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  • Game Id: None
  • Genres: Adventure RPG
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Publisher: Nintendo

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 v1.2.1 TID=010074F013262000 BID=4F971CC669C78AC0

#01a 50% Damage to Players
040E0000 0106EFFC 00000001
080E0000 0106EFF4 D65F03C0 B9401408
080E0000 0106EFEC 1AC82694 18000088
080E0000 0106EFE4 37000068 B845A2C8
080E0000 0106EFDC 340000A8 39407808
040E0000 001CF918 943A7DB1

move.l $00000001, #$00106EFFC(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0B9401408, #$00106EFF4(r14)
move.q $1AC8269418000088, #$00106EFEC(r14)
move.q $37000068B845A2C8, #$00106EFE4(r14)
move.q $340000A839407808, #$00106EFDC(r14)
move.l $943A7DB1, #$0001CF918(r14)
#01b ★ 25% Damage to Players
040E0000 0106EFFC 00000002
080E0000 0106EFF4 D65F03C0 B9401408
080E0000 0106EFEC 1AC82694 18000088
080E0000 0106EFE4 37000068 B845A2C8
080E0000 0106EFDC 340000A8 39407808
040E0000 001CF918 943A7DB1

move.l $00000002, #$00106EFFC(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0B9401408, #$00106EFF4(r14)
move.q $1AC8269418000088, #$00106EFEC(r14)
move.q $37000068B845A2C8, #$00106EFE4(r14)
move.q $340000A839407808, #$00106EFDC(r14)
move.l $943A7DB1, #$0001CF918(r14)
#01c 12.5% Damage to Players
040E0000 0106EFFC 00000003
080E0000 0106EFF4 D65F03C0 B9401408
080E0000 0106EFEC 1AC82694 18000088
080E0000 0106EFE4 37000068 B845A2C8
080E0000 0106EFDC 340000A8 39407808
040E0000 001CF918 943A7DB1

move.l $00000003, #$00106EFFC(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0B9401408, #$00106EFF4(r14)
move.q $1AC8269418000088, #$00106EFEC(r14)
move.q $37000068B845A2C8, #$00106EFE4(r14)
move.q $340000A839407808, #$00106EFDC(r14)
move.l $943A7DB1, #$0001CF918(r14)
#01d 6.25% Damage to Players
040E0000 0106EFFC 00000004
080E0000 0106EFF4 D65F03C0 B9401408
080E0000 0106EFEC 1AC82694 18000088
080E0000 0106EFE4 37000068 B845A2C8
080E0000 0106EFDC 340000A8 39407808
040E0000 001CF918 943A7DB1

move.l $00000004, #$00106EFFC(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0B9401408, #$00106EFF4(r14)
move.q $1AC8269418000088, #$00106EFEC(r14)
move.q $37000068B845A2C8, #$00106EFE4(r14)
move.q $340000A839407808, #$00106EFDC(r14)
move.l $943A7DB1, #$0001CF918(r14)
#01e Zero Damage to Players
040E0000 0106EFFC 00000010
080E0000 0106EFF4 D65F03C0 B9401408
080E0000 0106EFEC 1AC82694 18000088
080E0000 0106EFE4 37000068 B845A2C8
080E0000 0106EFDC 340000A8 39407808
040E0000 001CF918 943A7DB1

move.l $00000010, #$00106EFFC(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0B9401408, #$00106EFF4(r14)
move.q $1AC8269418000088, #$00106EFEC(r14)
move.q $37000068B845A2C8, #$00106EFE4(r14)
move.q $340000A839407808, #$00106EFDC(r14)
move.l $943A7DB1, #$0001CF918(r14)
#02a 2x Damage to Enemies
040E0000 0106EFD8 00000002
080E0000 0106EFD0 D65F03C0 1B087E94
080E0000 0106EFC8 18000068 37000068
080E0000 0106EFC0 B845A2C8 350000A8
080E0000 0106EFB8 39407808 B9001268
040E0000 001CF91C 943A7DA7

move.l $00000002, #$00106EFD8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B087E94, #$00106EFD0(r14)
move.q $1800006837000068, #$00106EFC8(r14)
move.q $B845A2C8350000A8, #$00106EFC0(r14)
move.q $39407808B9001268, #$00106EFB8(r14)
move.l $943A7DA7, #$0001CF91C(r14)
#02b ★ 5x Damage to Enemies
040E0000 0106EFD8 00000005
080E0000 0106EFD0 D65F03C0 1B087E94
080E0000 0106EFC8 18000068 37000068
080E0000 0106EFC0 B845A2C8 350000A8
080E0000 0106EFB8 39407808 B9001268
040E0000 001CF91C 943A7DA7

move.l $00000005, #$00106EFD8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B087E94, #$00106EFD0(r14)
move.q $1800006837000068, #$00106EFC8(r14)
move.q $B845A2C8350000A8, #$00106EFC0(r14)
move.q $39407808B9001268, #$00106EFB8(r14)
move.l $943A7DA7, #$0001CF91C(r14)
#02c 13x Damage to Enemies
040E0000 0106EFD8 0000000D
080E0000 0106EFD0 D65F03C0 1B087E94
080E0000 0106EFC8 18000068 37000068
080E0000 0106EFC0 B845A2C8 350000A8
080E0000 0106EFB8 39407808 B9001268
040E0000 001CF91C 943A7DA7

move.l $0000000D, #$00106EFD8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B087E94, #$00106EFD0(r14)
move.q $1800006837000068, #$00106EFC8(r14)
move.q $B845A2C8350000A8, #$00106EFC0(r14)
move.q $39407808B9001268, #$00106EFB8(r14)
move.l $943A7DA7, #$0001CF91C(r14)
#02d 34x Damage to Enemies
040E0000 0106EFD8 00000022
080E0000 0106EFD0 D65F03C0 1B087E94
080E0000 0106EFC8 18000068 37000068
080E0000 0106EFC0 B845A2C8 350000A8
080E0000 0106EFB8 39407808 B9001268
040E0000 001CF91C 943A7DA7

move.l $00000022, #$00106EFD8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B087E94, #$00106EFD0(r14)
move.q $1800006837000068, #$00106EFC8(r14)
move.q $B845A2C8350000A8, #$00106EFC0(r14)
move.q $39407808B9001268, #$00106EFB8(r14)
move.l $943A7DA7, #$0001CF91C(r14)
#02e 9999999x Damage to Enemies
040E0000 0106EFD8 0098967F
080E0000 0106EFD0 D65F03C0 1B087E94
080E0000 0106EFC8 18000068 37000068
080E0000 0106EFC0 B845A2C8 350000A8
080E0000 0106EFB8 39407808 B9001268
040E0000 001CF91C 943A7DA7

move.l $0098967F, #$00106EFD8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B087E94, #$00106EFD0(r14)
move.q $1800006837000068, #$00106EFC8(r14)
move.q $B845A2C8350000A8, #$00106EFC0(r14)
move.q $39407808B9001268, #$00106EFB8(r14)
move.l $943A7DA7, #$0001CF91C(r14)
#03a XP Multiplier (2x)
040E0000 0106EFB4 40000000
080E0000 0106EFAC D65F03C0 1B137ED6
080E0000 0106EFA4 1E390113 1C000088
040E0000 0106EFA0 B9400036
040E0000 002A66C8 94372236
080E0000 0106EF98 D65F03C0 BD000380
080E0000 0106EF90 1E280800 BD400380
080E0000 0106EF88 1C000148 8B08037C
040E0000 001E3898 943A2DBC

move.l $40000000, #$00106EFB4(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B137ED6, #$00106EFAC(r14)
move.q $1E3901131C000088, #$00106EFA4(r14)
move.l $B9400036, #$00106EFA0(r14)
move.l $94372236, #$0002A66C8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000380, #$00106EF98(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400380, #$00106EF90(r14)
move.q $1C0001488B08037C, #$00106EF88(r14)
move.l $943A2DBC, #$0001E3898(r14)
#03b XP Multiplier (3x)
040E0000 0106EFB4 40400000
080E0000 0106EFAC D65F03C0 1B137ED6
080E0000 0106EFA4 1E390113 1C000088
040E0000 0106EFA0 B9400036
040E0000 002A66C8 94372236
080E0000 0106EF98 D65F03C0 BD000380
080E0000 0106EF90 1E280800 BD400380
080E0000 0106EF88 1C000148 8B08037C
040E0000 001E3898 943A2DBC

move.l $40400000, #$00106EFB4(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B137ED6, #$00106EFAC(r14)
move.q $1E3901131C000088, #$00106EFA4(r14)
move.l $B9400036, #$00106EFA0(r14)
move.l $94372236, #$0002A66C8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000380, #$00106EF98(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400380, #$00106EF90(r14)
move.q $1C0001488B08037C, #$00106EF88(r14)
move.l $943A2DBC, #$0001E3898(r14)
#03c ★ XP Multiplier (5x)
040E0000 0106EFB4 40A00000
080E0000 0106EFAC D65F03C0 1B137ED6
080E0000 0106EFA4 1E390113 1C000088
040E0000 0106EFA0 B9400036
040E0000 002A66C8 94372236
080E0000 0106EF98 D65F03C0 BD000380
080E0000 0106EF90 1E280800 BD400380
080E0000 0106EF88 1C000148 8B08037C
040E0000 001E3898 943A2DBC

move.l $40A00000, #$00106EFB4(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B137ED6, #$00106EFAC(r14)
move.q $1E3901131C000088, #$00106EFA4(r14)
move.l $B9400036, #$00106EFA0(r14)
move.l $94372236, #$0002A66C8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000380, #$00106EF98(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400380, #$00106EF90(r14)
move.q $1C0001488B08037C, #$00106EF88(r14)
move.l $943A2DBC, #$0001E3898(r14)
#03d XP Multiplier (9x)
040E0000 0106EFB4 41100000
080E0000 0106EFAC D65F03C0 1B137ED6
080E0000 0106EFA4 1E390113 1C000088
040E0000 0106EFA0 B9400036
040E0000 002A66C8 94372236
080E0000 0106EF98 D65F03C0 BD000380
080E0000 0106EF90 1E280800 BD400380
080E0000 0106EF88 1C000148 8B08037C
040E0000 001E3898 943A2DBC

move.l $41100000, #$00106EFB4(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B137ED6, #$00106EFAC(r14)
move.q $1E3901131C000088, #$00106EFA4(r14)
move.l $B9400036, #$00106EFA0(r14)
move.l $94372236, #$0002A66C8(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000380, #$00106EF98(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400380, #$00106EF90(r14)
move.q $1C0001488B08037C, #$00106EF88(r14)
move.l $943A2DBC, #$0001E3898(r14)
#04a Class Rank Raising Rate (2x)
040E0000 0106EF84 40000000
080E0000 0106EF7C D65F03C0 BD000780
080E0000 0106EF74 1E280800 BD400780
080E0000 0106EF6C 1C0000A8 F81CC3A9
040E0000 001E389C 943A2DB4

move.l $40000000, #$00106EF84(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000780, #$00106EF7C(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400780, #$00106EF74(r14)
move.q $1C0000A8F81CC3A9, #$00106EF6C(r14)
move.l $943A2DB4, #$0001E389C(r14)
#04b Class Rank Raising Rate (3x)
040E0000 0106EF84 40400000
080E0000 0106EF7C D65F03C0 BD000780
080E0000 0106EF74 1E280800 BD400780
080E0000 0106EF6C 1C0000A8 F81CC3A9
040E0000 001E389C 943A2DB4

move.l $40400000, #$00106EF84(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000780, #$00106EF7C(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400780, #$00106EF74(r14)
move.q $1C0000A8F81CC3A9, #$00106EF6C(r14)
move.l $943A2DB4, #$0001E389C(r14)
#04c ★ Class Rank Raising Rate (5x)
040E0000 0106EF84 40A00000
080E0000 0106EF7C D65F03C0 BD000780
080E0000 0106EF74 1E280800 BD400780
080E0000 0106EF6C 1C0000A8 F81CC3A9
040E0000 001E389C 943A2DB4

move.l $40A00000, #$00106EF84(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000780, #$00106EF7C(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400780, #$00106EF74(r14)
move.q $1C0000A8F81CC3A9, #$00106EF6C(r14)
move.l $943A2DB4, #$0001E389C(r14)
#04d Class Rank Raising Rate (9x)
040E0000 0106EF84 41100000
080E0000 0106EF7C D65F03C0 BD000780
080E0000 0106EF74 1E280800 BD400780
080E0000 0106EF6C 1C0000A8 F81CC3A9
040E0000 001E389C 943A2DB4

move.l $41100000, #$00106EF84(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000780, #$00106EF7C(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400780, #$00106EF74(r14)
move.q $1C0000A8F81CC3A9, #$00106EF6C(r14)
move.l $943A2DB4, #$0001E389C(r14)
#05a Locked Class Icon Filling Rate (2x)
040E0000 0106EF68 40000000
080E0000 0106EF60 D65F03C0 BD000B80
080E0000 0106EF58 1E280800 BD400B80
080E0000 0106EF50 1C0000A8 2A1F03F3
040E0000 001E38AC 943A2DA9

move.l $40000000, #$00106EF68(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000B80, #$00106EF60(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400B80, #$00106EF58(r14)
move.q $1C0000A82A1F03F3, #$00106EF50(r14)
move.l $943A2DA9, #$0001E38AC(r14)
#05b Locked Class Icon Filling Rate (3x)
040E0000 0106EF68 40400000
080E0000 0106EF60 D65F03C0 BD000B80
080E0000 0106EF58 1E280800 BD400B80
080E0000 0106EF50 1C0000A8 2A1F03F3
040E0000 001E38AC 943A2DA9

move.l $40400000, #$00106EF68(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000B80, #$00106EF60(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400B80, #$00106EF58(r14)
move.q $1C0000A82A1F03F3, #$00106EF50(r14)
move.l $943A2DA9, #$0001E38AC(r14)
#05c ★ Locked Class Icon Filling Rate (5x)
040E0000 0106EF68 40A00000
080E0000 0106EF60 D65F03C0 BD000B80
080E0000 0106EF58 1E280800 BD400B80
080E0000 0106EF50 1C0000A8 2A1F03F3
040E0000 001E38AC 943A2DA9

move.l $40A00000, #$00106EF68(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000B80, #$00106EF60(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400B80, #$00106EF58(r14)
move.q $1C0000A82A1F03F3, #$00106EF50(r14)
move.l $943A2DA9, #$0001E38AC(r14)
#05d Locked Class Icon Filling Rate (9x)
040E0000 0106EF68 41100000
080E0000 0106EF60 D65F03C0 BD000B80
080E0000 0106EF58 1E280800 BD400B80
080E0000 0106EF50 1C0000A8 2A1F03F3
040E0000 001E38AC 943A2DA9

move.l $41100000, #$00106EF68(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD000B80, #$00106EF60(r14)
move.q $1E280800BD400B80, #$00106EF58(r14)
move.q $1C0000A82A1F03F3, #$00106EF50(r14)
move.l $943A2DA9, #$0001E38AC(r14)
#06. ★ Class Ascension unlock (Break LV10 to LV20)
040E0000 002A5C98 5280029B
080E0000 00564254 39006109 52800029
040E0000 0056425C 7200013F

move.l $5280029B, #$0002A5C98(r14)
move.q $3900610952800029, #$000564254(r14)
move.l $7200013F, #$00056425C(r14)
#07a Items Pick up Distance (3x)
040E0000 0106EF4C 40ACCCCD
080E0000 0106EF44 D65F03C0 1C000048
040E0000 0092DBEC 941D04D6

move.l $40ACCCCD, #$00106EF4C(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01C000048, #$00106EF44(r14)
move.l $941D04D6, #$00092DBEC(r14)
#07b Items Pick up Distance (9x)
040E0000 0106EF4C 4181999A
080E0000 0106EF44 D65F03C0 1C000048
040E0000 0092DBEC 941D04D6

move.l $4181999A, #$00106EF4C(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01C000048, #$00106EF44(r14)
move.l $941D04D6, #$00092DBEC(r14)
#07c ★ Items Pick up Distance (27x)
040E0000 0106EF4C 42426666
080E0000 0106EF44 D65F03C0 1C000048
040E0000 0092DBEC 941D04D6

move.l $42426666, #$00106EF4C(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01C000048, #$00106EF44(r14)
move.l $941D04D6, #$00092DBEC(r14)
#07d Items Pick up Distance (100x)
040E0000 0106EF4C 43340000
080E0000 0106EF44 D65F03C0 1C000048
040E0000 0092DBEC 941D04D6

move.l $43340000, #$00106EF4C(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01C000048, #$00106EF44(r14)
move.l $941D04D6, #$00092DBEC(r14)
#07e Items Pick up Distance (10000x)
040E0000 0106EF4C 468CA000
080E0000 0106EF44 D65F03C0 1C000048
040E0000 0092DBEC 941D04D6

move.l $468CA000, #$00106EF4C(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01C000048, #$00106EF44(r14)
move.l $941D04D6, #$00092DBEC(r14)
#08a Movement Speed (hold Y = 2x)
040E0000 0106EF40 3F800000
040E0000 0106EF40 40000000
080E0000 0106EF38 D65F03C0 1E280821
080E0000 0106EF30 1C000068 1E280821
040E0000 0094EE60 941C8034

move.l $3F800000, #$00106EF40(r14)
if Y
move.l $40000000, #$00106EF40(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E280821, #$00106EF38(r14)
move.q $1C0000681E280821, #$00106EF30(r14)
move.l $941C8034, #$00094EE60(r14)
#08b Movement Speed (hold Y = 3X)
040E0000 0106EF40 3F800000
040E0000 0106EF40 40400000
080E0000 0106EF38 D65F03C0 1E280821
080E0000 0106EF30 1C000068 1E280821
040E0000 0094EE60 941C8034

move.l $3F800000, #$00106EF40(r14)
if Y
move.l $40400000, #$00106EF40(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E280821, #$00106EF38(r14)
move.q $1C0000681E280821, #$00106EF30(r14)
move.l $941C8034, #$00094EE60(r14)
#08c ★ Movement Speed (1.2x & hold Y = 5X)
040E0000 0106EF40 3F99999A
040E0000 0106EF40 40A00000
080E0000 0106EF38 D65F03C0 1E280821
080E0000 0106EF30 1C000068 1E280821
040E0000 0094EE60 941C8034

move.l $3F99999A, #$00106EF40(r14)
if Y
move.l $40A00000, #$00106EF40(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E280821, #$00106EF38(r14)
move.q $1C0000681E280821, #$00106EF30(r14)
move.l $941C8034, #$00094EE60(r14)
#08d Movement Speed (1.5x & hold Y = 10X)
040E0000 0106EF40 3FC00000
040E0000 0106EF40 41200000
080E0000 0106EF38 D65F03C0 1E280821
080E0000 0106EF30 1C000068 1E280821
040E0000 0094EE60 941C8034

move.l $3FC00000, #$00106EF40(r14)
if Y
move.l $41200000, #$00106EF40(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E280821, #$00106EF38(r14)
move.q $1C0000681E280821, #$00106EF30(r14)
move.l $941C8034, #$00094EE60(r14)
#08e Movement Speed (2x & hold Y = 20X)
040E0000 0106EF40 40000000
040E0000 0106EF40 41A00000
080E0000 0106EF38 D65F03C0 1E280821
080E0000 0106EF30 1C000068 1E280821
040E0000 0094EE60 941C8034

move.l $40000000, #$00106EF40(r14)
if Y
move.l $41A00000, #$00106EF40(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E280821, #$00106EF38(r14)
move.q $1C0000681E280821, #$00106EF30(r14)
move.l $941C8034, #$00094EE60(r14)
#09. ★ Moon Jump (Hold B)
040E0000 0106EF2C 00000000
080E0000 0106EF24 D65F03C0 4D008100
080E0000 0106EF1C BD0037E2 54000040
080E0000 0106EF14 1E252040 1C0000C2
080E0000 0106EF0C 540000A5 1E252040
080E0000 0106EF04 BD4037E2 1E2703E5
080E0000 0106EEFC 54000121 F10AE01F
080E0000 0106EEF4 92402C00 F9400000
080E0000 0106EEEC B40001A0 F9400800
040E0000 0106EEE8 F9400A60
040E0000 00951C44 941C74A9
040E0000 0106EF2C 3ECCCCCD
040E0000 0106EF2C 00000000

move.l $00000000, #$00106EF2C(r14)
move.q $D65F03C04D008100, #$00106EF24(r14)
move.q $BD0037E254000040, #$00106EF1C(r14)
move.q $1E2520401C0000C2, #$00106EF14(r14)
move.q $540000A51E252040, #$00106EF0C(r14)
move.q $BD4037E21E2703E5, #$00106EF04(r14)
move.q $54000121F10AE01F, #$00106EEFC(r14)
move.q $92402C00F9400000, #$00106EEF4(r14)
move.q $B40001A0F9400800, #$00106EEEC(r14)
move.l $F9400A60, #$00106EEE8(r14)
move.l $941C74A9, #$000951C44(r14)
if B
move.l $3ECCCCCD, #$00106EF2C(r14)
if ZL
move.l $00000000, #$00106EF2C(r14)
#10. ★ Fall Damage -1 only
040E0000 00980ECC 52800028

move.l $52800028, #$000980ECC(r14)
#11. ★ No Cooldown Arts
080E0000 0106EEE0 D65F03C0 BD001268
080E0000 0106EED8 54000040 F137429F
080E0000 0106EED0 92402E94 F9400294
080E0000 0106EEC8 F85D8294 F9400274
040E0000 00190D2C 943B7867

move.q $D65F03C0BD001268, #$00106EEE0(r14)
move.q $54000040F137429F, #$00106EED8(r14)
move.q $92402E94F9400294, #$00106EED0(r14)
move.q $F85D8294F9400274, #$00106EEC8(r14)
move.l $943B7867, #$000190D2C(r14)
#12. ★ Max Arts Gauges
080E0000 0106EEC0 D65F03C0 BD001300
040E0000 0106EEBC 1E2E1000
040E0000 00225A38 94392521

move.q $D65F03C0BD001300, #$00106EEC0(r14)
move.l $1E2E1000, #$00106EEBC(r14)
move.l $94392521, #$000225A38(r14)
#13. ★ Max Chain Attack Gauge
040E0000 001978C8 1E204120

move.l $1E204120, #$0001978C8(r14)
#14a Interlinking Heat keep Max
040E0000 0106EEB8 00000001
040E0000 0021A944 1E213820
080E0000 0106EEB0 D65F03C0 BD002660
080E0000 0106EEA8 5400004A 1E292020
080E0000 0106EEA0 1E212801 14000004
080E0000 0106EE98 1E2703E0 14000006
080E0000 0106EE90 1E213920 371000A8
080E0000 0106EE88 37080088 BD402A69
080E0000 0106EE80 1E249001 180001C8
040E0000 0021ACC4 9439506F

move.l $00000001, #$00106EEB8(r14)
move.l $1E213820, #$00021A944(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD002660, #$00106EEB0(r14)
move.q $5400004A1E292020, #$00106EEA8(r14)
move.q $1E21280114000004, #$00106EEA0(r14)
move.q $1E2703E014000006, #$00106EE98(r14)
move.q $1E213920371000A8, #$00106EE90(r14)
move.q $37080088BD402A69, #$00106EE88(r14)
move.q $1E249001180001C8, #$00106EE80(r14)
move.l $9439506F, #$00021ACC4(r14)
#14b Interlinking Heat keep Min
040E0000 0106EEB8 00000002
040E0000 0021A944 1E213820
080E0000 0106EEB0 D65F03C0 BD002660
080E0000 0106EEA8 5400004A 1E292020
080E0000 0106EEA0 1E212801 14000004
080E0000 0106EE98 1E2703E0 14000006
080E0000 0106EE90 1E213920 371000A8
080E0000 0106EE88 37080088 BD402A69
080E0000 0106EE80 1E249001 180001C8
040E0000 0021ACC4 9439506F

move.l $00000002, #$00106EEB8(r14)
move.l $1E213820, #$00021A944(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD002660, #$00106EEB0(r14)
move.q $5400004A1E292020, #$00106EEA8(r14)
move.q $1E21280114000004, #$00106EEA0(r14)
move.q $1E2703E014000006, #$00106EE98(r14)
move.q $1E213920371000A8, #$00106EE90(r14)
move.q $37080088BD402A69, #$00106EE88(r14)
move.q $1E249001180001C8, #$00106EE80(r14)
move.l $9439506F, #$00021ACC4(r14)
#14c ★ Interlinking Normal without Over Heat
040E0000 0106EEB8 00000003
040E0000 0021A944 1E213820
080E0000 0106EEB0 D65F03C0 BD002660
080E0000 0106EEA8 5400004A 1E292020
080E0000 0106EEA0 1E212801 14000004
080E0000 0106EE98 1E2703E0 14000006
080E0000 0106EE90 1E213920 371000A8
080E0000 0106EE88 37080088 BD402A69
080E0000 0106EE80 1E249001 180001C8
040E0000 0021ACC4 9439506F

move.l $00000003, #$00106EEB8(r14)
move.l $1E213820, #$00021A944(r14)
move.q $D65F03C0BD002660, #$00106EEB0(r14)
move.q $5400004A1E292020, #$00106EEA8(r14)
move.q $1E21280114000004, #$00106EEA0(r14)
move.q $1E2703E014000006, #$00106EE98(r14)
move.q $1E213920371000A8, #$00106EE90(r14)
move.q $37080088BD402A69, #$00106EE88(r14)
move.q $1E249001180001C8, #$00106EE80(r14)
move.l $9439506F, #$00021ACC4(r14)
#15. Money does not reduce
040E0000 008ADFB8 D503201F
040E0000 00292BFC 2A1F03F5

move.l $D503201F, #$0008ADFB8(r14)
move.l $2A1F03F5, #$000292BFC(r14)
#16. ★ Soul Point (SP) Multiplier (4x)
040E0000 0027E9BC 0B010908

move.l $0B010908, #$00027E9BC(r14)
#17. ★ Soul Point (SP) no reduction
080E0000 0106EE78 D65F03C0 B9000008
040E0000 0106EE74 37F80041
040E0000 0027E9D0 1437C129

move.q $D65F03C0B9000008, #$00106EE78(r14)
move.l $37F80041, #$00106EE74(r14)
move.l $1437C129, #$00027E9D0(r14)
#18a Affinity Points Multiplier (3X)
040E0000 0106EE70 00000003
080E0000 0106EE68 D65F03C0 1B147C54
040E0000 0106EE64 18000074
040E0000 0029B100 94374F59

move.l $00000003, #$00106EE70(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B147C54, #$00106EE68(r14)
move.l $18000074, #$00106EE64(r14)
move.l $94374F59, #$00029B100(r14)
#18b ★ Affinity Points Multiplier (5X)
040E0000 0106EE70 00000005
080E0000 0106EE68 D65F03C0 1B147C54
040E0000 0106EE64 18000074
040E0000 0029B100 94374F59

move.l $00000005, #$00106EE70(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B147C54, #$00106EE68(r14)
move.l $18000074, #$00106EE64(r14)
move.l $94374F59, #$00029B100(r14)
#18c Affinity Points Multiplier (8X)
040E0000 0106EE70 00000008
080E0000 0106EE68 D65F03C0 1B147C54
040E0000 0106EE64 18000074
040E0000 0029B100 94374F59

move.l $00000008, #$00106EE70(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B147C54, #$00106EE68(r14)
move.l $18000074, #$00106EE64(r14)
move.l $94374F59, #$00029B100(r14)
#19a ★ Items, Coins, Ether and Money multiplier (3X)
040E0000 0106EE60 00000003
080E0000 0106EE58 D65F03C0 1B137C53
040E0000 0106EE54 18000073
040E0000 002858D8 9437A55F

move.l $00000003, #$00106EE60(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B137C53, #$00106EE58(r14)
move.l $18000073, #$00106EE54(r14)
move.l $9437A55F, #$0002858D8(r14)
#19b Items, Coins, Ether and Money multiplier (5X)
040E0000 0106EE60 00000005
080E0000 0106EE58 D65F03C0 1B137C53
040E0000 0106EE54 18000073
040E0000 002858D8 9437A55F

move.l $00000005, #$00106EE60(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B137C53, #$00106EE58(r14)
move.l $18000073, #$00106EE54(r14)
move.l $9437A55F, #$0002858D8(r14)
#19c Items, Coins, Ether and Money multiplier (8X)
040E0000 0106EE60 00000008
080E0000 0106EE58 D65F03C0 1B137C53
040E0000 0106EE54 18000073
040E0000 002858D8 9437A55F

move.l $00000008, #$00106EE60(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01B137C53, #$00106EE58(r14)
move.l $18000073, #$00106EE54(r14)
move.l $9437A55F, #$0002858D8(r14)
#20a Meal Effects Duration multiplier (3X)
040E0000 0106EE50 00000003
080E0000 0106EE48 D65F03C0 1E230120
080E0000 0106EE40 1B087D29 18000088
040E0000 0029EC80 94374070

move.l $00000003, #$00106EE50(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E230120, #$00106EE48(r14)
move.q $1B087D2918000088, #$00106EE40(r14)
move.l $94374070, #$00029EC80(r14)
#20b ★ Meal Effects Duration multiplier (5X)
040E0000 0106EE50 00000005
080E0000 0106EE48 D65F03C0 1E230120
080E0000 0106EE40 1B087D29 18000088
040E0000 0029EC80 94374070

move.l $00000005, #$00106EE50(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E230120, #$00106EE48(r14)
move.q $1B087D2918000088, #$00106EE40(r14)
move.l $94374070, #$00029EC80(r14)
#20c Meal Effects Duration multiplier (8X)
040E0000 0106EE50 00000008
080E0000 0106EE48 D65F03C0 1E230120
080E0000 0106EE40 1B087D29 18000088
040E0000 0029EC80 94374070

move.l $00000008, #$00106EE50(r14)
move.q $D65F03C01E230120, #$00106EE48(r14)
move.q $1B087D2918000088, #$00106EE40(r14)
move.l $94374070, #$00029EC80(r14)
#21. ★ Nopon Coins no reduction and display 999
040E0000 004F3DE0 D503201F
080E0000 0106EE38 D65F03C0 52807CEA
080E0000 0106EE30 54000041 6B01027F
080E0000 0106EE28 5287DB61 54000080
080E0000 0106EE20 6B01027F 5287DB41
040E0000 0106EE1C 785FE10A
040E0000 00284F1C 9437A7C0

move.l $D503201F, #$0004F3DE0(r14)
move.q $D65F03C052807CEA, #$00106EE38(r14)
move.q $540000416B01027F, #$00106EE30(r14)
move.q $5287DB6154000080, #$00106EE28(r14)
move.q $6B01027F5287DB41, #$00106EE20(r14)
move.l $785FE10A, #$00106EE1C(r14)
move.l $9437A7C0, #$000284F1C(r14)
#22. ★ Ignore LVs Difference (Gain XP and ClassXP)
040E0000 001E3C90 2A0803E9

move.l $2A0803E9, #$0001E3C90(r14)
#23. Unlock all Classes
040E0000 004ED78C 52800028
040E0000 0025E980 52800000
040E0000 004ED840 D2800040

move.l $52800028, #$0004ED78C(r14)
move.l $52800000, #$00025E980(r14)
move.l $D2800040, #$0004ED840(r14)
#24. ★ No Quests Require Items
040E0000 008525FC D503201F
040E0000 004F0C08 52800C60
040E0000 00547824 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$0008525FC(r14)
move.l $52800C60, #$0004F0C08(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$000547824(r14)
#25. ★ Can change to any LV in Rest Spot
040E0000 0061B4E0 52800028
040E0000 007791C8 52800020
040E0000 0061B504 52800C60

move.l $52800028, #$00061B4E0(r14)
move.l $52800020, #$0007791C8(r14)
move.l $52800C60, #$00061B504(r14)
#26. ★ Can use most Acts and Skills
040E0000 0028C1E8 D503201F
040E0000 0028C218 D503201F
040E0000 0028C3E4 D503201F
040E0000 0028C3FC D503201F
040E0000 0028C33C D503201F
040E0000 0028C4AC D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$00028C1E8(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$00028C218(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$00028C3E4(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$00028C3FC(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$00028C33C(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$00028C4AC(r14)
#27. ★ Complete the achievement of all Soul Hack Arts or Skills
080E0000 0106EE14 D65F03C0 B8296900
040E0000 0106EE10 12800000
040E0000 0026F164 9437FF2B
040E0000 0026F288 12800008

move.q $D65F03C0B8296900, #$00106EE14(r14)
move.l $12800000, #$00106EE10(r14)
move.l $9437FF2B, #$00026F164(r14)
move.l $12800008, #$00026F288(r14)
#28. ★ All Map Open
080E0000 002999CC D65F03C0 52800020

move.q $D65F03C052800020, #$0002999CC(r14)
#29. ★ All Unique Monsters are Dead (Graves Exist)
040E0000 0027B8D8 52800028

move.l $52800028, #$00027B8D8(r14)
#30. Passing Locked or Dead Quests (HOLD L3)
040E0000 0106EE0C 00000000
040E0000 0106EE0C 00000001
080E0000 0106EE04 D61F0100 D65F03C0
080E0000 0106EDFC 52800020 34000076
040E0000 0106EDF8 180000B6
040E0000 00297794 94375D99

move.l $00000000, #$00106EE0C(r14)
if LeftStick
move.l $00000001, #$00106EE0C(r14)
move.q $D61F0100D65F03C0, #$00106EE04(r14)
move.q $5280002034000076, #$00106EDFC(r14)
move.l $180000B6, #$00106EDF8(r14)
move.l $94375D99, #$000297794(r14)
@@ FIX @@ Unlocked Class Icon cannot be Filled Fully
040E0000 001E40F0 D503201F
040E0000 001E4150 D503201F
040E0000 002A5E40 D503201F

move.l $D503201F, #$0001E40F0(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$0001E4150(r14)
move.l $D503201F, #$0002A5E40(r14)
@@ FIX @@ Set -Art of Flow- (ID#3EF7) to 1
080E0000 0106EDF0 D65F03C0 79401933
080E0000 0106EDE8 79001933 52800033
080E0000 0106EDE0 54000061 6B08027F
080E0000 0106EDD8 5287DEF3 79400128
040E0000 004F05BC 942DFA07

move.q $D65F03C079401933, #$00106EDF0(r14)
move.q $7900193352800033, #$00106EDE8(r14)
move.q $540000616B08027F, #$00106EDE0(r14)
move.q $5287DEF379400128, #$00106EDD8(r14)
move.l $942DFA07, #$0004F05BC(r14)
@@ FIX @@ Clear Colony Iota Goods (ID#868)
080E0000 0106EDD0 D65F03C0 785FE10A
080E0000 0106EDC8 781FE11F 54000041
040E0000 0106EDC4 7121A27F
040E0000 00284ED8 9437A7BB

move.q $D65F03C0785FE10A, #$00106EDD0(r14)
move.q $781FE11F54000041, #$00106EDC8(r14)
move.l $7121A27F, #$00106EDC4(r14)
move.l $9437A7BB, #$000284ED8(r14)
Restore Code (use after uncheck any above cheats)
040E0000 001CF918 B9401408
040E0000 001CF91C B9001268
040E0000 001E3898 8B08037C
040E0000 001E389C F81CC3A9
040E0000 001E38AC 2A1F03F3
040E0000 002A5C98 1A88013B
080E0000 00564254 39406108 52800149
040E0000 0056425C 7200011F
040E0000 0092DBEC BD4A72A8
040E0000 0094EE60 1E280821
040E0000 00980ECC 1E390008
040E0000 00190D2C BD001268
040E0000 00225A38 BD401300
040E0000 001978C8 BD442260
040E0000 0021ACC4 BD002660
040E0000 008ADFB8 B938C668
040E0000 00292BFC 2A0103F5
040E0000 0027E9BC 0B010108
040E0000 0027E9D0 B9000008
040E0000 0029B100 2A0203F4
040E0000 002858D8 2A0203F3
040E0000 0029EC80 1E230120
040E0000 004F3DE0 97F64824
040E0000 00284F1C 785FE10A
040E0000 001E3C90 394026E9
040E0000 004ED78C 39405908
040E0000 0025E980 12003C00
040E0000 004ED840 AA1F03E0
040E0000 008525FC 97E8CE1D
040E0000 004F0C08 1A8833E0
040E0000 00547824 97F4F578
040E0000 0061B4E0 39409688
040E0000 007791C8 97F7F38E
040E0000 0061B504 97F22723
040E0000 0028C1E8 54FFFF41
040E0000 0028C218 54FFFDC8
040E0000 0028C3E4 54FFFF41
040E0000 0028C3FC 54FFFE88
040E0000 0028C33C 54FFFF01
040E0000 0028C4AC 54FFFF01
040E0000 0026F164 B8696900
040E0000 0026F288 B8696908
080E0000 002999CC 2A1F03E0 AA0003E8
040E0000 0027B8D8 38696908
040E0000 00297794 D63F0100
040E0000 001E40F0 35FFFF29
040E0000 001E4150 35FFFF2B
040E0000 002A5E40 35FFFF08
040E0000 004F05BC 79401933
040E0000 00284ED8 785FE10A

move.l $B9401408, #$0001CF918(r14)
move.l $B9001268, #$0001CF91C(r14)
move.l $8B08037C, #$0001E3898(r14)
move.l $F81CC3A9, #$0001E389C(r14)
move.l $2A1F03F3, #$0001E38AC(r14)
move.l $1A88013B, #$0002A5C98(r14)
move.q $3940610852800149, #$000564254(r14)
move.l $7200011F, #$00056425C(r14)
move.l $BD4A72A8, #$00092DBEC(r14)
move.l $1E280821, #$00094EE60(r14)
move.l $1E390008, #$000980ECC(r14)
move.l $BD001268, #$000190D2C(r14)
move.l $BD401300, #$000225A38(r14)
move.l $BD442260, #$0001978C8(r14)
move.l $BD002660, #$00021ACC4(r14)
move.l $B938C668, #$0008ADFB8(r14)
move.l $2A0103F5, #$000292BFC(r14)
move.l $0B010108, #$00027E9BC(r14)
move.l $B9000008, #$00027E9D0(r14)
move.l $2A0203F4, #$00029B100(r14)
move.l $2A0203F3, #$0002858D8(r14)
move.l $1E230120, #$00029EC80(r14)
move.l $97F64824, #$0004F3DE0(r14)
move.l $785FE10A, #$000284F1C(r14)
move.l $394026E9, #$0001E3C90(r14)
move.l $39405908, #$0004ED78C(r14)
move.l $12003C00, #$00025E980(r14)
move.l $AA1F03E0, #$0004ED840(r14)
move.l $97E8CE1D, #$0008525FC(r14)
move.l $1A8833E0, #$0004F0C08(r14)
move.l $97F4F578, #$000547824(r14)
move.l $39409688, #$00061B4E0(r14)
move.l $97F7F38E, #$0007791C8(r14)
move.l $97F22723, #$00061B504(r14)
move.l $54FFFF41, #$00028C1E8(r14)
move.l $54FFFDC8, #$00028C218(r14)
move.l $54FFFF41, #$00028C3E4(r14)
move.l $54FFFE88, #$00028C3FC(r14)
move.l $54FFFF01, #$00028C33C(r14)
move.l $54FFFF01, #$00028C4AC(r14)
move.l $B8696900, #$00026F164(r14)
move.l $B8696908, #$00026F288(r14)
move.q $2A1F03E0AA0003E8, #$0002999CC(r14)
move.l $38696908, #$00027B8D8(r14)
move.l $D63F0100, #$000297794(r14)
move.l $35FFFF29, #$0001E40F0(r14)
move.l $35FFFF2B, #$0001E4150(r14)
move.l $35FFFF08, #$0002A5E40(r14)
move.l $79401933, #$0004F05BC(r14)
move.l $785FE10A, #$000284ED8(r14)
This set of cheats is created by xelxel, enjoy!


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