $F9402929, #$003F395DC(r11)
move.l $B9402121, #$003F395E0(r11)
move.l $7100043F, #$003F395E4(r11)
move.l $54000041, #$003F395E8(r11)
move.l $52800008, #$003F395EC(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F395F0(r11)
move.l $9459FA2D, #$0028BAD20(r11)
100% avoidance rates OFF
040B0000 028BAD20 1E780108

move.l $1E780108, #$0028BAD20(r11)
No damage
040B0000 03F39640 F94012A1
040B0000 03F39644 F9402821
040B0000 03F39648 B9402022
040B0000 03F3964C 7100045F
040B0000 03F39650 54000041
040B0000 03F39654 B900AADF
040B0000 03F39658 2A0003F8
040B0000 03F3965C D65F03C0
040B0000 028BAFD4 9459F99B

move.l $F94012A1, #$003F39640(r11)
move.l $F9402821, #$003F39644(r11)
move.l $B9402022, #$003F39648(r11)
move.l $7100045F, #$003F3964C(r11)
move.l $54000041, #$003F39650(r11)
move.l $B900AADF, #$003F39654(r11)
move.l $2A0003F8, #$003F39658(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F3965C(r11)
move.l $9459F99B, #$0028BAFD4(r11)
Immune to Break
040B0000 03F39680 3940F529
040B0000 03F39684 F9401261
040B0000 03F39688 F9402821
040B0000 03F3968C B9402022
040B0000 03F39690 7100045F
040B0000 03F39694 54000041
040B0000 03F39698 52800109
040B0000 03F3969C D65F03C0
040B0000 0223C798 9473F3BA

move.l $3940F529, #$003F39680(r11)
move.l $F9401261, #$003F39684(r11)
move.l $F9402821, #$003F39688(r11)
move.l $B9402022, #$003F3968C(r11)
move.l $7100045F, #$003F39690(r11)
move.l $54000041, #$003F39694(r11)
move.l $52800109, #$003F39698(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F3969C(r11)
move.l $9473F3BA, #$00223C798(r11)
Additional damage to enemies +2
040B0000 028BBEB0 9459F602
040B0000 03F396E0 00000002

move.l $9459F602, #$0028BBEB0(r11)
move.l $00000002, #$003F396E0(r11)
Additional damage to enemies +5
040B0000 028BBEB0 9459F602
040B0000 03F396E0 00000005

move.l $9459F602, #$0028BBEB0(r11)
move.l $00000005, #$003F396E0(r11)
Additional damage to enemies +8
040B0000 028BBEB0 9459F602
040B0000 03F396E0 00000008

move.l $9459F602, #$0028BBEB0(r11)
move.l $00000008, #$003F396E0(r11)
Unlimited use of engage attacks
040B0000 01E0B27C 52800020

move.l $52800020, #$001E0B27C(r11)
Chain attacks ignore distance
040B0000 03F395B8 F81F83BF
040B0000 03F395BC F9402B29
040B0000 03F395C0 B9402129
040B0000 03F395C4 35000069
040B0000 03F395C8 2A0803E0
040B0000 03F395CC 17828EE9
040B0000 03F395D0 17828EB1
040B0000 01FDD090 147D714A

move.l $F81F83BF, #$003F395B8(r11)
move.l $F9402B29, #$003F395BC(r11)
move.l $B9402129, #$003F395C0(r11)
move.l $35000069, #$003F395C4(r11)
move.l $2A0803E0, #$003F395C8(r11)
move.l $17828EE9, #$003F395CC(r11)
move.l $17828EB1, #$003F395D0(r11)
move.l $147D714A, #$001FDD090(r11)
our movement distance +2
040B0000 03F395F4 00000002
040B0000 030AB290 943A38DA

move.l $00000002, #$003F395F4(r11)
move.l $943A38DA, #$0030AB290(r11)
Our movement distance +5
040B0000 03F395F4 00000005
040B0000 030AB290 943A38DA

move.l $00000005, #$003F395F4(r11)
move.l $943A38DA, #$0030AB290(r11)
Our movement distance +16
040B0000 03F395F4 00000010
040B0000 030AB290 943A38DA

move.l $00000010, #$003F395F4(r11)
move.l $943A38DA, #$0030AB290(r11)
The number of Amiibo does not decrease
040B0000 020F5374 11000116

move.l $11000116, #$0020F5374(r11)
12 clothing coupons
040B0000 020EFFC8 52800194
040B0000 020EFA74 51000348

move.l $52800194, #$0020EFFC8(r11)
move.l $51000348, #$0020EFA74(r11)
Music Exchange Coupon 12 pieces
040B0000 01F62910 510002B5
040B0000 020482C8 52800188

move.l $510002B5, #$001F62910(r11)
move.l $52800188, #$0020482C8(r11)
Full Amiibo Costume Unlocked
040B0000 020F0AC8 52800020
040B0000 020F0AD0 52800020
040B0000 02B26190 D503201F

move.l $52800020, #$0020F0AC8(r11)
move.l $52800020, #$0020F0AD0(r11)
move.l $D503201F, #$002B26190(r11)
The number of items carried does not decrease
040B0000 0238E148 51000108

move.l $51000108, #$00238E148(r11)
Time Rewind Unlimited Use
040B0000 01D1A330 11000108

move.l $11000108, #$001D1A330(r11)
Number of Standard Training in Arena not reduce
040B0000 02069564 2A1F03F4

move.l $2A1F03F4, #$002069564(r11)
S Ring refining ON
040B0000 02CA6A50 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$002CA6A50(r11)
S Ring refining off
040B0000 02CA6A50 5400006A

move.l $5400006A, #$002CA6A50(r11)
Instance supports
040B0000 01FC2E4C 11019100

move.l $11019100, #$001FC2E4C(r11)
Quick increase in bond levels
040B0000 02E97708 0B141100

move.l $0B141100, #$002E97708(r11)
Quick increase in bond levels OFF
040B0000 02E97708 0B140100

move.l $0B140100, #$002E97708(r11)
Activate all support dialogues
040B0000 01FC3148 D503201F
040B0000 01FC314C 52800020

move.l $D503201F, #$001FC3148(r11)
move.l $52800020, #$001FC314C(r11)
Activate all bond dialogues
040B0000 02E9858C 5400010D
040B0000 02E985AC 52800020

move.l $5400010D, #$002E9858C(r11)
move.l $52800020, #$002E985AC(r11)
You can change jobs without qualifications
040B0000 01D86308 2A1B03FC
040B0000 01D8631C 2A1B0129

move.l $2A1B03FC, #$001D86308(r11)
move.l $2A1B0129, #$001D8631C(r11)
interrupt function becomes save???
040B0000 029EFFD4 52800028
040B0000 021F3898 52800028
040B0000 021F3A28 52800028

move.l $52800028, #$0029EFFD4(r11)
move.l $52800028, #$0021F3898(r11)
move.l $52800028, #$0021F3A28(r11)
Break door/wall with one hit
040B0000 028B58B8 B900AB61

move.l $B900AB61, #$0028B58B8(r11)
Break door/wall with one hit OFF
040B0000 028B58B8 B900AB60

move.l $B900AB60, #$0028B58B8(r11)
Mark enemies in ambush???
040B0000 01E0497C D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$001E0497C(r11)
It is easier to improve attributes when upgrading???
040B0000 01E1CB74 D503201F
040B0000 01E1CBA8 11003F9C

move.l $D503201F, #$001E1CB74(r11)
move.l $11003F9C, #$001E1CBA8(r11)
Extremely difficult mode growth restriction removed???
040B0000 02852190 52800000

move.l $52800000, #$002852190(r11)
Enhanced combined weapons do not require materials
040B0000 0273F7C0 B9008E9F
040B0000 02740F7C 4B1F03E1
040B0000 02CA5738 B900231F

move.l $B9008E9F, #$00273F7C0(r11)
move.l $4B1F03E1, #$002740F7C(r11)
move.l $B900231F, #$002CA5738(r11)
Break will be activated when restrained open???
040B0000 03F39660 F9401261
040B0000 03F39664 F9402821
040B0000 03F39668 B9402022
040B0000 03F3966C 7100045F
040B0000 03F39670 54000040
040B0000 03F39674 52800049
040B0000 03F39678 721E053F
040B0000 03F3967C D65F03C0
040B0000 0223C79C 9473F3B1

move.l $F9401261, #$003F39660(r11)
move.l $F9402821, #$003F39664(r11)
move.l $B9402022, #$003F39668(r11)
move.l $7100045F, #$003F3966C(r11)
move.l $54000040, #$003F39670(r11)
move.l $52800049, #$003F39674(r11)
move.l $721E053F, #$003F39678(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003F3967C(r11)
move.l $9473F3B1, #$00223C79C(r11)
Break will be activated when restrained off???
040B0000 0223C79C 721E053F

move.l $721E053F, #$00223C79C(r11)
Quickly catch the bait in fishing games
040B0000 02C107C4 D503201F
040B0000 02C1085C D503201F
040B0000 02C108FC D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$002C107C4(r11)
move.l $D503201F, #$002C1085C(r11)
move.l $D503201F, #$002C108FC(r11)
Fishing mini game for easy fishing
040B0000 02C10B04 52800008
040B0000 02C10B70 1E212020
040B0000 02C128B4 1E213820

move.l $52800008, #$002C10B04(r11)
move.l $1E212020, #$002C10B70(r11)
move.l $1E213820, #$002C128B4(r11)
Exercise mini-game completed quickly and perfectly
040B0000 02B015D4 52800008
040B0000 02B01C00 D503201F
040B0000 02B01C0C D503201F
040B0000 02B01AC4 6B08011F
040B0000 02B024AC B9425E69
040B0000 02B03548 B9425E69
040B0000 030E6A44 6B08011F
040B0000 030E74DC B9428669
040B0000 030E8570 B9428669
040B0000 030F1B60 D503201F
040B0000 030F2708 B941B269
040B0000 030F37A8 B941B269
move.l $52800008, #$002B015D4(r11)
move.l $D503201F, #$002B01C00(r11)
move.l $D503201F, #$002B01C0C(r11)
move.l $6B08011F, #$002B01AC4(r11)
move.l $B9425E69, #$002B024AC(r11)
move.l $B9425E69, #$002B03548(r11)
move.l $6B08011F, #$0030E6A44(r11)
move.l $B9428669, #$0030E74DC(r11)
move.l $B9428669, #$0030E8570(r11)
move.l $D503201F, #$0030F1B60(r11)
move.l $B941B269, #$0030F2708(r11)
move.l $B941B269, #$0030F37A8(r11)

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