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Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos

Harvest Moon, The Winds of Anthos v1.1.0 TID=0100EAB0183F4000 BID=695AF56D26630F0D

Restore Code (Use after unchecking any cheats below)
040E0000 028B2EF4 2A0203F6
040E0000 028AF838 2A0403F5
040E0000 02D9E63C 51000529
040E0000 03224314 B9403101
040E0000 03C64A94 4EA01C09
040E0000 03797134 2A0103F4

move.l $2A0203F6, #$0028B2EF4(r14)
move.l $2A0403F5, #$0028AF838(r14)
move.l $51000529, #$002D9E63C(r14)
move.l $B9403101, #$003224314(r14)
move.l $4EA01C09, #$003C64A94(r14)
move.l $2A0103F4, #$003797134(r14)
№ 1. Items do not decrease (Hold ZL for Cancel temporarily)
040E0000 028B2EF4 2A1F03F6
040E0000 028AF838 2A1F03F5
040E0000 028B2EF4 2A0203F6
040E0000 028AF838 2A0403F5

move.l $2A1F03F6, #$0028B2EF4(r14)
move.l $2A1F03F5, #$0028AF838(r14)
if ZL
move.l $2A0203F6, #$0028B2EF4(r14)
move.l $2A0403F5, #$0028AF838(r14)
№ 2. Watering can does not decrease
040E0000 02D9E63C D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$002D9E63C(r14)
№ 3. Max Money (Press X open menu to activate)
080E0000 044E6FF8 D65F03C0 B9003101
080E0000 044E6FF0 72993FE1 52A77341
040E0000 03224314 944B0B37

move.q $D65F03C0B9003101, #$0044E6FF8(r14)
move.q $72993FE152A77341, #$0044E6FF0(r14)
move.l $944B0B37, #$003224314(r14)
№ 4. Movement Speed 5x (Hold ZL)
080E0000 044E6FE8 D65F03C0 1E200929
040E0000 044E6FE4 1E229009
040E0000 03C64A94 4EA01C09
040E0000 03C64A94 94220954

move.q $D65F03C01E200929, #$0044E6FE8(r14)
move.l $1E229009, #$0044E6FE4(r14)
move.l $4EA01C09, #$003C64A94(r14)
if ZL
move.l $94220954, #$003C64A94(r14)
№ 5. HP not decrease
040E0000 03797134 B9403014

move.l $B9403014, #$003797134(r14)

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