The sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (US) v196608 TID=0100F2C0115B6000 BID=168DD518D925C7A3 | |
Restore Code (Use after unchecking any cheats below) | |
040E0000 00735D74 6B09011F 040E0000 009953EC F9400008 040E0000 00746D20 1E212841 080E0000 0092E788 BD401D00 9B292908 040E0000 0092E790 BD000260 040E0000 01E93924 5A980716 040E0000 015EB168 12800001 040E0000 01B7F6BC 1B09A148 040E0000 00B73B10 BD004668 040E0000 00B73B88 BD004668 040E0000 01A75934 12800001 040E0000 00994A24 B940096B 040E0000 0195A20C 36000280 040E0000 00B2F488 1A9F57E0 040E0000 0092DAC4 1A9FD7E0 040E0000 008B7024 1E212000 040E0000 00D8BF90 1E212000 040E0000 0163D988 52800021 040E0000 0072E1B0 35FFF0C8 040E0000 00995CAC 52800095 040E0000 00995E28 1A89C115 040E0000 0072D8F8 3949CA69 040E0000 0073AF5C B9402668 040E0000 0074A0F8 3946D289 040E0000 01D37638 4EA81D00 040E0000 01D37BEC 2D1F8260 040E0000 01D5EE38 52800034 040E0000 00753A14 1E2E1008 040E0000 00753A50 BD400000 040E0000 009AE978 1E200D28 040E0000 009AE998 1E200908 040E0000 0097D7F8 1E210800 040E0000 00820044 A9024FF4 040E0000 00ECF91C 910083E0 040E0000 00820010 B9401A8A 040E0000 008200B8 A9037BFD 040E0000 015EC478 1E201C20 |
move.l $6B09011F, #$000735D74(r14)
#01. Invincible | |
080E0000 02B28FF8 D65F03C0 6B09011F 080E0000 02B28FF0 2A0903E8 34000042 080E0000 02B28FE8 B940EC22 37300082 080E0000 02B28FE0 B9403022 F9401BE1 040E0000 00735D74 948FCC9B |
move.q $D65F03C06B09011F, #$002B28FF8(r14)
#02. Inf. Health | |
080E0000 02B28FD8 1779B105 F9400008 080E0000 02B28FD0 B9000808 34000048 040E0000 02B28FCC B9401808 040E0000 009953EC 14864EF8 |
move.q $1779B105F9400008, #$002B28FD8(r14)
#03. Inf. Stamina | |
040E0000 00746D20 BD405E61 |
move.l $BD405E61, #$000746D20(r14)
#04. Inf. Stamina (Enable Only For Master Sword Quest) | |
080E0000 0092E788 F290000F D2A8B76F 040E0000 0092E790 B900026F |
move.q $F290000FD2A8B76F, #$00092E788(r14)
#05. Inf. Rupees | |
040E0000 01E93924 1A9813F6 |
move.l $1A9813F6, #$001E93924(r14)
#06. Inf. Arrow(s) | |
040E0000 015EB168 2A1F03E1 |
move.l $2A1F03E1, #$0015EB168(r14)
#07. Inf. Equipment Durability (Fire will still break it.) | |
040E0000 01B7F6BC 1B09A3E8 080E0000 02B28FC4 D65F03C0 B9000901 040E0000 02B28FC0 B9401901 040E0000 00A71E68 9482DC56 040E0000 00A71B40 9482DD20 |
move.l $1B09A3E8, #$001B7F6BC(r14)
#08. Inf. Battery | |
040E0000 00B73B10 BD004669 040E0000 00B73B88 BD004669 |
move.l $BD004669, #$000B73B10(r14)
#09. Inf. Zonai Devices Usage | |
040E0000 01A75934 2A1F03E1 |
move.l $2A1F03E1, #$001A75934(r14)
#10. Inf. Zonai Device Duration (No Blink + Despawn) | |
080E0000 02B28FB8 1779AE9B B940096B 080E0000 02B28FB0 B81F816C B940096C 080E0000 02B28FA8 54000061 3100059F 040E0000 02B28FA4 B85E016C 040E0000 00994A24 14865160 |
move.q $1779AE9BB940096B, #$002B28FB8(r14)
#11. Inf. Amiibo Usage | |
040E0000 0195A20C 14000014 |
move.l $14000014, #$00195A20C(r14)
#12. Perfect Goldilocks Thermometer | |
040E0000 00B2F488 2A1F03E0 040E0000 0092DAC4 2A1F03E0 |
move.l $2A1F03E0, #$000B2F488(r14)
#13. Instant Companion Skills (No CDs) | |
040E0000 008B7024 1E212020 040E0000 00D8BF90 1E212020 |
move.l $1E212020, #$0008B7024(r14)
#14a Item Pickup Multiplier (2x) | |
040E0000 0163D988 52800041 |
move.l $52800041, #$00163D988(r14)
#14b Item Pickup Multiplier (4x) | |
040E0000 0163D988 52800081 |
move.l $52800081, #$00163D988(r14)
#14c Item Pickup Multiplier (8x) | |
040E0000 0163D988 52800101 |
move.l $52800101, #$00163D988(r14)
#15. No Fall Damage | |
040E0000 0072E1B0 17FFFF86 |
move.l $17FFFF86, #$00072E1B0(r14)
#16. Ignore Bloom Effects | |
040E0000 00995CAC 2A1F03F5 040E0000 00995E28 1A98C315 |
move.l $2A1F03F5, #$000995CAC(r14)
#17. Ignore Paralysis & Slow Effects | |
080E0000 02B28F9C D65F03C0 52800169 080E0000 02B28F94 54000041 6B02003F 080E0000 02B28F8C 72AF2C22 528D8A02 080E0000 02B28F84 B845D021 F9400E81 040E0000 02B28F80 3949CA69 040E0000 0072D8F8 948FEDA2 |
move.q $D65F03C052800169, #$002B28F9C(r14)
#18. Ignore Cold & Freeze Effects | |
080E0000 02B28F78 177047F9 17704870 080E0000 02B28F70 54000041 6B02003F 080E0000 02B28F68 72AF2C22 528D8A02 080E0000 02B28F60 B845D021 F9400E61 040E0000 02B28F5C 39409269 040E0000 0073AF5C 148FB800 |
move.q $177047F917704870, #$002B28F78(r14)
#19. Ignore Fire & Flame Effects | |
080E0000 02B28F54 17708469 17708533 080E0000 02B28F4C 54000041 6B02003F 080E0000 02B28F44 72AF2C22 528D8A02 080E0000 02B28F3C B845D021 F9400E61 040E0000 02B28F38 3946D289 040E0000 0074A0F8 148F7B90 |
move.q $1770846917708533, #$002B28F54(r14)
#20. Faster Bow Charge | |
040E0000 01D37638 1E221000 |
move.l $1E221000, #$001D37638(r14)
#21. Quickfire Bow | |
040E0000 01D37BEC 291FA268 |
move.l $291FA268, #$001D37BEC(r14)
#22. Spider-Man Mode (No Falling While Climbing) | |
040E0000 01D5EE38 2A1F03F4 |
move.l $2A1F03F4, #$001D5EE38(r14)
#23a Damage Multiplier (2x) | |
040E0000 00753A14 1E201008 040E0000 00753A50 1E201000 |
move.l $1E201008, #$000753A14(r14)
#23b Damage Multiplier (4x) ★ | |
040E0000 00753A14 1E221008 040E0000 00753A50 1E221000 |
move.l $1E221008, #$000753A14(r14)
#23c Damage Multiplier (10x) | |
040E0000 00753A14 1E249008 040E0000 00753A50 1E249000 |
move.l $1E249008, #$000753A14(r14)
#23d Damage Multiplier (30x) | |
040E0000 00753A14 1E27D008 040E0000 00753A50 1E27D000 |
move.l $1E27D008, #$000753A14(r14)
#24. Glider Speed (3x) (Hold A) | |
040E0000 0381F4EC 3D088889 80000001 040E0000 0381F4EC 3E000000 20000000 |
move.l $3D088889, #$00381F4EC(r14)
#25. Climbing Speed (2x) | |
040E0000 009AE978 1E201008 |
move.l $1E201008, #$0009AE978(r14)
#26. Swimming Speed (3x) | |
040E0000 009AE998 1E211008 |
move.l $1E211008, #$0009AE998(r14)
#27a Movement Speed (1x) | |
040E0000 03885520 3F800000 |
move.l $3F800000, #$003885520(r14)
#27b Movement Speed (1.5x) | |
040E0000 03885520 3FC00000 |
move.l $3FC00000, #$003885520(r14)
#27c Movement Speed (2x) ★ | |
040E0000 03885520 40000000 |
move.l $40000000, #$003885520(r14)
#27d Movement Speed (3x) | |
040E0000 03885520 40400000 |
move.l $40400000, #$003885520(r14)
#28a Attack Speed (1x) | |
040E0000 0097D7F8 1E2E1000 |
move.l $1E2E1000, #$00097D7F8(r14)
#28b Attack Speed (1.5x) ★ | |
040E0000 0097D7F8 1E2F1000 |
move.l $1E2F1000, #$00097D7F8(r14)
#28c Attack Speed (2x) | |
040E0000 0097D7F8 1E201000 |
move.l $1E201000, #$00097D7F8(r14)
#29. (X) Jump | |
580F0000 047282F0 580F1000 000000C8 580F1000 00000178 580F1000 00000030 780F0000 000000FC 80000004 640F01D0 00000000 41200000 20000000 |
move.q #$00047282F0, r15
#30. 60 FPS (Disable + Restore Code for 30FPS) | |
040E0000 00820044 52800021 040E0000 00ECF91C 52800021 040E0000 00820010 52800035 040E0000 008200B8 52800035 |
move.l $52800021, #$000820044(r14)
ツ Do Not Mix Handheld and Docked Resolution Hacks at same time. ツ | |
20000000 |
#31a Handheld 480p | |
580F0000 047215A0 580F1000 00000090 780F0000 000000F0 680F01D0 000001E0 00000356 |
move.q #$00047215A0, r15
#31b Handheld 540p | |
580F0000 047215A0 580F1000 00000090 780F0000 000000F0 680F01D0 0000021C 000003C0 |
move.q #$00047215A0, r15
#31c Handheld 612p | |
580F0000 047215A0 580F1000 00000090 780F0000 000000F0 680F01D0 00000264 00000440 |
move.q #$00047215A0, r15
#31d Handheld 648p | |
580F0000 047215A0 580F1000 00000090 780F0000 000000F0 680F01D0 00000288 00000480 |
move.q #$00047215A0, r15
#31e Default Handheld 720p | |
580F0000 047215A0 580F1000 00000090 780F0000 000000F0 680F01D0 000002D0 00000500 |
move.q #$00047215A0, r15
#31f Docked 720p | |
580F0000 047215A0 580F1000 00000090 780F0000 000000F0 680F01D0 00000360 00000600 |
move.q #$00047215A0, r15
#31g Docked 810p | |
580F0000 047215A0 580F1000 00000090 780F0000 000000F0 680F01D0 000003CC 000006C0 |
move.q #$00047215A0, r15
#31h Default Docked 900p | |
580F0000 047215A0 580F1000 00000090 780F0000 000000F0 680F01D0 00000438 00000780 |
move.q #$00047215A0, r15
#32. Fast Power Up | |
040E0000 015EC478 1E211000 |
move.l $1E211000, #$0015EC478(r14)
ツ with research & codes from patjenova, Eiffel2018, a7251835, KaitoB, GamerJin, khuong ツ | |
20000000 |
- khuong ツ - | |
20000000 |
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