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My Time at Portia

ZL Have all Items you need
04000000 00AA5554 2A1F03F6
04000000 00AA5558 0B1502C0
04000000 00AA5554 52800596
04000000 00AA5558 52800F60

move.l $2A1F03F6, #$000AA5554(r0)
move.l $0B1502C0, #$000AA5558(r0)
if ZL
move.l $52800596, #$000AA5554(r0)
move.l $52800F60, #$000AA5558(r0)
Max Inf Money on
04000000 00AA0B80 5292CFE0
04000000 00AA0B84 72A01300
04000000 00AA0B88 D65F03C0

move.l $5292CFE0, #$000AA0B80(r0)
move.l $72A01300, #$000AA0B84(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000AA0B88(r0)
Hold ZL when split Items to get 999
04000000 00A9D6BC B9402668
04000000 00A9D6BC B9402268

move.l $B9402668, #$000A9D6BC(r0)
if ZL
move.l $B9402268, #$000A9D6BC(r0)
Freeze SkillPoints on
04000000 0092CB48 51000108

move.l $51000108, #$00092CB48(r0)
Inf Endurance On - hold RS to remove circle
04000000 0032F8E0 D65F03C0
04000000 003347D0 D65F03C0
04000000 0030E840 D65F03C0
04000000 0030E980 D65F03C0
04000000 0032F8E0 6DBB23E9
04000000 003347D0 D10143FF
04000000 0030E840 FC1D0FE8
04000000 0030E980 320003E8

move.l $D65F03C0, #$00032F8E0(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0003347D0(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$00030E840(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$00030E980(r0)
if RightStick
move.l $6DBB23E9, #$00032F8E0(r0)
move.l $D10143FF, #$0003347D0(r0)
move.l $FC1D0FE8, #$00030E840(r0)
move.l $320003E8, #$00030E980(r0)
Inf Stamina On
04000000 003438A0 D65F03C0

move.l $D65F03C0, #$0003438A0(r0)
Mission Reward EXP Booster on
04000000 00F3E2B0 5292CFE0
04000000 00F3E2B4 72A01300
04000000 00F3E2B8 D65F03C0

move.l $5292CFE0, #$000F3E2B0(r0)
move.l $72A01300, #$000F3E2B4(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000F3E2B8(r0)
Farm Upgrade cost gold only on
04000000 00CD0FE0 D65F03C0

move.l $D65F03C0, #$000CD0FE0(r0)
* Disable other Codes for Inv.Slot Code *

Unlock Inv.Slot for free on
04000000 00AA1740 D65F03C0
04000000 00AA1650 D65F03C0

move.l $D65F03C0, #$000AA1740(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000AA1650(r0)
All Cheats off
04000000 0092CB48 51000508
04000000 00F3E2B0 B9403400
04000000 00F3E2B4 D65F03C0
04000000 00CD0FE0 D101C3FF
04000000 00AA0B80 B9402800
04000000 00AA0B84 D65F03C0
04000000 0032F8E0 6DBB23E9
04000000 003347D0 D10143FF
04000000 0030E840 FC1D0FE8
04000000 0030E980 320003E8
04000000 003438A0 FC1D0FE8
04000000 00AA1740 B001A5E8
04000000 00AA1650 A9BD57F6
move.l $51000508, #$00092CB48(r0)
move.l $B9403400, #$000F3E2B0(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000F3E2B4(r0)
move.l $D101C3FF, #$000CD0FE0(r0)
move.l $B9402800, #$000AA0B80(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000AA0B84(r0)
move.l $6DBB23E9, #$00032F8E0(r0)
move.l $D10143FF, #$0003347D0(r0)
move.l $FC1D0FE8, #$00030E840(r0)
move.l $320003E8, #$00030E980(r0)
move.l $FC1D0FE8, #$0003438A0(r0)
move.l $B001A5E8, #$000AA1740(r0)
move.l $A9BD57F6, #$000AA1650(r0)

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