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  • Game Id: None
  • Genres: Adventure RPG
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

Pokémon Scarlet

--SectionStart:Battle Codes--
00000000 00000000 00000000

Master Code (includes share functions)
040E0000 03229FFC 00000000
040E0000 03229FF8 00000000
040E0000 03229FF4 00000000
080E0000 03229FEC 17E402DF 7940B408
080E0000 03229FE4 17E402E6 34000047
080E0000 03229FDC 180000C7 1B077C21
080E0000 03229FD4 34000047 18000107
080E0000 03229FCC D65F03C0 34805D07
080E0000 03229FC4 180001A7 54000081
080E0000 03229FBC 710004FF 3941C407
040E0000 02B2AB68 141BFD15

move.l $00000000, #$003229FFC(r14)
move.l $00000000, #$003229FF8(r14)
move.l $00000000, #$003229FF4(r14)
move.q $17E402DF7940B408, #$003229FEC(r14)
move.q $17E402E634000047, #$003229FE4(r14)
move.q $180000C71B077C21, #$003229FDC(r14)
move.q $3400004718000107, #$003229FD4(r14)
move.q $D65F03C034805D07, #$003229FCC(r14)
move.q $180001A754000081, #$003229FC4(r14)
move.q $710004FF3941C407, #$003229FBC(r14)
move.l $141BFD15, #$002B2AB68(r14)
Restore Code (Use after unchecking any cheats below)
040E0000 03229FFC 00000000
040E0000 02B29CC4 00895039
040E0000 03229FF8 00000000
080E0000 03229FEC 17E402DF 7940B408
080E0000 03229FE4 17E402E6 34000047
080E0000 03229FDC 180000C7 1B077C21
080E0000 03229FD4 34000047 18000107
080E0000 03229FCC D65F03C0 34805D07
080E0000 03229FC4 180001A7 54000081
080E0000 03229FBC 710004FF 3941C407
040E0000 02B2AB68 141BFD15

move.l $00000000, #$003229FFC(r14)
move.l $00895039, #$002B29CC4(r14)
move.l $00000000, #$003229FF8(r14)
move.q $17E402DF7940B408, #$003229FEC(r14)
move.q $17E402E634000047, #$003229FE4(r14)
move.q $180000C71B077C21, #$003229FDC(r14)
move.q $3400004718000107, #$003229FD4(r14)
move.q $D65F03C034805D07, #$003229FCC(r14)
move.q $180001A754000081, #$003229FC4(r14)
move.q $710004FF3941C407, #$003229FBC(r14)
move.l $141BFD15, #$002B2AB68(r14)
#01. Inf. Health
040E0000 03229FFC 00000001

move.l $00000001, #$003229FFC(r14)
#02a Inf. PP ★
080E0000 03229FB4 17E3FF44 39508900
080E0000 03229FAC 17E3FF46 39108900
080E0000 03229FA4 39508D00 37080081
040E0000 03229FA0 3941C401
040E0000 02B29CC4 141C00B7

move.q $17E3FF4439508900, #$003229FB4(r14)
move.q $17E3FF4639108900, #$003229FAC(r14)
move.q $39508D0037080081, #$003229FA4(r14)
move.l $3941C401, #$003229FA0(r14)
move.l $141C00B7, #$002B29CC4(r14)
#02b Inf. PP (Enemy Cannot Perform Moves)
080E0000 03229F98 17E3FF4B 39108900
080E0000 03229F90 2A1F03E0 17E3FF4E
080E0000 03229F88 39108900 39508D00
080E0000 03229F80 54000081 7100043F
040E0000 03229F7C 3941C401
040E0000 02B29CC4 141C00AE

move.q $17E3FF4B39108900, #$003229F98(r14)
move.q $2A1F03E017E3FF4E, #$003229F90(r14)
move.q $3910890039508D00, #$003229F88(r14)
move.q $540000817100043F, #$003229F80(r14)
move.l $3941C401, #$003229F7C(r14)
move.l $141C00AE, #$002B29CC4(r14)
#03. OHK
040E0000 03229FF8 00000001

move.l $00000001, #$003229FF8(r14)
#04a Damage Multiplier (3x) ★
040E0000 03229FF4 00000003

move.l $00000003, #$003229FF4(r14)
#04b Damage Multiplier (5x)
040E0000 03229FF4 00000005

move.l $00000005, #$003229FF4(r14)
#04c Damage Multiplier (8x)
040E0000 03229FF4 00000008

move.l $00000008, #$003229FF4(r14)
Disable Exp Share v1.3.1
04090000 010835E8 D503201F
04090000 010835EC D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$0010835E8(r9)
move.l $D503201F, #$0010835EC(r9)
Disable Exp Share(off) v1.3.1
04090000 010835E8 EB0802FF
04090000 010835EC 54FFE741

move.l $EB0802FF, #$0010835E8(r9)
move.l $54FFE741, #$0010835EC(r9)
Default EXP (v1.3.1)
04000000 01FD1690 0B1402D4

move.l $0B1402D4, #$001FD1690(r0)
2x candy EXP (v1.3.1)
04000000 01FD1690 0B1406D4

move.l $0B1406D4, #$001FD1690(r0)
4x candy EXP (v1.3.1)
04000000 01FD1690 0B140AD4

move.l $0B140AD4, #$001FD1690(r0)
8x candy EXP (v1.3.1)
04000000 01FD1690 0B140ED4

move.l $0B140ED4, #$001FD1690(r0)
16x candy EXP (v1.3.1)
04000000 01FD1690 0B1412D4

move.l $0B1412D4, #$001FD1690(r0)
32x candy EXP (v1.3.1)
04000000 01FD1690 0B1416D4

move.l $0B1416D4, #$001FD1690(r0)
100% Fast capture on(v1.3.1)
04000000 018575E8 52800028
04000000 018575F4 14000020
04000000 0185764C 52800028
04000000 01857684 52800028

move.l $52800028, #$0018575E8(r0)
move.l $14000020, #$0018575F4(r0)
move.l $52800028, #$00185764C(r0)
move.l $52800028, #$001857684(r0)
100% Fast capture off(v1.3.1)
04000000 018575E8 12000008
04000000 018575F4 5400040A
04000000 0185764C 52800068
04000000 01857684 52800068

move.l $12000008, #$0018575E8(r0)
move.l $5400040A, #$0018575F4(r0)
move.l $52800068, #$00185764C(r0)
move.l $52800068, #$001857684(r0)
Tera Orb Recharges After Battle
04000000 00041EC0 94C79CC1
04000000 032291C4 F81703E8
04000000 032291C8 18000128
04000000 032291CC 6B08029F
04000000 032291D0 54000080
04000000 032291D4 F85703E8
04000000 032291D8 F9000088
04000000 032291DC D65F03C0
04000000 032291E0 D2800028
04000000 032291E4 F9000088
04000000 032291E8 D65F03C0
04000000 032291EC 01060292

move.l $94C79CC1, #$000041EC0(r0)
move.l $F81703E8, #$0032291C4(r0)
move.l $18000128, #$0032291C8(r0)
move.l $6B08029F, #$0032291CC(r0)
move.l $54000080, #$0032291D0(r0)
move.l $F85703E8, #$0032291D4(r0)
move.l $F9000088, #$0032291D8(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0032291DC(r0)
move.l $D2800028, #$0032291E0(r0)
move.l $F9000088, #$0032291E4(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0032291E8(r0)
move.l $01060292, #$0032291EC(r0)
Disable Tera Orb Code
04000000 00041EC0 F9000088

move.l $F9000088, #$000041EC0(r0)
--SectionEnd:Battle Codes--
00000000 00000000 00000000 

--SectionStart:Encounter Modifier--
00000000 00000000 00000000

Encounter Mod Off (v1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4988 39402288

move.l $39402288, #$000CC4988(r0)
Encounter Mod On (v1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4988 14959221
04000000 0322920C 18000181
04000000 03229210 790063E1
04000000 03229214 18000161
04000000 03229218 790067E1
04000000 0322921C 18000141
04000000 03229220 79006BE1
04000000 03229224 18000121
04000000 03229228 3900DBE1
04000000 0322922C 39402288
04000000 03229230 176A6DD7

move.l $14959221, #$000CC4988(r0)
move.l $18000181, #$00322920C(r0)
move.l $790063E1, #$003229210(r0)
move.l $18000161, #$003229214(r0)
move.l $790067E1, #$003229218(r0)
move.l $18000141, #$00322921C(r0)
move.l $79006BE1, #$003229220(r0)
move.l $18000121, #$003229224(r0)
move.l $3900DBE1, #$003229228(r0)
move.l $39402288, #$00322922C(r0)
move.l $176A6DD7, #$003229230(r0)
Encounter Eevee
04000000 0322923C 00000085

move.l $00000085, #$00322923C(r0)
Encounter Default Form
04000000 03229250 00000000

move.l $00000000, #$003229250(r0)
Encounter Master Ball
04000000 03229244 00000001

move.l $00000001, #$003229244(r0)
Encounter Level 100
04000000 03229248 00000064 

move.l $00000064, #$003229248(r0)
Force Shiny On (v1.3.1)
04000000 00CC49D4 1400000A
04000000 00CC4A0C D503201F
04000000 00CC4A18 140001B1
04000000 00CC50E4 1400005B
04000000 00CC525C D503201F

move.l $1400000A, #$000CC49D4(r0)
move.l $D503201F, #$000CC4A0C(r0)
move.l $140001B1, #$000CC4A18(r0)
move.l $1400005B, #$000CC50E4(r0)
move.l $D503201F, #$000CC525C(r0)
Force Shiny Off (v1.3.1)
04000000 00CC49D4 54000141
04000000 00CC4A0C 54005100
04000000 00CC4A18 54003621
04000000 00CC50E4 54000B61
04000000 00CC525C 54FFC0E1

move.l $54000141, #$000CC49D4(r0)
move.l $54005100, #$000CC4A0C(r0)
move.l $54003621, #$000CC4A18(r0)
move.l $54000B61, #$000CC50E4(r0)
move.l $54FFC0E1, #$000CC525C(r0)
4x Shiny Chance
04000000 00CC4A20 11000508
04000000 00CC4A30 531E7515
04000000 00CC4A68 52800028
04000000 00CC4A6C 510006B5
04000000 00CC4A70 6B15011F
04000000 00CC5290 531E7517
04000000 00CC52CC 52800028
04000000 00CC52D0 510006F7
04000000 00CC52D4 6B17011F

move.l $11000508, #$000CC4A20(r0)
move.l $531E7515, #$000CC4A30(r0)
move.l $52800028, #$000CC4A68(r0)
move.l $510006B5, #$000CC4A6C(r0)
move.l $6B15011F, #$000CC4A70(r0)
move.l $531E7517, #$000CC5290(r0)
move.l $52800028, #$000CC52CC(r0)
move.l $510006F7, #$000CC52D0(r0)
move.l $6B17011F, #$000CC52D4(r0)
4x Shiny Off
04000000 00CC4A20 340002C8
04000000 00CC4A30 2A1F03F5
04000000 00CC4A68 3940FFE8
04000000 00CC4A6C 110006B5
04000000 00CC4A70 6B0802BF
04000000 00CC5290 2A1F03F7
04000000 00CC52CC 3940FFE8
04000000 00CC52D0 110006F7
04000000 00CC52D4 6B0802FF

move.l $340002C8, #$000CC4A20(r0)
move.l $2A1F03F5, #$000CC4A30(r0)
move.l $3940FFE8, #$000CC4A68(r0)
move.l $110006B5, #$000CC4A6C(r0)
move.l $6B0802BF, #$000CC4A70(r0)
move.l $2A1F03F7, #$000CC5290(r0)
move.l $3940FFE8, #$000CC52CC(r0)
move.l $110006F7, #$000CC52D0(r0)
move.l $6B0802FF, #$000CC52D4(r0)
--SectionEnd:Encounter Modifier--
00000000 00000000 00000000 

--SectionStart:Encounter Ability Modifier--
00000000 00000000 00000000 

Ability Off
04000000 00CC4BFC D63F0100
04000000 00CC53E0 94001EBF

move.l $D63F0100, #$000CC4BFC(r0)
move.l $94001EBF, #$000CC53E0(r0)
Ability 1
04000000 00CC4BFC 52800000
04000000 00CC53E0 52800000

move.l $52800000, #$000CC4BFC(r0)
move.l $52800000, #$000CC53E0(r0)
Ability 2
04000000 00CC4BFC 52800020
04000000 00CC53E0 52800020

move.l $52800020, #$000CC4BFC(r0)
move.l $52800020, #$000CC53E0(r0)
Ability Hidden
04000000 00CC4BFC 52800040
04000000 00CC53E0 52800040

move.l $52800040, #$000CC4BFC(r0)
move.l $52800040, #$000CC53E0(r0)
--SectionEnd:Encounter Ability Modifier--
00000000 00000000 00000000 

00000000 00000000 00000000 

6IV On
04000000 00CC4EA8 528003E1
04000000 00CC4EB4 528003E1
04000000 00CC4EC0 528003E1
04000000 00CC4ECC 528003E1
04000000 00CC4ED8 528003E1
04000000 00CC4EE4 528003E1

move.l $528003E1, #$000CC4EA8(r0)
move.l $528003E1, #$000CC4EB4(r0)
move.l $528003E1, #$000CC4EC0(r0)
move.l $528003E1, #$000CC4ECC(r0)
move.l $528003E1, #$000CC4ED8(r0)
move.l $528003E1, #$000CC4EE4(r0)
6IV Off
04000000 00CC4EA8 394103E1
04000000 00CC4EB4 39410BE1
04000000 00CC4EC0 394113E1
04000000 00CC4ECC 39411BE1
04000000 00CC4ED8 394123E1
04000000 00CC4EE4 39412BE1

move.l $394103E1, #$000CC4EA8(r0)
move.l $39410BE1, #$000CC4EB4(r0)
move.l $394113E1, #$000CC4EC0(r0)
move.l $39411BE1, #$000CC4ECC(r0)
move.l $394123E1, #$000CC4ED8(r0)
move.l $39412BE1, #$000CC4EE4(r0)
Nature Off (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 794077E1
04000000 00CC4E48 79407BE1

move.l $794077E1, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $79407BE1, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(None) Hardy (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800001
04000000 00CC4E48 52800001

move.l $52800001, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800001, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Atk, -Def) Lonely (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800021
04000000 00CC4E48 52800021

move.l $52800021, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800021, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Atk, -Spd) Brave (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800041
04000000 00CC4E48 52800041

move.l $52800041, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800041, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Atk, -SAtk) Adamant (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800061
04000000 00CC4E48 52800061

move.l $52800061, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800061, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Atk, -SDef) Naughty (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800081
04000000 00CC4E48 52800081

move.l $52800081, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800081, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Def, -Atk) Bold (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 528000A1
04000000 00CC4E48 528000A1

move.l $528000A1, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $528000A1, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(None) Docile (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 528000C1
04000000 00CC4E48 528000C1

move.l $528000C1, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $528000C1, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Def, -Spd) Relaxed (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 528000E1
04000000 00CC4E48 528000E1

move.l $528000E1, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $528000E1, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Def, -SAtk) Impish (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800101
04000000 00CC4E48 52800101

move.l $52800101, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800101, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Def, -SDef) Lax (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800121
04000000 00CC4E48 52800121

move.l $52800121, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800121, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Spd, -Atk) Timid (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800141
04000000 00CC4E48 52800141

move.l $52800141, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800141, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Spd, -Def) Hasty (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800161
04000000 00CC4E48 52800161

move.l $52800161, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800161, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(None) Serious (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800181
04000000 00CC4E48 52800181

move.l $52800181, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800181, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Spd, -SAtk) Jolly (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 528001A1
04000000 00CC4E48 528001A1

move.l $528001A1, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $528001A1, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+Spd, -SDef) Naive (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 528001C1
04000000 00CC4E48 528001C1

move.l $528001C1, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $528001C1, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+SAtk, -Atk) Modest (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 528001E1
04000000 00CC4E48 528001E1

move.l $528001E1, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $528001E1, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+SAtk, -Def) Mild (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800201
04000000 00CC4E48 52800201

move.l $52800201, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800201, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+SAtk, -Spd) Quiet (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800221
04000000 00CC4E48 52800221

move.l $52800221, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800221, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(None) Bashful (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800241
04000000 00CC4E48 52800241

move.l $52800241, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800241, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+SAtk, -SDef) Rash (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800261
04000000 00CC4E48 52800261

move.l $52800261, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800261, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+SDef, -Atk) Calm (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800281
04000000 00CC4E48 52800281

move.l $52800281, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800281, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+SDef, -Def) Gentle (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 528002A1
04000000 00CC4E48 528002A1

move.l $528002A1, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $528002A1, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+SDef, -Spd) Sassy (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 528002C1
04000000 00CC4E48 528002C1

move.l $528002C1, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $528002C1, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(+SDef, -SAtk) Careful (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 528002E1
04000000 00CC4E48 528002E1

move.l $528002E1, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $528002E1, #$000CC4E48(r0)
(None) Quirky (1.3.1)
04000000 00CC4E3C 52800301
04000000 00CC4E48 52800301

move.l $52800301, #$000CC4E3C(r0)
move.l $52800301, #$000CC4E48(r0)
00000000 00000000 00000000 

00000000 00000000 00000000

Ignore Evolve Condition (on) (v1.3.1)
04000000 00B01138 52800020
04000000 01C7BA8C 52800020
04000000 01FD6C58 52800020

move.l $52800020, #$000B01138(r0)
move.l $52800020, #$001C7BA8C(r0)
move.l $52800020, #$001FD6C58(r0)
2nd split Ignore Evolve Condition (on) (v1.3.1)
04000000 00B0112C 52800000
04000000 00B01130 7100071F
04000000 00B01134 54000041
04000000 00B01138 52800020

move.l $52800000, #$000B0112C(r0)
move.l $7100071F, #$000B01130(r0)
move.l $54000041, #$000B01134(r0)
move.l $52800020, #$000B01138(r0)
Ignore Evolve Condition (off) (v1.3.1)
04000000 00B01138 94000541
04000000 01C7BA8C 940D727B
04000000 01FD6C58 97E1DED1

move.l $94000541, #$000B01138(r0)
move.l $940D727B, #$001C7BA8C(r0)
move.l $97E1DED1, #$001FD6C58(r0)
2nd split off Ignore Evolve Condition (off) (v1.3.1)
04000000 00B0112C AA1703E0
04000000 00B01130 AA1503E1
04000000 00B01134 AA1403E2
04000000 00B01138 94000541

move.l $AA1703E0, #$000B0112C(r0)
move.l $AA1503E1, #$000B01130(r0)
move.l $AA1403E2, #$000B01134(r0)
move.l $94000541, #$000B01138(r0)
Destiny Knot inherits 6 IVs off
04000000 01FCF2E4 528000B5

move.l $528000B5, #$001FCF2E4(r0)
Destiny Knot inherits 6 IVs
04000000 01FCF2E4 528000D5

move.l $528000D5, #$001FCF2E4(r0)
Egg Rolls Off
04000000 01FCF6B8 528000C8
04000000 01FCF6C4 11000909
04000000 01FCF6CC 340001D6

move.l $528000C8, #$001FCF6B8(r0)
move.l $11000909, #$001FCF6C4(r0)
move.l $340001D6, #$001FCF6CC(r0)
Egg 16x Shiny Chance
04000000 01FCF6B8 52800C08
04000000 01FCF6C4 11008109
04000000 01FCF6CC 110042D6

move.l $52800C08, #$001FCF6B8(r0)
move.l $11008109, #$001FCF6C4(r0)
move.l $110042D6, #$001FCF6CC(r0)
Egg 64K Shiny Rolls
04000000 01FCF6CC 529FFFF6

move.l $529FFFF6, #$001FCF6CC(r0)
Egg 64K Masuda Rolls
04000000 01FCF6B8 529FFFE8

move.l $529FFFE8, #$001FCF6B8(r0)
00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

Items No decrease v1.3.1
040B0000 00042D0C 94C79915
040B0000 03229160 D2805461
040B0000 03229164 F2A040A1
040B0000 03229168 6B01029F
040B0000 0322916C 54000041
040B0000 03229170 2A1F03E8
040B0000 03229174 CB080148
040B0000 03229178 D65F03C0

move.l $94C79915, #$000042D0C(r11)
move.l $D2805461, #$003229160(r11)
move.l $F2A040A1, #$003229164(r11)
move.l $6B01029F, #$003229168(r11)
move.l $54000041, #$00322916C(r11)
move.l $2A1F03E8, #$003229170(r11)
move.l $CB080148, #$003229174(r11)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003229178(r11)
Items No Decrease Off
04000000 00042D0C CB080148

move.l $CB080148, #$000042D0C(r0)
07# Items 990 When Use
040A0000 03229200 D2805461
040A0000 03229204 F2A040A1
040A0000 03229208 6B01029F
040A0000 0322920C 54000041
040A0000 03229210 52807BC8
040A0000 03229214 F90002C8
040A0000 03229218 D65F03C0
040A0000 00042D10 94C7993C

move.l $D2805461, #$003229200(r10)
move.l $F2A040A1, #$003229204(r10)
move.l $6B01029F, #$003229208(r10)
move.l $54000041, #$00322920C(r10)
move.l $52807BC8, #$003229210(r10)
move.l $F90002C8, #$003229214(r10)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$003229218(r10)
move.l $94C7993C, #$000042D10(r10)
Inf Items When Use (off)
040A0000 00042D10 F90002C8

move.l $F90002C8, #$000042D10(r10)
00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000 

Enable IV Judge (on) (v1.3.1)
04000000 01BA8CE4 52800020

move.l $52800020, #$001BA8CE4(r0)
Enable IV Judge (off) (v1.3.1)
04000000 01BA8CE4 94001D41

move.l $94001D41, #$001BA8CE4(r0)
60FPS v1.3.1
04090000 02979DE4 52800021

move.l $52800021, #$002979DE4(r9)
30FPS v1.3.1
04090000 02979DE4 11000681

move.l $11000681, #$002979DE4(r9)
Animation-Fixes-v3 v1.3.1
04090000 00DC906C D65F03C0
04090000 00DA5CC4 D503201F
04090000 0297BA84 52A86908

move.l $D65F03C0, #$000DC906C(r9)
move.l $D503201F, #$000DA5CC4(r9)
move.l $52A86908, #$00297BA84(r9)
Improved-Camera v1.3.1
04090000 00B6B01C 52A852D7

move.l $52A852D7, #$000B6B01C(r9)
#05. Game Speed (L3+↑/↓ Speed Up/Down
18050000 039F0130 00000000 03F940AB
040F0000 039F0130 05F5E100
18050000 039F0130 00000000 02FAF080
040F0000 039F0130 03F940AB
18050000 039F0130 00000000 01FCA056
040F0000 039F0130 02FAF080
18050000 039F0130 00000000 02FAF080
040F0000 039F0130 01FCA056
18050000 039F0130 00000000 03F940AB
040F0000 039F0130 02FAF080
18050000 039F0130 00000000 05F5E100
040F0000 039F0130 03F940AB

00000000 00000000 00000000 

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

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