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  • Game Id: None
  • Genres: Adventure RPG
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

01# Inf HP
040A0000 00FD1E70 B9401003
040A0000 00FD1E74 7100007F
040A0000 00FD1E78 54000040
040A0000 00FD1E7C 5284E1E8
040A0000 00FD1E80 B9001408
040A0000 00FD1E84 17CA5BA1
040A0000 00268D04 1435A45B

move.l $B9401003, #$000FD1E70(r10)
move.l $7100007F, #$000FD1E74(r10)
move.l $54000040, #$000FD1E78(r10)
move.l $5284E1E8, #$000FD1E7C(r10)
move.l $B9001408, #$000FD1E80(r10)
move.l $17CA5BA1, #$000FD1E84(r10)
move.l $1435A45B, #$000268D04(r10)
Inf HP off
040A0000 00268D04 B9001408

move.l $B9001408, #$000268D04(r10)
02# Instant Kill
040A0000 00FD1E90 B9401003
040A0000 00FD1E94 7100007F
040A0000 00FD1E98 54000041
040A0000 00FD1E9C 52800008
040A0000 00FD1EA0 1A88B148
040A0000 00FD1EA4 17CA5B99
040A0000 00268D00 1435A464

move.l $B9401003, #$000FD1E90(r10)
move.l $7100007F, #$000FD1E94(r10)
move.l $54000041, #$000FD1E98(r10)
move.l $52800008, #$000FD1E9C(r10)
move.l $1A88B148, #$000FD1EA0(r10)
move.l $17CA5B99, #$000FD1EA4(r10)
move.l $1435A464, #$000268D00(r10)
Instant Kill (off)
040A0000 00268D00 1A88B148

move.l $1A88B148, #$000268D00(r10)
03# Instant Arts
040A0000 0018AEBC 1E2E1009

move.l $1E2E1009, #$00018AEBC(r10)
Instant Arts (off)
040A0000 0018AEBC 1E211849

move.l $1E211849, #$00018AEBC(r10)
04# Instant Chain Link
040B0000 00191A08 1E204120

move.l $1E204120, #$000191A08(r11)
Instant Chain Link (off)
040A0000 00191A08 1E28CD20

move.l $1E28CD20, #$000191A08(r10)
05# Super Speed (Press A)
040A0000 008C03E8 1E210844
040A0000 008C03E8 1E27D004

move.l $1E210844, #$0008C03E8(r10)
if A
move.l $1E27D004, #$0008C03E8(r10)
Super Speed (off)
040A0000 008C03E8 1E210844

move.l $1E210844, #$0008C03E8(r10)
06# Inf Items
040A0000 0026E884 4B1F0108

move.l $4B1F0108, #$00026E884(r10)
Inf Items (off)
040A0000 0026E884 4B140108

move.l $4B140108, #$00026E884(r10)
07# Items 500 When Get
040A0000 0026E3E4 52803E88

move.l $52803E88, #$00026E3E4(r10)
Items 500 When Get (off)
040A0000 0026E3E4 0B130348

move.l $0B130348, #$00026E3E4(r10)
08# Auto Pickup (Kaito B)
040A0000 0089F914 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$00089F914(r10)
Auto Pickup (Off)
040A0000 0089F914 54000065

move.l $54000065, #$00089F914(r10)
09# Moon Jump (Hold B) (@Eiffel2018 )
040A0000 00FD1EE0 1E2703E5
040A0000 00FD1EE4 BD4037E2
040A0000 00FD1EE8 1E252040
040A0000 00FD1EEC 540000A5
040A0000 00FD1EF0 1C0000C2
040A0000 00FD1EF4 1E252040
040A0000 00FD1EF8 54000040
040A0000 00FD1EFC BD0037E2
040A0000 00FD1F00 4D008100
040A0000 00FD1F04 D65F03C0
040A0000 00FD1F08 00000000
040A0000 008C31DC 941C3B41
040A0000 00FD1F08 3EB33333

move.l $1E2703E5, #$000FD1EE0(r10)
move.l $BD4037E2, #$000FD1EE4(r10)
move.l $1E252040, #$000FD1EE8(r10)
move.l $540000A5, #$000FD1EEC(r10)
move.l $1C0000C2, #$000FD1EF0(r10)
move.l $1E252040, #$000FD1EF4(r10)
move.l $54000040, #$000FD1EF8(r10)
move.l $BD0037E2, #$000FD1EFC(r10)
move.l $4D008100, #$000FD1F00(r10)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000FD1F04(r10)
move.l $00000000, #$000FD1F08(r10)
move.l $941C3B41, #$0008C31DC(r10)
if B
move.l $3EB33333, #$000FD1F08(r10)
Moon Jump (off)
040A0000 008C31DC 4D008100

move.l $4D008100, #$0008C31DC(r10)
10# No Fall damage
040A0000 008F20AC AA1F03F4

move.l $AA1F03F4, #$0008F20AC(r10)
No Fall damage (off)
040A0000 008F20AC AA0003F4

move.l $AA0003F4, #$0008F20AC(r10)
11# Max Money When opening Menu
040A0000 00FD1EB0 5292CFE0
040A0000 00FD1EB4 72A01300
040A0000 00FD1EB8 B9101260
040A0000 00FD1EBC D65F03C0
040A0000 00279894 94356187

move.l $5292CFE0, #$000FD1EB0(r10)
move.l $72A01300, #$000FD1EB4(r10)
move.l $B9101260, #$000FD1EB8(r10)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$000FD1EBC(r10)
move.l $94356187, #$000279894(r10)
Max Money When opening Menu (off)
040A0000 00279894 B9501260

move.l $B9501260, #$000279894(r10)
12# Max Noppon coin and gold When opening Menu
040A0000 00FD1EC0 52807CE8
040A0000 00FD1EC4 79001AC8
040A0000 00FD1EC8 39403AC8
040A0000 00FD1ECC 17D3B7A6
040A0000 004BFD60 142C4858

move.l $52807CE8, #$000FD1EC0(r10)
move.l $79001AC8, #$000FD1EC4(r10)
move.l $39403AC8, #$000FD1EC8(r10)
move.l $17D3B7A6, #$000FD1ECC(r10)
move.l $142C4858, #$0004BFD60(r10)
Max Noppon coin and gold When opening Menu (off)
040A0000 004BFD60 39403AC8

move.l $39403AC8, #$0004BFD60(r10)
13# Max Ether When opening Menu
040A0000 00FD1ED0 52800C68
040A0000 00FD1ED4 79001AC8
040A0000 00FD1ED8 39403AC8
040A0000 00FD1EDC 17D3B7A2
040A0000 004BFD60 142C485C

move.l $52800C68, #$000FD1ED0(r10)
move.l $79001AC8, #$000FD1ED4(r10)
move.l $39403AC8, #$000FD1ED8(r10)
move.l $17D3B7A2, #$000FD1EDC(r10)
move.l $142C485C, #$0004BFD60(r10)
Max Ether When opening Menu (off)
040A0000 004BFD60 39403AC8

move.l $39403AC8, #$0004BFD60(r10)
14# Max SP When Use
040A0000 00267D98 2A0903E8

move.l $2A0903E8, #$000267D98(r10)
Max SP When Use (off)
040A0000 00267D98 1A89B108

move.l $1A89B108, #$000267D98(r10)
15# EXP x8
040A0000 0028B264 0B080D28

move.l $0B080D28, #$00028B264(r10)
EXP x8 (off)
040A0000 0028B264 0B080128

move.l $0B080128, #$00028B264(r10)
16# FriendShip Points Multiplier x8
040A0000 00281588 0B140D14

move.l $0B140D14, #$000281588(r10)
FriendShip Points Multiplier (off)
040A0000 00281588 0B140114

move.l $0B140114, #$000281588(r10)
17# Inf Interlink Duration
040A0000 0021188C 1E293928

move.l $1E293928, #$00021188C(r10)
Inf Interlink Duration (off)
040A0000 0021188C 1E200928

move.l $1E200928, #$00021188C(r10)
18# Class Unlocking Exp x256
040A0000 0028B56C 0B092149

move.l $0B092149, #$00028B56C(r10)
Class Unlocking Exp (off)
040A0000 0028B56C 0B092149

move.l $0B092149, #$00028B56C(r10)
19# Unlock Classes (Kaito B)
040A0000 0028B574 1A803009

move.l $1A803009, #$00028B574(r10)
Unlock Classes (off)
040A0000 0028B574 1A803129

move.l $1A803129, #$00028B574(r10)
20# The map is full of rare monsters (Kaito B)
040A0000 005E4614 52800036

move.l $52800036, #$0005E4614(r10)
The map is full of rare monsters (off)
040A0000 005E4614 2A0403F6
move.l $2A0403F6, #$0005E4614(r10)

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