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  • Game Id: 01007EF00011E000
  • Genres: Action Adventure
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Infinite Health
580f0000 02ca1a78
580f1000 00000080
780f0000 00000848
610f0000 00000000 00000078

move.q #$0002ca1a78, r15
move.q #$0000000080(r15), r15
add.q $00000848, r15
move.b $0000000000000078, (r15)
Max Hearts
580f0000 02c9fd70
580f1000 00000038
780f0000 000002a8
640f0000 00000000 42f00000

move.q #$0002c9fd70, r15
move.q #$0000000038(r15), r15
add.q $000002a8, r15
move.l $0000000042F00000, (r15)
Infinite Stamina
580f0000 02c9fd70
580f1000 00000038
780f0000 000002ac
680f0000 453b8000 453b8000

move.q #$0002c9fd70, r15
move.q #$0000000038(r15), r15
add.q $000002ac, r15
move.q $453B8000453B8000, (r15)
Infinite Powers
580f0000 02ca1a78
580f1000 00000080
780f0000 00001CC8
610f0000 00000000 00000063
780f0000 00000004
610f0000 00000000 00000063
780f0000 00000004
610f0000 00000000 00000063

move.q #$0002ca1a78, r15
move.q #$0000000080(r15), r15
add.q $00001CC8, r15
move.b $0000000000000063, (r15)
add.q $00000004, r15
move.b $0000000000000063, (r15)
add.q $00000004, r15
move.b $0000000000000063, (r15)
Current Arrow 999 Enter Equipment Menu to Refill
580f0000 02ca6d48
580f1000 000447e8
780f0000 00000020
620f0000 00000000 000003e7

move.q #$0002ca6d48, r15
move.q #$00000447e8(r15), r15
add.q $00000020, r15
move.w $00000000000003E7, (r15)
999999 Rupee
580f0000 02cc5fe0
580f1000 00000e40
580f1000 00005b08
780f0000 00005d90
640f0000 00000000 000f423f
move.q #$0002cc5fe0, r15
move.q #$0000000e40(r15), r15
move.q #$0000005b08(r15), r15
add.q $00005d90, r15
move.l $00000000000F423F, (r15)

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