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  • Game Id: 01002F0011DD4000
  • Genre:
  • Publisher: Lightning Games
  • Publisher: Lightning Games


01# Invincible
04000000 005AB6AC BD41BA60
move.l $BD41BA60, #$0005AB6AC(r0)
Invincible (off)
04000000 005AB6AC 4EA81D00

move.l $4EA81D00, #$0005AB6AC(r0)
02# Inf Boost
04000000 005B2FDC 1E282940
move.l $1E282940, #$0005B2FDC(r0)
Inf Boost (off)
04000000 005B2FDC 1E283940

move.l $1E283940, #$0005B2FDC(r0)
03# Inf Ammo
04000000 0044E2A8 42C80000
04000000 0044E3E0 1CFFF648
04000000 0044D218 52807CF4
move.l $42C80000, #$00044E2A8(r0)
move.l $1CFFF648, #$00044E3E0(r0)
move.l $52807CF4, #$00044D218(r0)
Inf Ammo (off)
04000000 0044E3E0 BD403668
04000000 0044D218 2A0103F4

move.l $BD403668, #$00044E3E0(r0)
move.l $2A0103F4, #$00044D218(r0)
04# Inf Melee Moves
04000000 0049C260 D65F03C0
move.l $D65F03C0, #$00049C260(r0)
Inf Melee Moves (off)
04000000 0049C260 FC1D0FE8

move.l $FC1D0FE8, #$00049C260(r0)
05# 99 Items
04000000 00493FD0 52800C60
move.l $52800C60, #$000493FD0(r0)
99 Items (off)
04000000 00493FD0 B9407400

move.l $B9407400, #$000493FD0(r0)
06# 7777777 Credits When Pickup
04000000 0031B5C4 52A00EC8
04000000 0031B5C8 7295BE28
move.l $52A00EC8, #$00031B5C4(r0)
move.l $7295BE28, #$00031B5C8(r0)
7777777 Credits (off)
04000000 0031B5C4 B9403288
04000000 0031B5C8 0B160108

move.l $B9403288, #$00031B5C4(r0)
move.l $0B160108, #$00031B5C8(r0)
07# Instant level 20
04000000 0047FF68 47C35000
04000000 004801AC 1CFFEDE0
move.l $47C35000, #$00047FF68(r0)
move.l $1CFFEDE0, #$0004801AC(r0)
Instant level 20 (off)
04000000 004801AC BD401660
move.l $BD401660, #$0004801AC(r0)

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