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  • Game Id: 0100BD0012A68000
  • Genres: Action Adventure RPG
  • Publisher: Ultimate Games
  • Publisher: Ultimate Games

Vampire's Fall: Origins

01# no damage
04000000 004E5890 D65F03C0

move.l $D65F03C0, #$0004E5890(r0)
no damage (off)
04000000 004E5890 D65F03C0

move.l $D65F03C0, #$0004E5890(r0)
02# 600000 Money When get
04000000 004E5890 529D4C00

move.l $529D4C00, #$0004E5890(r0)
600000 Money When get (off)
04000000 004E5890 0B140000

move.l $0B140000, #$0004E5890(r0)
03# Ignore Skill Points & Skill Cap
04000000 00247570 52800020
04000000 00247574 D65F03C0
04000000 001B2450 52800020
04000000 001B2454 D65F03C0
04000000 001AECD0 52800020
04000000 001AECD4 D65F03C0

move.l $52800020, #$000247570(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000247574(r0)
move.l $52800020, #$0001B2450(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0001B2454(r0)
move.l $52800020, #$0001AECD0(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0001AECD4(r0)
Ignore Skill Points & Skill Cap (off)
04000000 00247570 F81E0FF3
04000000 00247574 A9017BFD
04000000 001B2450 A9BD57F6
04000000 001B2454 A9014FF4
04000000 001AECD0 F81D0FF5
04000000 001AECD4 A9014FF4

move.l $F81E0FF3, #$000247570(r0)
move.l $A9017BFD, #$000247574(r0)
move.l $A9BD57F6, #$0001B2450(r0)
move.l $A9014FF4, #$0001B2454(r0)
move.l $F81D0FF5, #$0001AECD0(r0)
move.l $A9014FF4, #$0001AECD4(r0)
04# 600000 Bloodstones When get
04000000 001A2D44 529D4C00

move.l $529D4C00, #$0001A2D44(r0)
600000 Bloodstones When get (off)
04000000 001A2D44 0B140000

move.l $0B140000, #$0001A2D44(r0)
05# Exp x2
04000000 001A2F78 0B151000

move.l $0B151000, #$0001A2F78(r0)
05# Exp x4
04000000 001A2F78 0B152000

move.l $0B152000, #$0001A2F78(r0)
05# Exp x8
04000000 001A2F78 0B153000

move.l $0B153000, #$0001A2F78(r0)
05# Exp x16
04000000 001A2F78 0B154000

move.l $0B154000, #$0001A2F78(r0)
05# Exp x32
04000000 001A2F78 0B154000

move.l $0B154000, #$0001A2F78(r0)
Exp x32 (off)
04000000 001A2F78 0B150000

move.l $0B150000, #$0001A2F78(r0)
06# Ignore Dark Shards
04000000 001A33F0 52800020
04000000 001A33F4 D65F03C0

move.l $52800020, #$0001A33F0(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0001A33F4(r0)
Ignore Dark Shards (off)
04000000 001A33F0 F81D0FF5
04000000 001A33F4 A9014FF4
move.l $F81D0FF5, #$0001A33F0(r0)
move.l $A9014FF4, #$0001A33F4(r0)

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