04000000 00264900 B9429400
04000000 00685D00 3941C400
04000000 0027CBF8 94102442
move.l $B9429400, #$000264900(r0)
move.l $3941C400, #$000685D00(r0)
move.l $94102442, #$00027CBF8(r0)
55555 Coins
04000000 00264900 529B2060
move.l $529B2060, #$000264900(r0)
04000000 00685D00 52800020
move.l $52800020, #$000685D00(r0)
No Damage
04000000 0027CBF8 52800020
move.l $52800020, #$00027CBF8(r0)
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