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  • Game Id: 01002BE016054000
  • Genres: Action Fighting RPG Shooter
  • Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
  • Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment

SD Gundam Battle Alliance

SD GUNDAM BATTLE ALLIANCE (US) v1.1.0 TID=01002BE016054000 BID=80F624E33E541503

Restore Code (Use after unchecking any cheats below)
040E0000 00839FE8 39400108
040E0000 00840B6C 39400108
040E0000 00CE79A0 39400129
040E0000 008401CC 39400108
040E0000 0083E288 B9417E68
040E0000 00B868E4 BD417EA1
040E0000 00B86920 BD417EA1
040E0000 0083E0B8 1E216800
040E0000 008403E0 39400108
040E0000 00840418 39400108
040E0000 008402EC 39400108
040E0000 008402A0 39400108
040E0000 0083967C 39400108
040E0000 008D3900 1E270104
040E0000 008D3E1C F9400268
040E0000 008D844C BD4CC260
040E0000 00842C80 39470A88
040E0000 009AC3FC B901E028
040E0000 00C1D3FC 2A0203F5
040E0000 00B3FDCC 2A0303F5
040E0000 009AAB98 97FF5D4A
040E0000 009AA56C 97FF5ED5
040E0000 009AAC08 4B1803E2
040E0000 00982168 D65F03C0
040E0000 009A7D08 1E234C00
040E0000 00BED8B4 394E9A6A
080E0000 00982834 A9017BFD D101C3FF
040E0000 009ADB2C 2A0103F4
040E0000 009ADC34 0B010108
080E0000 009BCC28 34000088 3949D2A8
040E0000 009DF974 1E380008
040E0000 009CBA88 94013044
040E0000 009E00EC 94EAECCD
040E0000 009DECE4 1E380014
040E0000 009DEDC8 0B140114
040E0000 00A0491C B9400908
040E0000 00A07374 B94013EA

move.l $39400108, #$000839FE8(r14)
move.l $39400108, #$000840B6C(r14)
move.l $39400129, #$000CE79A0(r14)
move.l $39400108, #$0008401CC(r14)
move.l $B9417E68, #$00083E288(r14)
move.l $BD417EA1, #$000B868E4(r14)
move.l $BD417EA1, #$000B86920(r14)
move.l $1E216800, #$00083E0B8(r14)
move.l $39400108, #$0008403E0(r14)
move.l $39400108, #$000840418(r14)
move.l $39400108, #$0008402EC(r14)
move.l $39400108, #$0008402A0(r14)
move.l $39400108, #$00083967C(r14)
move.l $1E270104, #$0008D3900(r14)
move.l $F9400268, #$0008D3E1C(r14)
move.l $BD4CC260, #$0008D844C(r14)
move.l $39470A88, #$000842C80(r14)
move.l $B901E028, #$0009AC3FC(r14)
move.l $2A0203F5, #$000C1D3FC(r14)
move.l $2A0303F5, #$000B3FDCC(r14)
move.l $97FF5D4A, #$0009AAB98(r14)
move.l $97FF5ED5, #$0009AA56C(r14)
move.l $4B1803E2, #$0009AAC08(r14)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000982168(r14)
move.l $1E234C00, #$0009A7D08(r14)
move.l $394E9A6A, #$000BED8B4(r14)
move.q $A9017BFDD101C3FF, #$000982834(r14)
move.l $2A0103F4, #$0009ADB2C(r14)
move.l $0B010108, #$0009ADC34(r14)
move.q $340000883949D2A8, #$0009BCC28(r14)
move.l $1E380008, #$0009DF974(r14)
move.l $94013044, #$0009CBA88(r14)
move.l $94EAECCD, #$0009E00EC(r14)
move.l $1E380014, #$0009DECE4(r14)
move.l $0B140114, #$0009DEDC8(r14)
move.l $B9400908, #$000A0491C(r14)
move.l $B94013EA, #$000A07374(r14)
#01. No Damage My Side
040E0000 00839FE8 52800028
040E0000 00840B6C 52800028

move.l $52800028, #$000839FE8(r14)
move.l $52800028, #$000840B6C(r14)
#02. Unlimited Bullet
040E0000 00CE79A0 52800029

move.l $52800029, #$000CE79A0(r14)
#03. Unlimited Boost Meter
040E0000 008401CC 52800028

move.l $52800028, #$0008401CC(r14)
#04. Unlimited Role Actions & Chain Breakers(Max Skill Meter)
040E0000 0083E288 B9418268
040E0000 00B868E4 BD4182A1
040E0000 00B86920 BD4182A1

move.l $B9418268, #$00083E288(r14)
move.l $BD4182A1, #$000B868E4(r14)
move.l $BD4182A1, #$000B86920(r14)
#05. Unlimited SPAs (Max Recast Meter)
040E0000 0083E0B8 1E204020
040E0000 008403E0 52800028
040E0000 00840418 52800028

move.l $1E204020, #$00083E0B8(r14)
move.l $52800028, #$0008403E0(r14)
move.l $52800028, #$000840418(r14)
#06. Unlimited SPA Trans-Am
040E0000 008402EC 52800028
040E0000 008402A0 52800028

move.l $52800028, #$0008402EC(r14)
move.l $52800028, #$0008402A0(r14)
#07. One-Hit-Kill (Itigeki)
040E0000 0083967C B940BE88

move.l $B940BE88, #$00083967C(r14)
#08. Movement Speed (2.5x)
080E0000 0449EFF8 44FA0000 D65F03C0
080E0000 0449EFF0 1C000043 35000048
080E0000 0449EFE8 B940BD08 F943A268
040E0000 0449EFE4 1E270104
040E0000 008D3900 94EF2DB9
080E0000 0449EFDC 45947000 D65F03C0
080E0000 0449EFD4 F9400268 BD0CBE68
080E0000 0449EFCC 1C000088 35000068
040E0000 0449EFC8 B940BC08
040E0000 008D3E1C 94EF2C6B

move.q $44FA0000D65F03C0, #$00449EFF8(r14)
move.q $1C00004335000048, #$00449EFF0(r14)
move.q $B940BD08F943A268, #$00449EFE8(r14)
move.l $1E270104, #$00449EFE4(r14)
move.l $94EF2DB9, #$0008D3900(r14)
move.q $45947000D65F03C0, #$00449EFDC(r14)
move.q $F9400268BD0CBE68, #$00449EFD4(r14)
move.q $1C00008835000068, #$00449EFCC(r14)
move.l $B940BC08, #$00449EFC8(r14)
move.l $94EF2C6B, #$0008D3E1C(r14)
#09. Jumping Height (2.5x)
080E0000 0449EFC0 D65F03C0 1E290800
080E0000 0449EFB8 1E209009 35000060
080E0000 0449EFB0 B940BC00 F943A260
040E0000 0449EFAC BD4CC260
040E0000 008D844C 94EF1AD8

move.q $D65F03C01E290800, #$00449EFC0(r14)
move.q $1E20900935000060, #$00449EFB8(r14)
move.q $B940BC00F943A260, #$00449EFB0(r14)
move.l $BD4CC260, #$00449EFAC(r14)
move.l $94EF1AD8, #$0008D844C(r14)
#10. Unlimited Using Repair Kit
040E0000 00842C80 52800028

move.l $52800028, #$000842C80(r14)
#11. Unlimited Spending Capital
040E0000 009AC3FC D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$0009AC3FC(r14)
#12. Pilot Experience (5x)
040E0000 00C1D3FC 0B020855

move.l $0B020855, #$000C1D3FC(r14)
#13. Increase Quantity when Selling Materials (Hold L)
040E0000 00C638A0 4B0803E2
040E0000 00C638A0 2A0803E2

move.l $4B0803E2, #$000C638A0(r14)
if L
move.l $2A0803E2, #$000C638A0(r14)
#14. No Materials Required for Uncapping MS Level
040E0000 00B3FDCC 52800C95
040E0000 009AAB98 52800C80
040E0000 009AA56C 52800C80
040E0000 009AAC08 2A1F03E2

move.l $52800C95, #$000B3FDCC(r14)
move.l $52800C80, #$0009AAB98(r14)
move.l $52800C80, #$0009AA56C(r14)
move.l $2A1F03E2, #$0009AAC08(r14)
#15. 100% Analysis Blueprints (Uncapping All MS)
080E0000 0449EFA4 D65F03C0 52800140
080E0000 0449EF9C 5400004A 7100281F
040E0000 00982168 14EC738D
040E0000 009A7D08 1E204040

move.q $D65F03C052800140, #$00449EFA4(r14)
move.q $5400004A7100281F, #$00449EF9C(r14)
move.l $14EC738D, #$000982168(r14)
move.l $1E204040, #$0009A7D08(r14)
#16. Hard Mode (New Game+)
040E0000 00BED8B4 52801FEA
080E0000 00982834 D65F03C0 52801FE0

move.l $52801FEA, #$000BED8B4(r14)
move.q $D65F03C052801FE0, #$000982834(r14)
#17. NPC Pilots Experience (8x)
040E0000 009ADB2C 531D7034

move.l $531D7034, #$0009ADB2C(r14)
#18. NPC Pilots Friendship (4x)
040E0000 009ADC34 0B010908

move.l $0B010908, #$0009ADC34(r14)
#19. Got-Range of Drop Items (150x)
080E0000 009BCC28 1E210800 1E27D001

move.q $1E2108001E27D001, #$0009BCC28(r14)
#20. 100% Items Drop Rate
040E0000 009DF974 52800038

move.l $52800038, #$0009DF974(r14)
#21. Increase Drop Items Rank (for treasure box only)
040E0000 009CBA88 52800020
040E0000 009E00EC 12800000

move.l $52800020, #$0009CBA88(r14)
move.l $12800000, #$0009E00EC(r14)
#22. Drop Capital +59999
040E0000 009DECE4 529D4BF4
040E0000 009DEDC8 529D4BF4

move.l $529D4BF4, #$0009DECE4(r14)
move.l $529D4BF4, #$0009DEDC8(r14)
#23. Chaos Missions do not require a Revision Key
040E0000 00A0491C 52807CE8
040E0000 00A07374 2A1F03EA

move.l $52807CE8, #$000A0491C(r14)
move.l $2A1F03EA, #$000A07374(r14)
This set of cheats is created by Eiffel2018, enjoy!


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