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  • Game Id: None
  • Genres: Adventure RPG
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

01# Inf HP
040A0000 00FA9100 39407803
040A0000 00FA9104 7100047F
040A0000 00FA9108 54000041
040A0000 00FA910C 5284E1E8
040A0000 00FA9110 B9001408
040A0000 00FA9114 17CAFB8B
040A0000 00267F3C 14350471

move.l $39407803, #$000FA9100(r10)
move.l $7100047F, #$000FA9104(r10)
move.l $54000041, #$000FA9108(r10)
move.l $5284E1E8, #$000FA910C(r10)
move.l $B9001408, #$000FA9110(r10)
move.l $17CAFB8B, #$000FA9114(r10)
move.l $14350471, #$000267F3C(r10)
Inf HP off
040A0000 00267F3C B9001408

move.l $B9001408, #$000267F3C(r10)
02# Instant Kill
040A0000 00FA9120 39407803
040A0000 00FA9124 7100047F
040A0000 00FA9128 54000040
040A0000 00FA912C 52800008
040A0000 00FA9130 1A88B148
040A0000 00FA9134 17CAFB82
040A0000 00267F38 1435047A

move.l $39407803, #$000FA9120(r10)
move.l $7100047F, #$000FA9124(r10)
move.l $54000040, #$000FA9128(r10)
move.l $52800008, #$000FA912C(r10)
move.l $1A88B148, #$000FA9130(r10)
move.l $17CAFB82, #$000FA9134(r10)
move.l $1435047A, #$000267F38(r10)
Instant Kill (off)
040A0000 00267F38 1A88B148

move.l $1A88B148, #$000267F38(r10)
03# EXP x8
040A0000 0028A124 0B080D28

move.l $0B080D28, #$00028A124(r10)
EXP x8 (off)
040A0000 0028A124 0B080128

move.l $0B080128, #$00028A124(r10)
04# Instant Talent Arts
040A0000 0018ABCC 1E2E1009

move.l $1E2E1009, #$00018ABCC(r10)
Instant Talent Arts (off)
040A0000 0018ABCC 1E211849

move.l $1E211849, #$00018ABCC(r10)
05# Super Speed
040A0000 008994D8 1E27D004

move.l $1E27D004, #$0008994D8(r10)
Super Speed (off)
040A0000 008994D8 1E210844

move.l $1E210844, #$0008994D8(r10)
06# Max Money When opening Menu
040A0000 00FA9140 5292CFE0
040A0000 00FA9144 72A01300
040A0000 00FA9148 B9101260
040A0000 00FA914C D65F03C0
040A0000 002789D0 9434C1DC

move.l $5292CFE0, #$000FA9140(r10)
move.l $72A01300, #$000FA9144(r10)
move.l $B9101260, #$000FA9148(r10)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000FA914C(r10)
move.l $9434C1DC, #$0002789D0(r10)
Max Money When opening Menu (off)
040A0000 002789D0 B9501260
move.l $B9501260, #$0002789D0(r10)

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