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  • Game Id: 01005a5011a44000
  • Genres: Adventure RPG
  • Publisher: Pqube
  • Publisher: Pqube

Nexomon: Extinction

Version 1.0.3

01# get coins to have max
04000000 00555D84 3B9AC9FF
04000000 00555EB0 18FFF6A0

move.l $3B9AC9FF, #$000555D84(r0)
move.l $18FFF6A0, #$000555EB0(r0)
02# get token to have max
04000000 00555D84 3B9AC9FF
04000000 00555FB8 18FFEE60

move.l $3B9AC9FF, #$000555D84(r0)
move.l $18FFEE60, #$000555FB8(r0)
03# get diamonds to have max
04000000 00555D84 3B9AC9FF
04000000 00555DEC 18FFFCC0

move.l $3B9AC9FF, #$000555D84(r0)
move.l $18FFFCC0, #$000555DEC(r0)
04# inf item usage
04000000 0018C22C 110006E0

move.l $110006E0, #$00018C22C(r0)
inf item usage (OFF)
04000000 0018C22C 4B0002E0

move.l $4B0002E0, #$00018C22C(r0)
05# Level up after fight
04000000 00550DCC 5284E1F8

move.l $5284E1F8, #$000550DCC(r0)
Level up after fight (Off)
04000000 00550DCC 2A0003F8

move.l $2A0003F8, #$000550DCC(r0)
06# Max Stamina
04000000 00550480 5284E1F5

move.l $5284E1F5, #$000550480(r0)
Max Stamina (Off)
04000000 00550480 2A0003F5

move.l $2A0003F5, #$000550480(r0)
07# Always Cosmic
04000000 0022F004 52800020
04000000 0022F008 D503201F

move.l $52800020, #$00022F004(r0)
move.l $D503201F, #$00022F008(r0)
Always Cosmic off
04000000 0022F004 7100041F
04000000 0022F008 1A9F17E0

move.l $7100041F, #$00022F004(r0)
move.l $1A9F17E0, #$00022F008(r0)
08# Walk through Walls (Hold L)
04000000 003BFB60 D101C3FF
04000000 003BFB64 F90013F9
04000000 003BFB60 52800020
04000000 003BFB64 D65F03C0

move.l $D101C3FF, #$0003BFB60(r0)
move.l $F90013F9, #$0003BFB64(r0)
if L
move.l $52800020, #$0003BFB60(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0003BFB64(r0)
09# Can Craft
04000000 0033E8A0 52800020

move.l $52800020, #$00033E8A0(r0)
Can Craft (Off)
04000000 0033E8A0 2A1F03E0

move.l $2A1F03E0, #$00033E8A0(r0)
10# Unlock warpstones
04000000 001EB730 320003E0
04000000 00496B4C D503201F

move.l $320003E0, #$0001EB730(r0)
move.l $D503201F, #$000496B4C(r0)
Unlock warpstones (off)
04000000 001EB730 2A1F03E0
04000000 00496B4C 360004A0
move.l $2A1F03E0, #$0001EB730(r0)
move.l $360004A0, #$000496B4C(r0)

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