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  • Game Id: 01008FE00E2F6000
  • Genres: Action Adventure
  • Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
  • Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment


Berry does not diminish
04000000 001841B0 4B1F014A

move.l $4B1F014A, #$0001841B0(r0)
Coins are not reduced
04000000 00428008 1A9F83E1

move.l $1A9F83E1, #$000428008(r0)
4 times increase in coins
04000000 01226500 52800091
04000000 01226504 1B117C21
04000000 01226508 2A1503E0
04000000 0122650C D65F03C0
04000000 00186014 9442813B

move.l $52800091, #$001226500(r0)
move.l $1B117C21, #$001226504(r0)
move.l $2A1503E0, #$001226508(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$00122650C(r0)
move.l $9442813B, #$000186014(r0)
8 times increase in coins
04000000 01226500 52800111
04000000 01226504 1B117C21
04000000 01226508 2A1503E0
04000000 0122650C D65F03C0
04000000 00186014 9442813B

move.l $52800111, #$001226500(r0)
move.l $1B117C21, #$001226504(r0)
move.l $2A1503E0, #$001226508(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$00122650C(r0)
move.l $9442813B, #$000186014(r0)
16 times increase in coins
04000000 01226500 52800211
04000000 01226504 1B117C21
04000000 01226508 2A1503E0
04000000 0122650C D65F03C0
04000000 00186014 9442813B

move.l $52800211, #$001226500(r0)
move.l $1B117C21, #$001226504(r0)
move.l $2A1503E0, #$001226508(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$00122650C(r0)
move.l $9442813B, #$000186014(r0)
Maximum number of KOs
04000000 0018BD3C 1A8A2549
04000000 0018BDD8 1A883108

move.l $1A8A2549, #$00018BD3C(r0)
move.l $1A883108, #$00018BDD8(r0)
1.5 times the moving speed / attack speed
04000000 004AE7D0 1E2F1000

move.l $1E2F1000, #$0004AE7D0(r0)
2x moving speed / attack speed
04000000 004AE7D0 1E201000

move.l $1E201000, #$0004AE7D0(r0)
3x moving speed / attack speed
04000000 004AE7D0 1E211000

move.l $1E211000, #$0004AE7D0(r0)
Movement speed / attack speed reduction
04000000 004AE7D0 1E2E1000

move.l $1E2E1000, #$0004AE7D0(r0)
2x attack range
04000000 000643B4 1E201002

move.l $1E201002, #$0000643B4(r0)
4x attack range
04000000 000643B4 1E221002

move.l $1E221002, #$0000643B4(r0)
8x attack range
04000000 000643B4 1E241002

move.l $1E241002, #$0000643B4(r0)
Attack distance reduction
04000000 000643B4 1E2E1002

move.l $1E2E1002, #$0000643B4(r0)
HP is not reduced
580F0000 01ED8928
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000098
580F1000 00000018
580F1000 000006D0
780F0000 00000028
680F0000 457A0000 457A0000

move.q #$0001ED8928, r15
move.q #$0000000000(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000098(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000018(r15), r15
move.q #$00000006D0(r15), r15
add.q $00000028, r15
move.q $457A0000457A0000, (r15)
Endurance does not decrease
580F0000 01ED8928
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000098
580F1000 00000018
580F1000 000006D0
780F0000 00000044
680F0000 461C4000 461C4000

move.q #$0001ED8928, r15
move.q #$0000000000(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000098(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000018(r15), r15
move.q #$00000006D0(r15), r15
add.q $00000044, r15
move.q $461C4000461C4000, (r15)
Skill without cooling
580F0000 01ED8928
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000098
580F1000 00000018
580F1000 00000708
780F0000 00000044
300E0000 00000004
640F0000 00000000 457A0000
780F0000 00000044
310E0000 20000000
move.q #$0001ED8928, r15
move.q #$0000000000(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000098(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000018(r15), r15
move.q #$0000000708(r15), r15
add.q $00000044, r15
loop r14, $00000004
move.l $00000000457A0000, (r15)
add.q $00000044, r15
endloop r14

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