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  • Game Id: 0100CF801776C000
  • Genre: RPG
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo


LIVE A LIVE v65536 TID=0100CF801776C000 BID=CF22083371DDACB2

Active Code
580F0000 069A5638
580F1000 00000118

move.q #$00069A5638, r15
move.q #$0000000118(r15), r15
Restore Code(To cancel all cheats)
040E0000 00962F48 B9033EA8
040E0000 00962F34 B9433EA9
040E0000 0095A040 A9454FF4
040E0000 00970A0C 2A0203F3
040E0000 00970FF8 0B190001
040E0000 00971024 0B190001
040E0000 0097104C 0B150001
040E0000 00971074 0B150001
040E0000 0097109C 0B150001
040E0000 009710C8 0B150001
040E0000 009710F0 0B150001
040E0000 00971118 0B150001
480D0000 00000000 00000050
640F01D0 00000000 0000004C
480D0000 00000000 00000058
640F01D0 00000000 000003E7
480D0000 00000000 00000190
640F01D0 00000000 000003E7
480D0000 00000000 00000178
640F01D0 00000000 00000063
480D0000 00000000 00000180
640F01D0 00000000 00000096
480D0000 00000000 000001A0
640F01D0 00000000 00000063
480D0000 00000000 000001A8
640F01D0 00000000 00000063
040E0000 0094C8E0 1E300009

move.l $B9033EA8, #$000962F48(r14)
move.l $B9433EA9, #$000962F34(r14)
move.l $A9454FF4, #$00095A040(r14)
move.l $2A0203F3, #$000970A0C(r14)
move.l $0B190001, #$000970FF8(r14)
move.l $0B190001, #$000971024(r14)
move.l $0B150001, #$00097104C(r14)
move.l $0B150001, #$000971074(r14)
move.l $0B150001, #$00097109C(r14)
move.l $0B150001, #$0009710C8(r14)
move.l $0B150001, #$0009710F0(r14)
move.l $0B150001, #$000971118(r14)
move.q r13, $0000000000000050
move.l r13, $000000000000004C, (r15)
move.q r13, $0000000000000058
move.l r13, $00000000000003E7, (r15)
move.q r13, $0000000000000190
move.l r13, $00000000000003E7, (r15)
move.q r13, $0000000000000178
move.l r13, $0000000000000063, (r15)
move.q r13, $0000000000000180
move.l r13, $0000000000000096, (r15)
move.q r13, $00000000000001A0
move.l r13, $0000000000000063, (r15)
move.q r13, $00000000000001A8
move.l r13, $0000000000000063, (r15)
move.l $1E300009, #$00094C8E0(r14)
#01. Unlimited HP
080E0000 04009FF8 D65F03C0 B9033EA8
080E0000 04009FF0 34000049 394CA2A9
040E0000 00962F48 94DA9C2A

move.q $D65F03C0B9033EA8, #$004009FF8(r14)
move.q $34000049394CA2A9, #$004009FF0(r14)
move.l $94DA9C2A, #$000962F48(r14)
#02. 1Hit KO
080E0000 04009FE8 D65F03C0 B9433EA9
080E0000 04009FE0 B9433EA8 34000049
040E0000 04009FDC 394CA2A9
040E0000 00962F34 94DA9C2A

move.q $D65F03C0B9433EA9, #$004009FE8(r14)
move.q $B9433EA834000049, #$004009FE0(r14)
move.l $394CA2A9, #$004009FDC(r14)
move.l $94DA9C2A, #$000962F34(r14)
#03a Exp Multiplier (2x)
080E0000 04009FD4 D65F03C0 A9454FF4
080E0000 04009FCC B9000288 0B080108
080E0000 04009FC4 B9400288 B9000268
080E0000 04009FBC 0B080108 B9400268
040E0000 0095A040 94DABFDF

move.q $D65F03C0A9454FF4, #$004009FD4(r14)
move.q $B90002880B080108, #$004009FCC(r14)
move.q $B9400288B9000268, #$004009FC4(r14)
move.q $0B080108B9400268, #$004009FBC(r14)
move.l $94DABFDF, #$00095A040(r14)
#03b Exp Multiplier (3x)
080E0000 04009FB4 D65F03C0 A9454FF4
080E0000 04009FAC B9000288 0B080508
080E0000 04009FA4 B9400288 B9000268
080E0000 04009F9C 0B080508 B9400268
040E0000 0095A040 94DABFD7

move.q $D65F03C0A9454FF4, #$004009FB4(r14)
move.q $B90002880B080508, #$004009FAC(r14)
move.q $B9400288B9000268, #$004009FA4(r14)
move.q $0B080508B9400268, #$004009F9C(r14)
move.l $94DABFD7, #$00095A040(r14)
#03c Exp Multiplier (4x)
080E0000 04009F94 D65F03C0 A9454FF4
080E0000 04009F8C B9000288 531E7508
080E0000 04009F84 B9400288 B9000268
080E0000 04009F7C 531E7508 B9400268
040E0000 0095A040 94DABFCF

move.q $D65F03C0A9454FF4, #$004009F94(r14)
move.q $B9000288531E7508, #$004009F8C(r14)
move.q $B9400288B9000268, #$004009F84(r14)
move.q $531E7508B9400268, #$004009F7C(r14)
move.l $94DABFCF, #$00095A040(r14)
#03d Exp Multiplier (5x)
080E0000 04009F74 D65F03C0 A9454FF4
080E0000 04009F6C B9000288 0B080908
080E0000 04009F64 B9400288 B9000268
080E0000 04009F5C 0B080908 B9400268
040E0000 0095A040 94DABFC7

move.q $D65F03C0A9454FF4, #$004009F74(r14)
move.q $B90002880B080908, #$004009F6C(r14)
move.q $B9400288B9000268, #$004009F64(r14)
move.q $0B080908B9400268, #$004009F5C(r14)
move.l $94DABFC7, #$00095A040(r14)
#03e Level up after battle
040E0000 00970A0C 52800C93

move.l $52800C93, #$000970A0C(r14)
#04a LVL Up abilities multiplier (2x)
040E0000 00970FF8 0B000721
040E0000 00971024 0B000721
040E0000 0097104C 0B0006A1
040E0000 00971074 0B0006A1
040E0000 0097109C 0B0006A1
040E0000 009710C8 0B0006A1
040E0000 009710F0 0B0006A1
040E0000 00971118 0B0006A1

move.l $0B000721, #$000970FF8(r14)
move.l $0B000721, #$000971024(r14)
move.l $0B0006A1, #$00097104C(r14)
move.l $0B0006A1, #$000971074(r14)
move.l $0B0006A1, #$00097109C(r14)
move.l $0B0006A1, #$0009710C8(r14)
move.l $0B0006A1, #$0009710F0(r14)
move.l $0B0006A1, #$000971118(r14)
#04b LVL Up abilities multiplier (4x)
040E0000 00970FF8 0B000B21
040E0000 00971024 0B000B21
040E0000 0097104C 0B000AA1
040E0000 00971074 0B000AA1
040E0000 0097109C 0B000AA1
040E0000 009710C8 0B000AA1
040E0000 009710F0 0B000AA1
040E0000 00971118 0B000AA1

move.l $0B000B21, #$000970FF8(r14)
move.l $0B000B21, #$000971024(r14)
move.l $0B000AA1, #$00097104C(r14)
move.l $0B000AA1, #$000971074(r14)
move.l $0B000AA1, #$00097109C(r14)
move.l $0B000AA1, #$0009710C8(r14)
move.l $0B000AA1, #$0009710F0(r14)
move.l $0B000AA1, #$000971118(r14)
#04c LVL Up abilities multiplier (8x)
040E0000 00970FF8 0B000F21
040E0000 00971024 0B000F21
040E0000 0097104C 0B000EA1
040E0000 00971074 0B000EA1
040E0000 0097109C 0B000EA1
040E0000 009710C8 0B000EA1
040E0000 009710F0 0B000EA1
040E0000 00971118 0B000EA1

move.l $0B000F21, #$000970FF8(r14)
move.l $0B000F21, #$000971024(r14)
move.l $0B000EA1, #$00097104C(r14)
move.l $0B000EA1, #$000971074(r14)
move.l $0B000EA1, #$00097109C(r14)
move.l $0B000EA1, #$0009710C8(r14)
move.l $0B000EA1, #$0009710F0(r14)
move.l $0B000EA1, #$000971118(r14)
#05a Move speed (1.5x) Long press ZR
040E0000 027C4A18 BD428E6C
040E0000 027C4A18 1E2F100C

move.l $BD428E6C, #$0027C4A18(r14)
if ZR
move.l $1E2F100C, #$0027C4A18(r14)
#05b Move speed (2x) Long press ZR
040E0000 027C4A18 BD428E6C
040E0000 027C4A18 1E20100C

move.l $BD428E6C, #$0027C4A18(r14)
if ZR
move.l $1E20100C, #$0027C4A18(r14)
#05c Move speed (2.5x) Long press ZR
040E0000 027C4A18 BD428E6C
040E0000 027C4A18 1E20900C

move.l $BD428E6C, #$0027C4A18(r14)
if ZR
move.l $1E20900C, #$0027C4A18(r14)
#06. Hit chance 100%
480D0000 00000000 00000050
640F01D0 00000000 00000064

move.q r13, $0000000000000050
move.l r13, $0000000000000064, (r15)
#07. Damage 99999
480D0000 00000000 00000058
640F01D0 00000000 0001869F

move.q r13, $0000000000000058
move.l r13, $000000000001869F, (r15)
#08. HP Limit 19999
480D0000 00000000 00000190
640F01D0 00000000 00004E1F

move.q r13, $0000000000000190
move.l r13, $0000000000004E1F, (r15)
#09. Abilities limit 9999
480D0000 00000000 00000178
640F01D0 00000000 0000270F
480D0000 00000000 00000180
640F01D0 00000000 0000270F
480D0000 00000000 000001A0
640F01D0 00000000 0000270F
480D0000 00000000 000001A8
640F01D0 00000000 0000270F

move.q r13, $0000000000000178
move.l r13, $000000000000270F, (r15)
move.q r13, $0000000000000180
move.l r13, $000000000000270F, (r15)
move.q r13, $00000000000001A0
move.l r13, $000000000000270F, (r15)
move.q r13, $00000000000001A8
move.l r13, $000000000000270F, (r15)
#10a Damage multiplier (2.5x)
080E0000 04009F54 D65F03C0 1E300009
080E0000 04009F4C 1E210800 1E209001
080E0000 04009F44 35000069 394CA129
040E0000 04009F40 F940FA89
040E0000 0094C8E0 94DAF598

move.q $D65F03C01E300009, #$004009F54(r14)
move.q $1E2108001E209001, #$004009F4C(r14)
move.q $35000069394CA129, #$004009F44(r14)
move.l $F940FA89, #$004009F40(r14)
move.l $94DAF598, #$00094C8E0(r14)
#10b Damage multiplier (5x)
080E0000 04009F38 D65F03C0 1E300009
080E0000 04009F30 1E210800 1E229001
080E0000 04009F28 35000069 394CA129
040E0000 04009F24 F940FA89
040E0000 0094C8E0 94DAF591

move.q $D65F03C01E300009, #$004009F38(r14)
move.q $1E2108001E229001, #$004009F30(r14)
move.q $35000069394CA129, #$004009F28(r14)
move.l $F940FA89, #$004009F24(r14)
move.l $94DAF591, #$00094C8E0(r14)
#10c Damage multiplier (10x)
080E0000 04009F1C D65F03C0 1E300009
080E0000 04009F14 1E210800 1E249001
080E0000 04009F0C 35000069 394CA129
040E0000 04009F08 F940FA89
040E0000 0094C8E0 94DAF58A

move.q $D65F03C01E300009, #$004009F1C(r14)
move.q $1E2108001E249001, #$004009F14(r14)
move.q $35000069394CA129, #$004009F0C(r14)
move.l $F940FA89, #$004009F08(r14)
move.l $94DAF58A, #$00094C8E0(r14)
#10d Damage multiplier (30x)
080E0000 04009F00 D65F03C0 1E300009
080E0000 04009EF8 1E210800 1E27D001
080E0000 04009EF0 35000069 394CA129
040E0000 04009EEC F940FA89
040E0000 0094C8E0 94DAF583
move.q $D65F03C01E300009, #$004009F00(r14)
move.q $1E2108001E27D001, #$004009EF8(r14)
move.q $35000069394CA129, #$004009EF0(r14)
move.l $F940FA89, #$004009EEC(r14)
move.l $94DAF583, #$00094C8E0(r14)

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