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  • Game Id: 01004a600ec0a000
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Publisher: Ubisoft


01# inf Health (off)
04000000 03498044 1A95C108

move.l $1A95C108, #$003498044(r0)
01# inf Health
04000000 03498044 2A1503E8

move.l $2A1503E8, #$003498044(r0)
02# Inf Stamina (off)
04000000 034A0C28 BD01EAA8

move.l $BD01EAA8, #$0034A0C28(r0)
02# Inf Stamina
04000000 034A0C28 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$0034A0C28(r0)
03# Items not reduce (off)
04070000 02E60000 D102C3FF

move.l $D102C3FF, #$002E60000(r7)
03# Items not reduce
04070000 02E60000 D65F03C0

move.l $D65F03C0, #$002E60000(r7)
04# moonjump
580F0000 098118D0
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000188
580F1000 00000018
580F1000 00000020
780F0000 00000158
640F0000 00000000 44000000

if B
move.q #$00098118D0, r15
move.q #$0000000000(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000188(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000018(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000020(r15), r15
add.q $00000158, r15
move.l $0000000044000000, (r15)
05# Character movement Speed Up X2.5 (Y)
580F0000 098118D0
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000188
780F0000 00000010
640F0000 00000000 3F800000
640F0000 00000000 40200000

move.q #$00098118D0, r15
move.q #$0000000000(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000188(r15), r15
add.q $00000010, r15
move.l $000000003F800000, (r15)
if Y
move.l $0000000040200000, (r15)
06# Speed Down for arrow X0.5 (ZL+R)
580F0000 098118D0
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000188
580F1000 00000018
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000050
780F0000 00000020
move.q #$00098118D0, r15
move.q #$0000000000(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000188(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000018(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000020(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000050(r15), r15
add.q $00000020, r15

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