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  • Game Id: 0100D250083B4000
  • Genres: Action RPG
  • Publisher: Ska Studios
  • Publisher: Ska Studios

Salt and Sanctuary

盐与避难所 v1.0.3

捡取或使用金钱后777777777//Pick or Use Gold 777777777
04000000 00DE5F60 52A5CB6A
04000000 00DE5F64 729E4E2A
04000000 00DE5F68 2A0A03E9
04000000 00DE5FA4 52A5CB69
04000000 00DE5FA8 729E4E29
04000000 00DE5FAC 2A0903E1
04000000 00ED597C 52A5CB68
04000000 00ED5980 729E4E28
move.l $52A5CB6A, #$000DE5F60(r0)
move.l $729E4E2A, #$000DE5F64(r0)
move.l $2A0A03E9, #$000DE5F68(r0)
move.l $52A5CB69, #$000DE5FA4(r0)
move.l $729E4E29, #$000DE5FA8(r0)
move.l $2A0903E1, #$000DE5FAC(r0)
move.l $52A5CB68, #$000ED597C(r0)
move.l $729E4E28, #$000ED5980(r0)
捡取或使用盐后777777777//Pick or Use Salt 777777777
04000000 011B038C 52A5CB69
04000000 011B0390 729E4E29
04000000 011B0394 2A0903E8
04000000 011B03A8 52A5CB69
04000000 011B03AC 729E4E29
04000000 011B03B0 2A0903E8
04000000 011AFD20 52A5CB68
04000000 011AFD24 729E4E28
move.l $52A5CB69, #$0011B038C(r0)
move.l $729E4E29, #$0011B0390(r0)
move.l $2A0903E8, #$0011B0394(r0)
move.l $52A5CB69, #$0011B03A8(r0)
move.l $729E4E29, #$0011B03AC(r0)
move.l $2A0903E8, #$0011B03B0(r0)
move.l $52A5CB68, #$0011AFD20(r0)
move.l $729E4E28, #$0011AFD24(r0)
HP不减//Inf HP
04000000 013FAE00 4EA01C08
04000000 013FAE04 F9401415
04000000 013FAE08 B9402EB3
04000000 013FAE0C 7100027F
04000000 013FAE10 54000041
04000000 013FAE14 1E283908
04000000 013FAE18 D65F03C0
04000000 013FAE1C 54009A11
04000000 009D35DC 94289E09
move.l $4EA01C08, #$0013FAE00(r0)
move.l $F9401415, #$0013FAE04(r0)
move.l $B9402EB3, #$0013FAE08(r0)
move.l $7100027F, #$0013FAE0C(r0)
move.l $54000041, #$0013FAE10(r0)
move.l $1E283908, #$0013FAE14(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0013FAE18(r0)
move.l $54009A11, #$0013FAE1C(r0)
move.l $94289E09, #$0009D35DC(r0)
气力不减//Inf Stamina
04000000 009CCF08 2A0003E0
04000000 009CCF34 2A0003E0
move.l $2A0003E0, #$0009CCF08(r0)
move.l $2A0003E0, #$0009CCF34(r0)
专注保持最大//Focus Max
04000000 009CCFB0 1E203800

move.l $1E203800, #$0009CCFB0(r0)
秒杀//Instant Kill
04000000 013FAE20 BD412100
04000000 013FAE24 B9402D09
04000000 013FAE28 7100013F
04000000 013FAE2C 54000040
04000000 013FAE30 1E204008
04000000 013FAE34 D65F03C0
04000000 013FAE38 5400AE8F
04000000 009D35F8 94289E0A

move.l $BD412100, #$0013FAE20(r0)
move.l $B9402D09, #$0013FAE24(r0)
move.l $7100013F, #$0013FAE28(r0)
move.l $54000040, #$0013FAE2C(r0)
move.l $1E204008, #$0013FAE30(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0013FAE34(r0)
move.l $5400AE8F, #$0013FAE38(r0)
move.l $94289E0A, #$0009D35F8(r0)
04000000 013FAE40 BD41AD00
04000000 013FAE44 B9402D09
04000000 013FAE48 7100013F
04000000 013FAE4C 54000041
04000000 013FAE50 1E2A1000
04000000 013FAE54 D65F03C0
04000000 009BE32C 9428F2C5

move.l $BD41AD00, #$0013FAE40(r0)
move.l $B9402D09, #$0013FAE44(r0)
move.l $7100013F, #$0013FAE48(r0)
move.l $54000041, #$0013FAE4C(r0)
move.l $1E2A1000, #$0013FAE50(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0013FAE54(r0)
move.l $9428F2C5, #$0009BE32C(r0)
消费类道具使用不减//Inf Use Item
04000000 011DCB58 52800000
04000000 011DD5E8 52800000

move.l $52800000, #$0011DCB58(r0)
move.l $52800000, #$0011DD5E8(r0)
技能宝珠使用不减//Inf Skill Orb
04000000 011DEBE4 52800013
04000000 011DEE24 52800013

move.l $52800013, #$0011DEBE4(r0)
move.l $52800013, #$0011DEE24(r0)
按住B键飘浮//Hold B Floating
04000000 009CA8F8 BD003D00
04000000 013FAE60 B9402D09
04000000 013FAE64 7100013F
04000000 013FAE68 54000060
04000000 013FAE6C BD003D00
04000000 013FAE70 D65F03C0
04000000 013FAE74 52B86909
04000000 013FAE78 72800009
04000000 013FAE7C B9003D09
04000000 013FAE80 D65F03C0
04000000 009CA8F8 9428C15A
move.l $BD003D00, #$0009CA8F8(r0)
if B
move.l $B9402D09, #$0013FAE60(r0)
move.l $7100013F, #$0013FAE64(r0)
move.l $54000060, #$0013FAE68(r0)
move.l $BD003D00, #$0013FAE6C(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0013FAE70(r0)
move.l $52B86909, #$0013FAE74(r0)
move.l $72800009, #$0013FAE78(r0)
move.l $B9003D09, #$0013FAE7C(r0)
move.l $D65F03C0, #$0013FAE80(r0)
move.l $9428C15A, #$0009CA8F8(r0)

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