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  • Game Id: 0100152000022000
  • Genres: Party Racing
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe v1114112 TID=0100152000022000 BID=94FB3AFECA39D600
Restore Code (Use after unchecking any cheats below)
040A0000 008FD610 03000001
040A0000 008FD658 03000001
040A0000 008FD6A0 03000001
040A0000 008FD6E8 03000001
040A0000 008FD730 03000001
040A0000 008FD778 03000001
040A0000 009074E8 E1A05000
040A0000 00907574 E6EF2077
040A0000 00907584 E6EF2070
040A0000 000E8298 EEB72A00
040A0000 001B0418 EEB72A00
040A0000 000E838C EEB72A00
040A0000 0083ABE4 42C80000
040A0000 0019D4A0 EEB72A00
move.l $03000001, #$0008FD610(r10)
move.l $03000001, #$0008FD658(r10)
move.l $03000001, #$0008FD6A0(r10)
move.l $03000001, #$0008FD6E8(r10)
move.l $03000001, #$0008FD730(r10)
move.l $03000001, #$0008FD778(r10)
move.l $E1A05000, #$0009074E8(r10)
move.l $E6EF2077, #$000907574(r10)
move.l $E6EF2070, #$000907584(r10)
move.l $EEB72A00, #$0000E8298(r10)
move.l $EEB72A00, #$0001B0418(r10)
move.l $EEB72A00, #$0000E838C(r10)
move.l $42C80000, #$00083ABE4(r10)
move.l $EEB72A00, #$00019D4A0(r10)
№ 1. Can use all Parts and Characters without Unlock
040A0000 008FD610 E3000001
040A0000 008FD658 E3000001
040A0000 008FD6A0 E3000001
040A0000 008FD6E8 E3000001
040A0000 008FD730 E3000001
040A0000 008FD778 E3000001
move.l $E3000001, #$0008FD610(r10)
move.l $E3000001, #$0008FD658(r10)
move.l $E3000001, #$0008FD6A0(r10)
move.l $E3000001, #$0008FD6E8(r10)
move.l $E3000001, #$0008FD730(r10)
move.l $E3000001, #$0008FD778(r10)
№ 2. 1000 Upper limited Coins
040A0000 009074E8 E3A05FFA
move.l $E3A05FFA, #$0009074E8(r10)
№ 3. 5x Coins Collected (for Player 1)
080A0000 00C1CFF8 E12FFF1E E6EF2077
080A0000 00C1CFF0 00877107 00855107
080A0000 00C1CFE8 E3520000 E5D4201C
040A0000 00907574 EB0C569B
move.q $E12FFF1EE6EF2077, #$000C1CFF8(r10)
move.q $0087710700855107, #$000C1CFF0(r10)
move.q $E3520000E5D4201C, #$000C1CFE8(r10)
move.l $EB0C569B, #$000907574(r10)
№ 4. No Coins Dropped (for Player 1)
080A0000 00C1CFE0 E12FFF1E E6EF2070
080A0000 00C1CFD8 03A00000 00855000
080A0000 00C1CFD0 E3520000 E5D4201C
040A0000 00907584 EB0C5691
move.q $E12FFF1EE6EF2070, #$000C1CFE0(r10)
move.q $03A0000000855000, #$000C1CFD8(r10)
move.q $E3520000E5D4201C, #$000C1CFD0(r10)
move.l $EB0C5691, #$000907584(r10)
№ 5. Double Size (original by @Optantic)
040A0000 000E8298 EEB02A00
040A0000 001B0418 EEB02A00
040A0000 000E838C EEB02A00
move.l $EEB02A00, #$0000E8298(r10)
move.l $EEB02A00, #$0001B0418(r10)
move.l $EEB02A00, #$0000E838C(r10)
№ 6. Confuse Enemies (original by @xtatu)
040A0000 0083ABE4 461C4000
move.l $461C4000, #$00083ABE4(r10)
№ 7. Speed Up Acceleration (original by @xtatu)
040A0000 0019D4A0 EEB32A0E
move.l $EEB32A0E, #$00019D4A0(r10)
Press D-UP P1 Star Power
58020000 00F53448
58021000 00001350
78020000 000009F0
64020000 00000000 000001BF
if Up
move.q #$0000F53448, r2
move.q #$0000001350(r2), r2
add.q $000009F0, r2
move.l $00000000000001BF, (r2)
Press D-RIGHT P1 Controlled Bullet Bill
58020000 00F53448
58021000 00001350
78020000 000009D8
64020000 00000000 00A01000
if Right
move.q #$0000F53448, r2
move.q #$0000001350(r2), r2
add.q $000009D8, r2
move.l $0000000000A01000, (r2)
Press D-LEFT P1 Normal Status
58020000 00F53448
58021000 00001350
78020000 000009D8
64020000 00000000 00801000
if Left
move.q #$0000F53448, r2
move.q #$0000001350(r2), r2
add.q $000009D8, r2
move.l $0000000000801000, (r2)
Press D-DOWN P1 Lakitu Pickup
58020000 00F53448
58021000 00001350
78020000 00000A64
64020000 00000000 000001BF
if Down
move.q #$0000F53448, r2
move.q #$0000001350(r2), r2
add.q $00000A64, r2
move.l $00000000000001BF, (r2)
Press L-STICK P1 Shocked
58020000 00F53448
58021000 00001350
78020000 00000A30
64020000 00000000 00000175
if LeftStick
move.q #$0000F53448, r2
move.q #$0000001350(r2), r2
add.q $00000A30, r2
move.l $0000000000000175, (r2)
Press R-STICK P1 Squished
58020000 00F53448
58021000 00001350
78020000 00000A28
64020000 00000000 00000120
if RightStick
move.q #$0000F53448, r2
move.q #$0000001350(r2), r2
add.q $00000A28, r2
move.l $0000000000000120, (r2)

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