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  • Game Id: 010066A019BAA000
  • Genres: Action Adventure
  • Publisher: Good Shepherd
  • Publisher: Good Shepherd

Hellboy Web of Wyrd

Breeze beta84 Hellboy Web of Wyrd 1.0.2 TID: 010066A019BAA000 BID: E231ABF6A8CBA232

04000000 02B1C4B0 BD401800 
04000000 02B1C4B0 1452C3E6 
04000000 03FCD448 A9376BF9 
04000000 03FCD44C 18000139 
04000000 03FCD450 53103FDA 
04000000 03FCD454 6B1A033F 
04000000 03FCD458 54000061 
04000000 03FCD45C 1C0000C0 
04000000 03FCD460 BD001800 
04000000 03FCD464 BD401800 
04000000 03FCD468 A9776BF9 
04000000 03FCD46C 17AD3C12 
04000000 03FCD470 79100000 
04000000 03FCD474 42C80000 

move.l $BD401800, #$002B1C4B0(r0)
move.l $1452C3E6, #$002B1C4B0(r0)
move.l $A9376BF9, #$003FCD448(r0)
move.l $18000139, #$003FCD44C(r0)
move.l $53103FDA, #$003FCD450(r0)
move.l $6B1A033F, #$003FCD454(r0)
move.l $54000061, #$003FCD458(r0)
move.l $1C0000C0, #$003FCD45C(r0)
move.l $BD001800, #$003FCD460(r0)
move.l $BD401800, #$003FCD464(r0)
move.l $A9776BF9, #$003FCD468(r0)
move.l $17AD3C12, #$003FCD46C(r0)
move.l $79100000, #$003FCD470(r0)
move.l $42C80000, #$003FCD474(r0)
04000000 0260AE78 51000508 
04000000 0260AE78 D503201F 

move.l $51000508, #$00260AE78(r0)
move.l $D503201F, #$00260AE78(r0)
04000000 024971A0 BD001400 
04000000 024971A0 146CD8B6 
04000000 03FCD478 A9376BF9 
04000000 03FCD47C 18000199 
04000000 03FCD480 53103FDA 
04000000 03FCD484 6B1A033F 
04000000 03FCD488 540000C1 
04000000 03FCD48C B9401419 
04000000 03FCD490 1800011A 
04000000 03FCD494 6B1A033F 
04000000 03FCD498 5400004D 
04000000 03FCD49C 1C0000A0 
04000000 03FCD4A0 BD001400 
04000000 03FCD4A4 A9776BF9 
04000000 03FCD4A8 1793273F 
04000000 03FCD4AC 21D00000 
04000000 03FCD4B0 3F800000 

move.l $BD001400, #$0024971A0(r0)
move.l $146CD8B6, #$0024971A0(r0)
move.l $A9376BF9, #$003FCD478(r0)
move.l $18000199, #$003FCD47C(r0)
move.l $53103FDA, #$003FCD480(r0)
move.l $6B1A033F, #$003FCD484(r0)
move.l $540000C1, #$003FCD488(r0)
move.l $B9401419, #$003FCD48C(r0)
move.l $1800011A, #$003FCD490(r0)
move.l $6B1A033F, #$003FCD494(r0)
move.l $5400004D, #$003FCD498(r0)
move.l $1C0000A0, #$003FCD49C(r0)
move.l $BD001400, #$003FCD4A0(r0)
move.l $A9776BF9, #$003FCD4A4(r0)
move.l $1793273F, #$003FCD4A8(r0)
move.l $21D00000, #$003FCD4AC(r0)
move.l $3F800000, #$003FCD4B0(r0)
Off enable
04000000 02B1C4B0 BD401800 
04000000 0260AE78 51000508 
04000000 024971A0 BD001400 

move.l $BD401800, #$002B1C4B0(r0)
move.l $51000508, #$00260AE78(r0)
move.l $BD001400, #$0024971A0(r0)

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