Change Money Max
08000000 0013E2C0 2A0003F3 97FE8A7E
move.q $2A0003F397FE8A7E, #$00013E2C0(r0)
Change Demon Fang Max
04000000 0013E150 5284E1E2
move.l $5284E1E2, #$00013E150(r0)
Combo no Cancel in Battle
04000000 000703F8 2A0003E0
move.l $2A0003E0, #$0000703F8(r0)
Get Combo max in Battle
04000000 0009D554 11018D09
move.l $11018D09, #$00009D554(r0)
Oxygen Max
04000000 000789AC 52800008
move.l $52800008, #$0000789AC(r0)
Curse Max
04000000 000704B4 52800008
move.l $52800008, #$0000704B4(r0)
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