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  • Game Id: 010063B012DC6000
  • Genre: RPG
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

Shin Megami Tensei V

Created by Eiffel2018, enjoy!
080E0000 03E0AEB0 7100001F 0B000800
080E0000 03E0AEB8 D65F03C0 1A80D3F3
080E0000 03E0AEC0 7100011F B9400FE8
080E0000 03E0AEC8 D65F03C0 1A88B3E8
080E0000 03E0AED0 7100015F 2942ABE8
080E0000 03E0AED8 D65F03C0 1A8AD3EA
080E0000 03E0AEE0 35000069 B9403D09
080E0000 03E0AEE8 2A1F03F3 36F80053
080E0000 03E0AEF0 D65F03C0 0B130149
080E0000 03E0AEF8 1E2F100F 1E2009E2
080E0000 03E0AF00 D65F03C0 1E2F0842
080E0000 03E0AF08 38756928 AA0803E9
080E0000 03E0AF10 52800028 35000068
080E0000 03E0AF18 D65F03C0 38356928
080E0000 03E0AF20 7100051F 180006A8
080E0000 03E0AF28 D65F03C0 9A8003E0
080E0000 03E0AF30 7100067F 18000653
080E0000 03E0AF38 D65F03C0 1A8103F3
080E0000 03E0AF40 1B137C33 180005F3
080E0000 03E0AF48 3834691F D65F03C0
080E0000 03E0AF50 D65F03C0 2A1F03E8
080E0000 03E0AF58 35000069 38746909
080E0000 03E0AF60 38346909 52800029
080E0000 03E0AF68 D65F03C0 2A0903E8
080E0000 03E0AF70 54FFFF2D F1003A9F
080E0000 03E0AF78 54FFFE8D F100429F
080E0000 03E0AF80 54FFFEAD F100729F
080E0000 03E0AF88 54FFFE0D F100929F
080E0000 03E0AF90 54FFFDC0 F100C29F
080E0000 03E0AF98 54FFFD80 F100C69F
080E0000 03E0AFA0 54FFFD40 F100DA9F
080E0000 03E0AFA8 54FFFD6D F100DE9F
080E0000 03E0AFB0 54FFFCCD F100EE9F
080E0000 03E0AFB8 54FFFC80 F101169F
080E0000 03E0AFC0 54FFFCAD F1011E9F
080E0000 03E0AFC8 54FFFC0D F101469F
080E0000 03E0AFD0 54FFFC2D F101BA9F
080E0000 03E0AFD8 66694500 17FFFFDD
080E0000 03E0AFE0 00383130 326C6566

move.q $7100001F0B000800, #$003E0AEB0(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01A80D3F3, #$003E0AEB8(r14)
move.q $7100011FB9400FE8, #$003E0AEC0(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01A88B3E8, #$003E0AEC8(r14)
move.q $7100015F2942ABE8, #$003E0AED0(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01A8AD3EA, #$003E0AED8(r14)
move.q $35000069B9403D09, #$003E0AEE0(r14)
move.q $2A1F03F336F80053, #$003E0AEE8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C00B130149, #$003E0AEF0(r14)
move.q $1E2F100F1E2009E2, #$003E0AEF8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E2F0842, #$003E0AF00(r14)
move.q $38756928AA0803E9, #$003E0AF08(r14)
move.q $5280002835000068, #$003E0AF10(r14)
move.q $D65F03C038356928, #$003E0AF18(r14)
move.q $7100051F180006A8, #$003E0AF20(r14)
move.q $D65F03C09A8003E0, #$003E0AF28(r14)
move.q $7100067F18000653, #$003E0AF30(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01A8103F3, #$003E0AF38(r14)
move.q $1B137C33180005F3, #$003E0AF40(r14)
move.q $3834691FD65F03C0, #$003E0AF48(r14)
move.q $D65F03C02A1F03E8, #$003E0AF50(r14)
move.q $3500006938746909, #$003E0AF58(r14)
move.q $3834690952800029, #$003E0AF60(r14)
move.q $D65F03C02A0903E8, #$003E0AF68(r14)
move.q $54FFFF2DF1003A9F, #$003E0AF70(r14)
move.q $54FFFE8DF100429F, #$003E0AF78(r14)
move.q $54FFFEADF100729F, #$003E0AF80(r14)
move.q $54FFFE0DF100929F, #$003E0AF88(r14)
move.q $54FFFDC0F100C29F, #$003E0AF90(r14)
move.q $54FFFD80F100C69F, #$003E0AF98(r14)
move.q $54FFFD40F100DA9F, #$003E0AFA0(r14)
move.q $54FFFD6DF100DE9F, #$003E0AFA8(r14)
move.q $54FFFCCDF100EE9F, #$003E0AFB0(r14)
move.q $54FFFC80F101169F, #$003E0AFB8(r14)
move.q $54FFFCADF1011E9F, #$003E0AFC0(r14)
move.q $54FFFC0DF101469F, #$003E0AFC8(r14)
move.q $54FFFC2DF101BA9F, #$003E0AFD0(r14)
move.q $6669450017FFFFDD, #$003E0AFD8(r14)
move.q $00383130326C6566, #$003E0AFE0(r14)
Inf. HP (will dead if enemy too strong)
040E0000 01189AD0 94B20504
040E0000 01500FC8 94A427C2
move.l $94B20504, #$001189AD0(r14)
move.l $94A427C2, #$001500FC8(r14)
HP hack - off
040E0000 01189AD0 0B130149
040E0000 01500FC8 2942ABE8

move.l $0B130149, #$001189AD0(r14)
move.l $2942ABE8, #$001500FC8(r14)
Infinite MP
080E0000 01189A80 94B20517 B849CD0A

move.q $94B20517B849CD0A, #$001189A80(r14)
Makka(Money) hack (5x gain, no decrease)
040E0000 01237DB4 94AF4C3F
040E0000 01581C2C 94A224A5

move.l $94AF4C3F, #$001237DB4(r14)
move.l $94A224A5, #$001581C2C(r14)
Glory hack (5x gain, no decrease)
040E0000 012689F4 94AE892F

move.l $94AE892F, #$0012689F4(r14)
Infinite Battle Moves (Hold ZL for off)
040E0000 01147DA0 14B30C60
040E0000 03E0AFF4 00000001
040E0000 03E0AFF4 00000000

move.l $14B30C60, #$001147DA0(r14)
move.l $00000001, #$003E0AFF4(r14)
if ZL
move.l $00000000, #$003E0AFF4(r14)
Items/Essence not decrease (Hold ZL for off)
040E0000 0126ABEC 94AE80D1
040E0000 03E0AFF8 00000001
040E0000 03E0AFF8 00000000

move.l $94AE80D1, #$00126ABEC(r14)
move.l $00000001, #$003E0AFF8(r14)
if ZL
move.l $00000000, #$003E0AFF8(r14)
Magarushi not decrease (modified from @a7251835)
040E0000 01160938 B829790B

move.l $B829790B, #$001160938(r14)
1.5x moving Speed (modified from @a7251835)
040E0000 011D824C 94B0CB2B

move.l $94B0CB2B, #$0011D824C(r14)
Moon Jump (modified from @a7251835)
040E0000 011DEEF8 1CFFB424
040E0000 011DE57C 3F000000
040E0000 011DE57C 00000000

move.l $1CFFB424, #$0011DEEF8(r14)
move.l $3F000000, #$0011DE57C(r14)
if B
move.l $00000000, #$0011DE57C(r14)
Always Full Moon
040E0000 0155C7A0 52800109
move.l $52800109, #$00155C7A0(r14)
Always New Moon
040E0000 0155C7A0 4B090129
move.l $4B090129, #$00155C7A0(r14)
Normal Moon
040E0000 0155C7A0 4B0A0129

move.l $4B0A0129, #$00155C7A0(r14)
Exp Multiplier (Edit the last number, default 5x)
040E0000 012362D4 94AF531B
040E0000 0124953C 94AF0681
040E0000 03E0AFFC 00000005

move.l $94AF531B, #$0012362D4(r14)
move.l $94AF0681, #$00124953C(r14)
move.l $00000005, #$003E0AFFC(r14)
All Essence
040E0000 0136304C 94AA9FAF
040E0000 0136ED18 94AA707C

move.l $94AA9FAF, #$00136304C(r14)
move.l $94AA707C, #$00136ED18(r14)
All Items (not include key items)
040E0000 01334B30 94AB5910
040E0000 01334C44 94AB58C5

move.l $94AB5910, #$001334B30(r14)
move.l $94AB58C5, #$001334C44(r14)
Key items (Dangerous, just for reference)
040E0000 01334D54 94AB5881

move.l $94AB5881, #$001334D54(r14)

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