Games Used
Pokémon Quest
Super Kirby Smash
Software Needed
This is my personal setup. Always try to get the latest version of the software and make sure to read the developer's notes on how to set up their software (this will greatly ease your use of future updates).
JNoExsClient This runs on your computer
NoExes (or NoExs, they are the same program just a typo by the developer) This goes into your cfw as a sysmodule. (This allows dumping the game's memory into a usable form)
EdiZon-SE This will be launch through your cfw as a Home brew App.
Breeze(Soon?) Experimental, not all feature enable at time of writing. This will be launch through your cfw as a Home brew App.
PointerSearcher-SE This will be launched on your computer. This will be important when we actually start creating cheats after finding the memory address.
These programs are just a base-line, as there are many programs that can accomplish each of these tasks. This guide will focus on these programs as a start point. If you find a program that works better for you, then please use it! Most of the programs I use are developed or worked on by TomSwitch (also known as TomVita). I personally prefer these to other programs due to the amount of updates TomSwitch puts out. Now, I'll go over each program and how it will be used.
EdiZon-SE or Breeze
EdiZon-SE or Breeze are home brew apps that run on your Switch. This will allow us find values in memory, edit them, create simple cheats, or test cheats. You may already have this app and have used some of it's features. For now we are going to ignore the cheat management tools built into these tools, and focus instead on the search and memory viewer functions. You will need to be in Expert Mode to see these functions, so please enable it. The search function allows you to tell the searcher how, what, where, and the value you want to search for. The first thing you need to figure out is what type of a value you are searching for. Next is the Mode. This tells the program what you are looking for. Here is a list with explanations of each type of search:
Group 1, these are better at finding known or semi-unknown values A. == Equals, this searches an exact value B. > Greater than, this searches for a value more positive or larger than the value entered C. < Less than, this searches for a value more negative or smaller than the value entered D. A..B Between, search for a value between two values (easily the most overlooked search function!)
Group 2, these are better at finding unknown values E. Unknown Unknown, this searches for any value that is different (I usually start with this if I am having trouble finding a value) F. ?- or -- Decrease, search for a value that is less than the previous search G. ?+ or ++ Increase, search for a value that is greater than the previous search H. != Not Equal, search for a value that is not equal to the value entered (great for getting rid of 0 or null values) I. Same Same, search for a value that has not changed from previous search
Group 3, Misc J. StateA & K. StateB These two I would not worry about, I've only used them on PC games to find encrypted values and I haven't seen any on the switch. L. PTR Search for pointer values, I do not recommend, much easier to use PointerSearcher.exe
Now we have the region of memory we want to search. If you know what region of memory you are looking for, then you can narrow it down or expand it here. RAM let's you search all of RAM, making it very useful for finding values that are otherwise not able to be found through the other searches. Last we have Value. This is where you will tell the program what number you want as a reference for your mode. We will go into this more in the Known Values Searches section. The Memory Viewer is the other important use of Edizon-SE. This will allow you to look at a memory region and see what is around it. If you found something like the player's HP, look at it in the memory, you may find that the other character's stats are right next to it! No need to search for all of them individually! The important thing about this app is to look at the bottom of the screen, it will tell you what shortcuts are available to you and will changed based on where you are and what is selected.
NoExes (or NoExs)
NoExes is a system module that will allow our next 2 programs to have access to the Switch's RAM. As long as this system module is running, it will allow one of the other 2 programs to connect to it. You cannot connect both programs to this module at the same time. Simply by making sure this module is running (use Edizon-SE's or Breeze's Sysmodule manager) will allow the other programs to fully function.
This program will be covered more in the Intermediate section of the guide where we will be creating cheats!
This is our PC's version of Edizon-SE. It has several functions, some of them more useful than others. In this guide we will only be using the Tools Tab, the Memory Viewer Tab, and the Watchlist tab. Once you connect JNoExsClient to your Switch's NoExes system module (can be done if both devices are connected over local wi-fi, as I do not suggest trying the USB connect since even if you can get it to work, it tends to crash more often), and you select your game's process, the client will unlock most of the features in the window. This is another program we will go over more in the Intermediate Guide.