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  • Game Id: 0100cdc013238000
  • Genres: Adventure RPG
  • Publisher: Marvelous Europe
  • Publisher: Marvelous Europe

Rune Factory 5

money 999999999
58000000 055D2518
58001000 00000AA8
58001000 00000020
58001000 00000028
58001000 00000020
78000000 00000010
64000000 00000000 3B9AC9FF

move.q #$00055D2518, r0
move.q #$0000000AA8(r0), r0
move.q #$0000000020(r0), r0
move.q #$0000000028(r0), r0
move.q #$0000000020(r0), r0
add.q $00000010, r0
move.l $000000003B9AC9FF, (r0)
fodder 50000
58000000 05F53000
58001000 000000B8
58001000 00000008
78000000 000000C4
64000000 00000000 0000C350

move.q #$0005F53000, r0
move.q #$00000000B8(r0), r0
move.q #$0000000008(r0), r0
add.q $000000C4, r0
move.l $000000000000C350, (r0)
seed points 50000
58000000 05F53000
58001000 00000040
58001000 000000B8
58001000 00000008
78000000 000000B0
64000000 00000000 0000C350

move.q #$0005F53000, r0
move.q #$0000000040(r0), r0
move.q #$00000000B8(r0), r0
move.q #$0000000008(r0), r0
add.q $000000B0, r0
move.l $000000000000C350, (r0)
lumber 50000
58000000 05F53000
58001000 00000040
58001000 000000B8
58001000 00000008
78000000 000000BC
64000000 00000000 0000C350

move.q #$0005F53000, r0
move.q #$0000000040(r0), r0
move.q #$00000000B8(r0), r0
move.q #$0000000008(r0), r0
add.q $000000BC, r0
move.l $000000000000C350, (r0)
stone 50000
58000000 05F53000
58001000 00000040
58001000 000000B8
58001000 00000008
78000000 000000B8
64000000 00000000 0000C350
move.q #$0005F53000, r0
move.q #$0000000040(r0), r0
move.q #$00000000B8(r0), r0
move.q #$0000000008(r0), r0
add.q $000000B8, r0
move.l $000000000000C350, (r0)

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